
will Sup Forums ever recover?

le shitting out pretentious vague shit so I guess it's deep chinese

Didju rike it?

Kojima is going to objectify my husbando!!!

Amazing thread.

I don't know where this thread is going but please don't bully Kojima-san

Daily reminder that MSG2 is deeper than any movie put out in the past fifteen (15) years.

aaaand this is kojima in a nutshell

fuck you im still mad about mgsv

Just because you can't grasp it doesn't mean it isn't quality

He' shit writer that would get laughed out of any other business than vidya.

Why? The gameplay is solid, no pun intended.

it's true


It's repetitive in all major ways. All the missions are the same shit done in same ways. Granted the gunplay was great and fun but that was the game offered. The story was dumb and it was constantly interrupted by boring missions and meaningless, drawn out dialogue.

Also almost no boss-fights

But you can launch a rocket fist and punch some dude in the nuts from far away.

Fuck you. Wolfbachia zombies and giant humanoid metal gear is great

Compare them to any other MGS game and their boss fights. And the MG was piss easy, so boring. It was like a goddamn Peace Walker boss.

Yeah I see your point.

Does he have a hard-on for danes?

Not repetitive to me with all the things I can do to the bad guys.
Boss fights are a snorefest bullet sponge, I agree.
Story...well it's game, that should be the last thing on your mind and you should always have very low expectations, but yeah,it was really bad.
The gameplay was way too good for me to care though, kinda wish it had coop to sneak around with my buddy.
The only game that has come close to the variety of ways I can approach an enemy and always keep it fresh like mgsv is dishonored 1 and 2, excellent games that also have really bad stories.

Yeah I get it. It just wasn't enough for me I guess and i suppose my high expectations of the game didn't help at all

>tfw still haven't played MGSV and I was fucking HYPE ever since the Red Band trailer came out
>still scared to finally play it because of all the shit I hear

>robert cop

When did Koji get so handsome?

>Koji and mads will never block your path