>Didn't find out about this show until halway through season 2
>Sup Forums didn't tell me that this scifi kino existed
You cuckposting capeshit loving faggots are literally plebs.
>muh Doctor Who
>muh Game of Thrones
>muh Marvel vs DC
>Didn't find out about this show until halway through season 2
>Sup Forums didn't tell me that this scifi kino existed
You cuckposting capeshit loving faggots are literally plebs.
>muh Doctor Who
>muh Game of Thrones
>muh Marvel vs DC
We have threads about it every episode day you fucking piece of shit
Lurk more faggot, newfag trash
>cool an Expanse thread, let's just hope OP isn't a fagg-
A good thing ruined.
there have been daily expanse threads since season 2 premiered
I wish you'd never found it since you're the type of mouthbreathing meme spouting faggot that uses kino unironically.
>3 posts
stupid dumb, newfag scum
You're a big guy
am i doin it right?
turns out you are the pleb if you didn't knew about it until now
>scifi kino
Lets not get ahead of ourselves, Reddit.
literally every threads were maxed to 300+
>1 autist bumps his thread 300 times between his phone and his computer.
Yet another show that got dropped after watching the first episode. What variety of reddit-tier faggots occupy this board where D-grade sci-fi shite like this becomes in any way popular? Honestly neck yourself if you think this is good.
I love the highlander movies. expanse also.
>scifi kino
I wish. I heard all sorts of praise for the last episode but it was a total disappointment. I was really looking forward to the jungle of Eros, but they just turned it into a nightclub. The flying blue shit should only have been in the area where Julie is, not everything was supposed to be covered in it. Disgusting but near-comical System Shock-esque stuff was completely ignored.
Also, it was awkward watching the crew trying to act out being under high G. It just didn't work, it was kinda funny. Naomi's actress didn't even seem to give a shit.
The show is really not making the transition from the book so far. For everything done right there's three things done wrong.
>>muh Marvel vs DC
This is the worst, everybody knows DC is superior so what's the point
You really are new.
Sup Forums is reddit trash
keep watching, first ep is the worst. It really finds its stride a few episodes in.
Anyone know when Tomas Jane will start not yawning his way through this series.
Or when Holden gets a personality besides constipated and looking like a neanderthal?
>Sup Forums didn't tell me that this scifi kino existed
Lurk more faggot. It was being discussed daily during season 1. KYS newfag.
So how many chances do you give a show? Will you just consume whatever shit is put in front of you and keep watching in the hope that it will get good at some point?
A TV show has only one opportunity to grab a viewer, the first episode. It's people like you that ensure shit TV will keep getting made no matter what.
It's the best thing on SyFy since BSG, if you didn't like that then go back to your capeshit posting, cocksucker.
>Anyone know when Tomas Jane will start not yawning his way through this series.
That's how Miller is, he's doing a good job.
>Or when Holden gets a personality besides constipated and looking like a neanderthal?
Yeah, about that... Sorry.
Nobody is forcing you to watch it or to post ITT
>Thing starts slow
>It must automatically be shit
Don't get me started on people like you. And drop the uppity enlightened consumer shit, you sound like an angry fat guy.
Simply pointing out that you have shit taste, which you do.
Miller is supposed to be Tomas Jane being lazy for a paycheck?
okay i admit i actually liked to see some acting coming out of him this last episode.
Holden is gonna be forever constipated and never stop with his talking with his jaw clenched shut is he?
Are you working for syfy?
Better than BSG IMHO. At least better than those awful later seasons. But this is a book series with an ending that is out of the hands of Scifi writers so they can't write themselves into a Lost tier corner and completely fuck it up, so it should be good.
>pleb who is mad at other plebes because he can't find good content without being spoon fed by plebs
>uses cuck meme to boot
Just end yourself, you're a shit bag
>tfw no mars gf to make me her little bitch
hardly, it's serviceable though
dont you mean
>implying a Martian girl would date someone like you with no dust in your veins
S2 is pretty fucking great, S1 was just alright
You are trying too hard.
It only has daily threads while it being shown and weekly threads in the "off season"
Why the hell cant they make a gunfight look good? Its not even later seasons SG1 tier
How many gunfights did they have? They had, like, the one big one in the lobby. Then some general shooting in other scenes. IDK, I can't remember much from S1.
