
Bubble-gum flavoured ice cream edition

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i love fanies

>40 posts
fuck off you sad cunt

U guys think anybody still watches the simpsons?

The only TRUE bubblegum ice cream.

U guys think anybody still watches rick and morty?

*is a ledge at the 'backyard ashes'*

me brother swears by it

U stole my post wtf

Little kids do. They don't give a shit about storylines or how the old episodes were better.
They only care that rick and morty is a cartoon and not the news.

might do
a cheeky pooicide

Do they still sell these?

i dun goofed. wanted to make it gimmick with other shows but forgot to change the word first time

imagine having such a small brain

mosley cared more for british workers (foreign workers as well) than any other politician

why do we have so many fucking weirdo east asian countries posting in here FUCK OFF

Dunno, I'm a magnum kinda guy

They went the way of cheese and bacon balls, a slow but steady spiral into irrelevancy

mcdonalds is far too salty, can't deal with it. at least KFC and burger king give you some control over how salty it is

mcdonalds is far too salty, can't deal with it. at least KFC and burger king give you some control over how salty it is

>mosley cared more for british workers (foreign workers as well) than any other politician

Ok lads time for a pull on my penis

putting the name of the nation before the word socialism is always synonymous with fascism (socialism done correctly).

German Socialism: Hitler.
American Socialism: FDR
Chinese Socialism: Xi Jinping
British Socialism: Mosley


might join you
if you dont mind of course


I dont mind at all. Just dont look me in the eyes during as you might make me nervous and mess up my rythm

Mosley: British Socialist
Attlee: British socialist

There's a difference. In the same way the Nazis were indeed National Socialists but but not national socialists. Or how the ruling party of China is the Communist Party but it is not a communist party.

One idea merges nationalism and the British people with socialism and the state, the other is just socialism applied to Britain

Small brains won't understand.

>British Socialism: Mosley

Soon all of /brit/ will have to take the journey from the grey havens to the undying lands in the East

I'm a British Socialist (but not British, not socialist)

take a picture of your willy and post it. need a wank

capitalistic sub-human

turns out pizza for brekkie was not one of my wisest ideas

>British Socialism
don't actually know what we're laughing about but i want to be one of the gang

been awake for an hour and i've already done two poos lads

Just stop pooing. Simple lad.

/brit/ finn here once again AMA

British Fascism =/= British Socialism

Thick bastards

It's weird how bubblegum flavored stuff is blue instead of pink in the commonwealth.

Mosley was Labour you bellend

What's your address?

2nd brit finn here
also ask me anything

cold dominos the morning after is better regular dominos

it varies

why can't finland produce good goaltenders in hockey

it's just one teenager who doesn't understand anything about Mosley's political and economic ideas and the deep links 1920s/30s fascism has to socialism at that time

Mosley, Hitler and FDR all had remarkably similar ideas with how to deal with the Great Depression

Blacky blacky please step backy

>Birmingham tops 'crash for cash' postcodes hotspots

>Manchester, Bradford, London and Oldham also featured on the list.

hmmm I wonder why

We're laughing at teenager Sup Forumstards

>Great Depression
another myth

>the nazi party got 13% in the German elections


If I want to sit in and drink super tennents in the day I will, no one's gonna fucking tell me jack

>Moesely was a socialist

paska housu vittu kusipää mä tapan sut senkin nisti
i dont watch any hockey exept world championship , its a normie sport

Shows how stupid the socialists were for fighting over petty nonsense constantly and never uniting even temporarially

would probably be 5% more if there was a recent terror attack

need mummy may to change my nappy

I'd vote Labour if they started wearing fancy uniforms tbf

I reckon brit/pol/ would too.

I remember when I was 15-16 and people would ask me, do you have a girlfriend? I would joke that i'm focusing on the studies. I'm 28 now, no one ever asks if I have a girlfriend anymore.

*whispers ">tfw no brown gf" in the distance*

AfD are centre-right
NPD are the nazis

Is helsinki a fun city? I can never imagine there being many jobs on European cities that have no skyscrapers.

common myth
finnish goaltending is the golden standard across every sport

AfD are populist right, not centre-right or far-right

Very similar to Nuttall's UKIP

But yeah the NDP didn't really make any impact at all

Might actually just go and kill myself

i don't want to be a fucking deano recruitment consultant and yet that's the only job out there apparently

got jumped last night lads


>AfD are populist right, not centre-right or far-right
>Very similar to Nuttall's UKIP

must have been wearing spring loaded shoes

who /humble/ here

i'd go see a doctor about my arm but i know what they'd say: take advil/tylenol, use a heating pad, take it easy for a while

what i really want is some fucking heavy duty painkillers but they never, ever prescribe them because crackheads abuse them so they have to assume everyone who walks through the door is a crackhead. fuck crackheads

I know this a video game and not real lol but i joined the marines in 2013 and i promise you they would never leave you behind especially a knocked out Marine lol it does not work like that they would get in a shit ton of trouble you dont EVER leave a Marine behind. I would die for my marines and vice versa just wanted to comment this lol sorry

alri crackboy steady on with the drugs there

>any tough stance on Islam makes you a Nazi

nice outing yourself as a sheed

I like it but from a tourist point og view there isnt that much to see..
There are lots of jobs

its shit

t. 2nd finn

jokes on them i still have like 50 codeines from getting my wisdom teeth pulled a few months back
i'm worried something is seriously wrong with my arm though. it's a deep throbbing pain that almost burns and i can feel my pulse inside my arm.


*picks up your pint glass and gently slips a poo into it*
*hands it back with a nod*

I know this gardener's question time and not real lol but i joined the marines in 2013 and i promise you they would never leave you behind especially a knocked out Marine lol it does not work like that they would get in a shit ton of trouble you dont EVER leave a Marine behind. I would die for my marines and vice versa just wanted to comment this lol sorry

the fucking state of this strawmanning Sup Forumstard

hope the lead admins of the lad bible and unilad get lung cancer

feels like brits have a stronger sense of national identity and unity than we do
makes me wish i were british sometimes desu

How do you do fellow Whites

anyone ever sent a dick pic to a med student gf and discovered they had ball cancer?


need to stop eating sugary things late at night.

*sends a high-res pic of my ballbag to the med student gf*
got gonad cancer lads

no shit you are an immigrant country
might go as far as to call it a melting pot

nuts are gargling again

>Anne Marie Waters likely to become the next leader of UKIP, turning the party into an economically left-wing anti-Islam party that's pro-LGBT and feminism
>Which will prompt Nigel Farage, Arron Banks and most UKIP MEPs to leave the party and form their own new pro-Brexit party that's not explicitly anti-Islam and is pro-multiracialism

the absolute STATE of British nationalism

You NEED to end your life

Maybe they have a stronger national identity, but yanks are definitely more patriotic

Create your own reality; don't wait for happiness. You know?

is this a spoiler for tonight's Undateables?
>tfw no autistic Oxford med student gf

only lefty runtoids are anti-nationalist and they're the shouty minority
i'd reckon 90% of brits love their queen and country and would gladly die to defend it

made me think

Someone in this thread is going to get the 666 get

is a 1h46m commute too much



sounds 'lax hope theres no 'gestion