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Clinton's getting special treatment

probably because of Obama

they have been ordered not to, duh

is this whole debacle discussed or mention at all in mainstream media there? how did people react?

I feel like we're the only ones talking about it

This is bullshit

It's a way with words to say that Hillary is not subject to the same rules that us plebs are.

No fucking way. Source me please OP


This line was basically the director trying to blink out a morse code signal saying someone put a gun to their heads.

>one rule for me
>another rule for thee

Rule of law is racist remember?
Liberals and democrats in general aren't interested in rule of law. They go by "rule of feels"

watch the fbi faggot's speech

What difference does it make


it's quite sad that america is doing this tbqh, but I think she will go to jail if trump gets elected

wrong one but Trump will use this to his advantage

from the press release on the fbi homepage

Hillary Clinton is #AbovetheLaw

Hillary Clinton is paying Lockwood Media to slide threads on Sup Forums

Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi.

Trump needs to win, it is clear that (((they))), whomever they may truly be, are against Trump. He is the only one left, he may not be entirely pure of heart, and anarchy will ensue after this election, either way, but we need to stop this "cult".

>Be Clinton
>Don't go to jail
>Still collect 4000$


There is no fundamental difference between governments and mafia.

...I actually am upset right now. Like I swear I am physically upset by this. This is the biggest heart break i've seen in democracy. To literally say that any pleb would be found on charges but she gets a pass..this would have had the white house burned down and started anew in the day of our forefathers.

Can someone put this quote on pic with Hillary and Comey?

Spread this shit.

Do. Not. Let this slide.


Save that image and post it everywhere you possible can. It's fucking indefensible.


It is legitimized racketeering.

from another thread


Nothing about it is "legitimate". Acting as if something were legitimate does not legitimate make.

do you want a revolution? because this is how you get a revolution.

Even worse is the fact that the majority of the country doesn't give a shit. These people (mostly non-whites, to be fair) are as corrupt as the elites.

Because sanctions like revoking of security clearance and criminal prosecution are two separate things Greecy.

Now pay your fucking debt to the nazis.

there are plenty of whites too. they are head in the sand ignorant and proud of it. they have families, and bills. they just do what they have to to make it through the day, so they can have a beer, watch sports, and not get shit from their wife.

All people are equal but some people are more equal than others.

The average american wont do shit as long as they eat, make a small living and have access to what entertains them

yet nothing happens to shilldog

Legitimacy is not some objective thing. It just means a thing/situation that people accept as being proper or rightful.

damn son, i just posted this:


I am from an immigrant family Aus Bro,
We came here legally, leaving Romania behind while the country went into chaos.
My family was well off there, owned a villa and property right in the heart of town, in ROmania we were upper class, maybe in the 10%.
Here, we were poor but damn it the country seemed to not be run by shady deals, it was a chance for prosperity and not corruption. My father passed, we stayed poor but my oldest brother is now a doctor for the navy in Japan, my middle brother is very close to becoming a sheriff and I in my own field have been doing very well and finishing college.
To see this..to see this happen finally put the nail in the coffin that this is the same shit all over the world. Fuck today. It broke my heart.

>Legitimacy is not some objective thing
Yes it is. Natural law. People's opinions are irrelevant.

Daily reminder that the day of the rope you sheltered faggots said rub your cocks to will never happen.

Here's a clear cut rampant case of corruption, and none of you will do anything about it.

Shitpost more. Whine more. Don't pretend like you'll have an impact on the world in your lives, spineless pussies.


thats because we're not sociopathic, savage, terrorist neo-nazi strawmen like holywood tells you

The only natural law is human self-interest.


I just saw someone on facebook write how if Hilary was not a woman the fbi would have never investigated and that this is all a sexist attempt to stop her.

video of the exact quote here


Unfortunately the law states that they have to actually know what they are doing is unlawful. Apparently Hillary did it unknowingly, but it does speak a lot about how incompetent she is.