What was wrong with the fight at the hotel in S1? That's pretty much the only one I remember and it was fine
there are plenty of threads, but it's not even that good. of course the board that mostly likes and talks about the walking dead, GoT, capeshit, star wars, and shitty blockbusters when they aren't shitposting reddit tier memes would think it's great
There has been nothing wrong with the shootout user.
Kinda like saying the CGI is awful when for 99% of it is great stuff for TV.
The scene in the hotel was meh tier. And the "gunfight" when they boarded the spacestation was fucking abysmall. Something that could have been something exciting was some guys firing at a wall, where the enemy was, but never had been established that they where there. Something never established so they went in and there was a pile of bodies.
Goddamn it makes me angry that they dont put some effort in it, i want to like this show but its suffering from a director that seems to have trouble with action.
And that fucking faked texas accent the pilot has...
Literally worse than Barb wires hotel room firefight tier.
And why the fuck does two trained assassins move out of cover?
>And the "gunfight" when they boarded the spacestation was fucking abysmall
user, please. I'm sick of this grasping at straws shit today. It wasn't supposed to be an epic shootout. That fact that it wasn't was a plot point.
>Miller is supposed to be Tomas Jane being lazy for a paycheck?
Miller is perma-bored, depressed and disillusioned. He's doing him right.
>Holden is gonna be forever constipated and never stop with his talking with his jaw clenched shut is he?
He's supposed to be a fairly relaxed guy with some intense moments, not exactly Jon snow in space. But he never grows a personality though.
For fuck sakes. had they even bothered to show the goddamn security detail actually shooting at the belter, not just a blob in the guys helmet, it would have been fine.
Perhaps a little shot from inside the hallway where the guards got cut down by the panicking belters?
Cause now it was a bunch of extras firing at a wall for no good reason.
Who said they where trained assassins?
They where two street thugs who end up getting killed by another street thug and a washed up cop
overrated piece of shit
>And that fucking faked texas accent the pilot has...
That's the mariner valley accent. If Indians speaking Texan sounds ridiculous to you, that's because it is. That's how it's described in the books.
>Implying anyone would want to date some self-obesessed fascist
>Implying Belter grills aren't the hottest in the solar system
This user doesn't even get the fucking point of that scene.
>And that fucking faked texas accent the pilot has
Is supposed to be stupid sounding. It true to the books and is used to show that we are far enough down the turnpike that a Indian with a Texas accent is not a huge fucking issue.
is this your first real sci-fi?
>trained assassins
Lewl, they were moonlighting Rent-A-Cops
Just last episode, the goddamn UN woman general Poo in the Loo secretary
>self-obesessed fascist
Words have meaning, user. You can't just start stringing a bunch of random words together and hope they make sense.
I liked they didn't just go with a straight 'In the future, we'll have outgrown racism' like Star Trek does.
Instead you get a 'in the future, no one will discriminate against you based on skin color. Instead they'll discriminate against you based on bone density'.
Same shit, different eras, just like all of human history.
>needing to read a book to understand something in a show
This is a none argument.
when did fucking iranians become poo in the loos
Same, it was refreshing to remove the old but keep the same us vs. them mentality.
>hates televsion science fiction
>comes to a television science fiction thread to talk shit about one show in particular despite not appreciating the genre in general
>expects to be taken seriously
>You can't just start stringing a bunch of random words together and hope they make sense.
Watch me.
I get the fucking point, im saying it could be shot goddamn fucking better. Now its a bunch of extras in a hallway going "act panicked and shoot in that direction".
Establishing a fucking scene is the first day of filmschool. Or atleast i hope it is.
No argument was being made. I'm just explaining to you why things are the way they are. I don't think the show is being done right either.
She's not general secretary
Since Sup Forums can't even agree on who's white, so expecting them to identify between two kinds of brown people is asking a bit much.
I said it to trigger someone like you. Well done.
If you show the guards shooting the gel guns - then there is no shock value when it turn out to only be a gel round hit on Diogo
And how would it be better to show people without lethal weapons getting shot up ad reveal to the viewer before the characters that they only have non-lethal weapons improve this shot?
It works 1000x better that the audience discovers this the same time the boarding party does.
For someone screaming about filmschool you seemed to miss the key point of a simple scene.
and here is your (you)
I only pretended to be retarded!
