>Alex Jones
can somebody give me a basic gestalt of this guy?
>Alex Jones
can somebody give me a basic gestalt of this guy?
Other urls found in this thread:
American patriot from Texas telling the truth about the globalist elite that's hungry for babies and raping kids. WE'RE NOT PUTTING DEAD BABIES IN PEPSI, DAMNIT
globalist false flag
>the Rothschilds bow to him
>the globalists fear him
One more lunatic in a world of 7 billion lunatics. An idiot just like yourself and myself and the next guy and all of our mothers. Fuck this gay earth and let it end now.
he works for my boss
the presidenta man
Obvious disinfo agent. If the FEMA deathcamps guy starts shilling for the establishment you know somethings going on.
I too would like a run down on the guy. The first and only thing I saw of him was on the Joe Rogan podcast amd he seemed fascinating.
He seems to have a very goo memory and capacity for understanding but it seems like his brain is racing a mile a minute and he's overthought everything from too many angles and tries to connect everytgong where connections dobt make sense.
Its a shame cause it seems like he finds some legit dirt every now and then but he spouts it out too quickly or with a faulty conclusion and people write him off as a nut case. Is tgat about right?
>He posts this in every thread for free
>Nobody pays him attention, cries himself to sleep every night
>refreshes the catalogue for several hours a day just to post his image and it's edits
a rapid synopsis on AJ
>Infowars owned by Warner
>AJ is a disinfo agent made to divert peoples' attention from actual conspiracy theories, notice how all the conspiracy forums on the internet have now been taken over by Trumplets and they rarely discuss anything other than muh shillary or some flavor of the month garbage disseminated by bydlos
>''''''infiltrated'''''' Bohemian Grove twice
>worshiped by 13 year old edgy memers the world over
>this is the kind of salt we can expect for the next 4 years
b r i l l i a n t
he's a nutcase huckster, obviously
of course, if you were willing to concede this you'd never have made the thread
an angel sent from baby jesus to fight Satan who is making interdimensional psychic vampires to suck the life out of our CHILDREN.
>8 years
Watch this:
humble yet opinionated water filter salesman
sm[/spoiler] h desu senpai
Dank facebook memes for your crazy auntie.
enjoy being stuck behind the wall when the death camps open. alex got his pass.. lol.
Why wouldn't he be shilling for the "establishment" now that the candidate he has supported since the primaries won?
Well, what are the "actual" conspiracy theories? Russian hackers hacking the US election?
Are you really this proud of that thing?
>>same goldmannsacks running shit
gee why ever?
are you really THAT triggered by it?
He is CIA. Part of a counter-intelligence program. Basically just feeds you lies to keep you distracted from real shit.
One of the few true patriots left in this world. The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on the male vitality thing he sells
German here:
What the hell do Americans think Gestalt means?
Why does that need to be a image
He's the prime example of jews' "make the wrong person say the right things" method.
>tfw you swallowed the infowar pill
It means whatever the fuck we want it to, Achmed.
So my dear enlightened intellectual, what is the real shit?
It means a synthesis or an amalgamation of individual parts. OP's "gestalt" and the German word "Gestalt" are false friends in this context. They're spelled the same but they mean radically different things.
a whole consisting of individual parts, but i guess op is misusing it to mean "broad overview" or something
Can't hear shit because of the music.
he's right about literally everything
even look it up
Whatever CNN, NYT, and John Oliver tell you.
depends how they pronounce it..
yes-tallt: Yes to tall titties?
guess-tallt: Guess my height?
Most people use it as a synonym for synopsis but in academia you'll see it typically used to describe the moment in which the whole becomes apparent
He's silly, but I like him and so does Linklater and Mike Judge
especially the inter-dimensional shape-shifting alien lizards
Good++ newspeak comrade.
Which is something he literally never said, but hey, what do you liberals like to call this, the post-truth age?
This. Why else would I be sneak posting from a FEMA death camp?
Id hate to agree with you familiam
Goddamn pshycic vampires trying to take themselves up a dimensional level
if its not excessive wife spam annymore its gotta be something else
Lmao, this is liberal post-truth in a nutshell
>some random dude talking about interdimensional alien-lizards
>clip of Alex Jones saying "these globalists aren't humans!"
It's targeting a different niche. If you're hooked on mainstream media they already have an in.
If you're into tinfoil it means you're sifting information through a different sieve and naturally don't take major media outlets at face value. You don't need anything more than someone muddying up the water to invalidate most conspiracy theories just by associating them with shit like muh death camps, muh reptillians.
I mean the Cointelpro was a real thing, that got the desired results, and the goverment doesn't even deny it.
There was a doc i saw a few years ago about a guy who was feeding the UFO community a ton of shit about ayy lmaos at area 51. It goes into how much was officially sanctioned disinfo, and how much was just him making up shit.
I mean look at infowars, it really took off during the bush administration, when alex jones was screaming about their criminal coupe of the US. The death camps, bohemian grove, etc. It discredits people disenfranchised and calling for investigations against actual wrong doings in the government by proxy.
Do you even know what Goldman-Sachs is?