>Cares about the Oscars
>Cannot separate actor's on-screen character from the real life person
>Doesn't pause the film when they leave the room
>Doesn't want to watch movies w/ subtitles
ITT: Pleb Redflags
>Posts pictures for ants
>unironically uses the word pleb
likes Villeneuve
>for ants
go back to plebbit and imgay desu
>go back to plebbit and imgay desu
You do realise OPs picture is from plebbit/imgay right? Just look at the filename.
>watches apocalypto with subtitles
I thought you should interpret everything on your own without understanding what they say. It was one of my best movie experiences in general.
It's from Google, you faggot.
Source: OP.
>along with passion of the christ
i think it was such a kino thought for mel gibson to want to release the film without subtitles and just let the performances and imagery speak for itself. i think it is one of the best films i ever seen desu
I am not sure why you are trying to weasel out of admiting you frequent plebbit/imgur, that image is from imgur and there is nothing you can do about it user.
its from bing
>watches every capeshit flick that hits the market
>hasn't seen all the nominees for best picture before they've been nominated for best picture
>ranks Pacino over DeNiro
>ranks DiCaprio as the greatest actor ever
>goes on and on about how much of a movie buff they are
>can't talk about anything but mainstream movies from the last 30 years
>can't go in depth on older movies aside from "it was good/shit"
Just making it clear: I'm a faggot and I can't live without heavy does of cock daily
My girlfriends favorite movie is The Amazing Spider Man 2, just let that sink in for a moment
you got a keeper there. Hope she has the special edition like me
I have a cousin who unironically thinks Breaking Bad is better than Sopranos by a long shot, that Breaking Bad is GOAT and that Sopranos is shit and the Wire is too. Admittedly only seen a few episodes/seasons of Sopranos and Wire. Also thinks Dexter is an amazing show. Watches procedurals like CSI and Criminal Minds type trash too
You just described every normalfag ever. Wow.
is this the bluray box or something?
>Criminal Minds
I know so many people who swear by this generic, boring show.
Dislikes pic related.
I STILL don't know what to think of this fucking movie.
Sounds like she has a thing for shitty sequels
There was a time, long ago, when I thought it was dope. I realize now that I was cucked because my girlfriend at the time loved it. So naturally I loved it too. One time watched it without her and some of my buddies, who just start laying into it. I start to hype up certain characters and by the end of the episode the conditioning was broken.
>wrestling fan
Totally off topic but fat weiner dogs are the funniest thing god put on this earth besides your mom.
Imgur is a convenient image hosting site that can be used while ignoring its community entirely. I don't know why you consider using it to be a bad thing, unless you're just trying to fit in and care about stupid labels.
>I realize now that I was cucked because my girlfriend at the time loved it.
I had to sit through AHS: Hotel and part of TWD because of this exact same reason. Never again, my man. Horrific.
I disagree. More like:
>posts about wrestling online
The IWC is complete garbage.
I sat through Twilight because of this shit. Halfway through the 2nd movie I got up and left to get drunk with the homies, while my gf threw a tantrum and her mother fanned the flames after I made it obvious I had zero interest in watching another second of that mindless shit
>b-b-but i always watch the movies and shows you want to watch
and she always fell asleep during the first 10-20 minutes or ended up sucking my dick which led to sex which led to the movie not getting watch at all.
but i have to sit through mindless schlocky garbage with no distractions.
thank god thats over with
>Doesn't want to watch movies w/ subtitles
This is a big one to me. Refusing to watch anything with subtitles means you miss out on a lot of films and different culture.
That's different from the normal "can't be bothered to read lol" excuse though. You're still watching and engaged with the movie.
Subtitles, while distracting, are sorely missed when absent. Even in something as simple as Lord of the Rings. I was watching a stream that had no subtitles for elvish or dwarfspeak and it was fucking maddening. One time found another stream, for Narcos, but it had no subtitles for some reason, couldn't do it.
I find myself using them even for shows and movies that are in English. Sometimes the volume is fucked and it's hard to make out what actors are saying, especially if they're a bit mumbly.
I can barely watch a movie without subtitles because these "actors" are mumbling too much in their movies and English is my third language.
>>Cares about the Oscars
This is the essential one, the be-all and end-all. neo-Sup Forums makes me sick with all the oscar threads.
>tries to pass off as le oldfig
>proves he just came in yesterday
>Cannot separate actor's on-screen character from the real life person
Were we the plebs all along?
back to redit.com pls you faggot, there's no upvotes here, youre wasting your times cocksucker
The plane scene is unprecedented in human history as the first ascended meme.
Proving the point further. Try harder to fit in next time
>Doesn't pause the film when they leave the room
Why the fuck would I want to turn on the subtitles?
Non-retarded (Average or over average IQ):
>Stops watching that shit after 15 or 16
Ya seethin
If you don't know, you don't know
>Doesn't pause the film when they leave the room
deserves to be gassed
>doesn't watch "old" films
Apparently you can't /english/.
Here's a man sized version of that
Trips of truth watching it without sub is great
>watching movies with subtitles
>Pays such close attention to celebrity gossip that they flock to Sup Forums to complain when a person they've never met who has almost no political influence expresses a political opinion they don't like
>Boycotts an entire production company because the company produced one thing that they didn't like
>Won't watch films with minorities because they think they're battling a massive conspiracy to corrupt their women by not watching
>man sized
I agree, do you think that poster has a cooler older brother?
>not a webm.