>A bunch of enthusiastic but utterly untrained Belter youths enter a spooky black ops spehs station
>Someone hears something
>Brass up the entire corridor until their mags are empty
Seemed to depict this fine to me.
The only guy with any combat experience there was Miller, a fucking rent-a-cop. No shit the rest of the don't do anything except mill around and light up the first thing they see.
Nah, you're wrong, it was well set up, it makes you feel part of the boarding party, when the kid seems to have been shot in the head, everyone firing at something you can't even see, your mind does what the belter's minds are doing; imagining elite commandos are attacking them.
Then you get the reveal at the same time they do that they just applied massive overkill to a couple of security mooks with tazers.
'Establishing the scene' would ruin that immersion.
I don't mean to bully you or anything, but you were orignally acting like it was supposed to be some big epic shootout, completely misinterpreting the point of the scene. Now that you've been informed it wasn't supposed to be an epic shootout you are nitpicking about shots. I think you should drop the issue and let your newfound understanding of the scene sink in before you continue berating it. Because honestly, the scene went down the way it did for a reason, including not showing the other showers and cutting right to the belter kid getting hit.
>mfw everytime the cancer throat woman opens her ugly mouth
To be fair to the show's detractors, I wouldn't have a faintest clue what the fuck is going on in this thing if I never read the books. Everything happens too fast, everyone talks too fast and the actors seem as confused as we are. I'm not sure if some of them are poor actors or just completely lost.
I watched the latest episode without subtitles, I didn't understand 80% of Miller's lines. I knew what he was supposed to be saying though, otherwise I'd only have a vague understanding of what the fuck is going on.
Also, everything is ten times cheesier than it is in the books.
Why not?! there is nothing that says it was a gel round until it get said outright! Showing a guy/guys firing their safetyguns from somewhere gives some fucking reason for the belters to shoot in that direction.
Well a goddamn flash from a gun in that hallway would have given the scene a direction.
Oh wow, a contrarian, you're so cool.
>Sup Forums cuck blabbers about things he doesn't understand
>"kek it was just a social experiment"
I understand what the intention of the scene is. Im saying its badly shot. There is a difference between not showing the enemy for suspense and bad direction that only makes the scene confusing for the audience. As i said, no they shooting at a hallway for no goddamn reason. There has been no establishing of where the shot came from and in that context if would make sense for the belters to shoot in all directions and not in any specific.
But now they shoot to a hallway for no goddamn reason.
Its lazy fucking film making. Heres quote one of the masters: We are now having a very innocent little chat. Let's suppose that there is a bomb underneath this table between us. Nothing happens, and then all of a sudden, "Boom!" There is an explosion. The public is surprised, but prior to this surprise, it has seen an absolutely ordinary scene, of no special consequence. Now, let us take a suspense situation. The bomb is underneath the table and the public knows it, probably because they have seen the anarchist place it there. The public is aware the bomb is going to explode at one o'clock and there is a clock in the decor. The public can see that it is a quarter to one. In these conditions, the same innocuous conversation becomes fascinating because the public is participating in the scene. The audience is longing to warn the characters on the screen: "You shouldn't be talking about such trivial matters. There is a bomb beneath you and it is about to explode!"
Triggered libshitters are triggered.
Don't pick on the underager trying to fit in. It's hard simply lurking when you have ADHD.
>this poorly thought out damage control
>scene is shot from belter perspective
>why didn't they show the non-belter perspective guys?!?? Shit show, DROPPED
Just stop, it was fine.
Jesus, you really dont think i used the term Poo in the Loo to trigger a faggot like you? How do you people function in the real world?
>start watching season 2
not sure about this chubby female """marine""" acting tought
>I-I was just pretending to be a Sup Forumsster!
yeah cause showing where a threat comes from really would take away from the belters perspective.
>he just keeps going
Heh, yeah, I'm sure everyone in this thread sobbing right now because you can't meme correctly, not laughing at you at all.
>i dont understand basic exaggeration jokes
They literally had no idea there was a threat, much less where it comes from, the whole point is that they were suddenly attacked and it was over in an instant, so the focus was on Diogo being hit and millers reaction
There is literally nothing wrong with these scenes and you're a fucking autist
There's been regular threads since the first fucking episode. Kill yourself you stupid newfag cuck