Security worker here...

I have seen a lot of people do a lot of stupid things regarding classified material, but I have never seen anyone prosecuted. Mostly, they have to go through training again; The worst is that they lose their clearance.

>I don't want Clinton in the White House

>Unfortunately the law states that they have to actually know what they are doing is unlawful

this is a great line of defense for all sort of crimes..also, isnt the head of the state department supposed to KNOW their fucking job? what if she didnt know giving nuclear codes willy-nilly was illegal? what sort of reasoning "I didn know" is?

I'm genuinely sorry for you today, bro. You're what immigration is supposed to be about: attracting people who appreciate the values of your nation, rather than just its material wealth.

This fucking rat-king that is Washington D.C. needs to be purged.

were they also running for president?


Here's the thing. Hillary is a Lawyer, she has been for years.
She's been in office before, first lady is pretty much president already to an extent.
She was secretary of state, the third most powerful executive position, a position I find more important than vp

With all of this, the mistakes she made would be like a baseball player holding the bat upside down at the world series and claiming he did not know it went the other way.

I think it's fucking stupid, too. But it's what the law says.

think we're screwed?

does the law say anything about those said individuals running for president? cause if it doesnt, it should

that article also has the quote in the op btw, so it's not like they're misinformed

we all are m8

Most of the mainstream media in the US are directly or indirectly Clinton donors, so the only coverage this is getting on most networks is STRONG BRAVE WOMAN HILLARY CLINTON CLEARED OF WRONGDOING! EVIL NAZI PATRIACHS WEEP!

since when did ignorance of the law become a viable defense?

>huffington post
>Comments unironically infested with libs
>Under the influence of free gibs, low IQ liberals are still unironically blind and partisan to the facade of """"democrats"""" vs. """"republicans""""
>Have no concept of the corrupt establishment that is the true enemy of America.
>Still think it's those damn """"republicans"""" screwing everything up!
>liberals unironically being sheep and useful idiots for their elitist masters

Will someone come kill me please?

>he thinks I will believe that shit and lose my sleep tonight
nah, m8, everything is great, shillary is exposed, leave me alone I CANT HEAR YOU LALALALALALA

I think the whole natural law thing was where the founders were wrong. A good society is based on common sacrifice and trust, which, because of the law of self-interest, requires a shared identity between the people. Each person's 'self' needs to overlap with the others enough to make sure that their pursuit of their 'interest' doesn't break the social order. The conception of natural law as it applies to social organization needs to include identity. Any attempt at creating purely rationalist moral systems is flawed because we are basically tribal creatures.

It means there is no criminal case and stuff like this is handled by the government departments it occurred in.

This is completely false, you have just pulled this out of your ass.


we're not talking about jhonny from the bloc here...the cunts actions DIRECTLY influence each and every one citizen of the USA since she's RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT and by most rigged pols "winning"

A bad society is based on the arbitrary whims of mobs of retards who will gut any given stranger for their own betterment.
Natural law gives a foundation upon which you remove the capability of malicious retards to bend "what's right and wrong" (they actually don't) to their whims.

the emu is right m8

also, why the fuck are you tripfaggin on Sup Forums?

If I didn't have Sup Forums I would riot. It really does hold me back. Not even my child can do that.

The MSM is too busy talking about Trump's star tweet. Fox is covering it but that's pretty much it.

What a brilliant response. Top notch. Did you learn how to bandwagon in kindergarten like the rest of the sheeple, or were you an early bloomer?

It's not that bad, they are actually making a point of how Comey roasted her and proved that she was lying about her e-mails the whole time. Still feelsbad that she's not getting indicted tbqh.

Seriously. He was so nervous the entire time, something is obviously wrong.

His boss is Loretta Lynch.
Loretta Lynch met for half an hour secretly with Clinton's husband, a former president.

That is how.

I agree, I'm saying that natural law is self interest though, and that natural law as it applies to society is a universalization of this self interest principle. That's where the idea of individual rights comes from: the recognition that it is in our mutual self interest, as a people, to protect it, as an immutable principle. Shared identity is the only way to practice the universalization of natural law, though. Because of this, as America becomes more and more divided, the protection of constitutional rights will be less and less possible.

im not the one trying to differentiate myself with a name on an anonymous imageboard here
>special snowflake syndrome for contrarians
its you, btw

just imagine

>millions upon millions of niggers, zombie eyed lefitsts, cuck nu-males, and clueless middle aged women
>descending like ants on to the polling stations, you try and explain to them they are voting for a sociopath career criminal who will instantly use the POTUS to enrich her and her connected friends at your expense
>they look at you and start screaming empty phrases programmed into them like paplovian dogs

they can't be stopped now, decades of work by the marxists are paying off, they played the long game and they grow increasingly bold as it inches closer and closer to communist america

the soviet union may have collpased by it is far to early to suggest they lost the war once and for all

Natural law isn't self interest. There are myriad ways to conceptualize and structure natural law.
"Shared identity" is a nonsensical idea. You're essentially identical only to yourself - you're only you, no more and no less. Other people are irrelevant toward your identity.

Hahahahahaha like any of them read the article

>t. jewish nihilist


There is a difference between discipline for people working within an a bureaucratic agency and criminal punishment. It's the difference between someone bottom of the rung FBI agent mishandling sensitive information and Hillary. All that statement claims is that some sort if internal punishment would occur if that person was still working there.

That being said, Hillary is still guilty of everything. The excuse for not prosecuting was basically "it wasn't on purpose" which is bullshit. Negligence is legitimately not an excuse for this action.

>was in office before
>was secretary of state
>was a lawyer for all of her life

Does not know what is legal or illegal for someone in her position to do.
>A She actually did not know it was illegal.
Fine, you don't need to be anywhere near office since that's like a mechanic not knowing where the ignition on a car is.
>B She did know and is playing dumb
Same as A, but now you are a liar and going around the law.

America died the day after the 4th.

Nope. Altruistic behaviour is the lifeblood of a good society. Altruistic behaviour only happens when you see yourself in someone else, whether its because they look like you, think like you, dress like you, whatever it is. Tribalism. Kinship. Looking out for 'you and yours'. Rationalism is pure hokum, humans are emotional first, rationality is a much more superficial part of our nature, and if your conception of natural law is not based on human nature it is basically religion. Might as well base your society off of sharia law.


I think altruistic behavior is great. You can be a radical individualist and still be an altruist.
I think
>Altruistic behaviour only happens when you see yourself in someone else
is patently false.

I shouldn't have said 'only', what I meant what 'on a relevantly large scale'.

You CAN be a radical individualist and an altruist, but its not normal or natural. It would just be the result of some contrived philosophy or spiritual discipline.

>statement literally says anyone else would be tried with the evidence presented except except Hillary

What in the absolute seven hells is going on in this country? She isn't even president yet; how is she getting this much preferential treatment?

>le soviet union bogeyman
You doing it by yourselves. And if you want to blame someone else, blame Germany for Marx and Engels.

And for sending Lenin on his little train trip.

Also, they were influenced by French philosophers and were living in England. All of Europe is to blame for collectivistic bullshit, not just Russia.

>'on a relevantly large scale'
I think even that amendment is still wrong.

I think it's perfectly normal when a person actually commits to a (good) substantive ethical framework, which everyone should.

This is great.
Hillary is the candidate Trump has the greatest chance of defeating. FBI, A NEUTRAL BODY, has called her out on her incompetence and recklessness. It's more ammo against her in debate and it'll be more interesting.

awww is the little sexist bigot mad that Hillary is pretty much confirmed the next president?

They didn't charge hillary with anything for the same reason they didn't charge the previous 4 or 5 secretaries of state that did the same ducking thing. Conservative faggots are so desperate to stop the Republican apocalypse they've gone full retard.