Anyone else here who can't wait to have a wife and children and inhabit the role of disciplinary authority figure?

Anyone else here who can't wait to have a wife and children and inhabit the role of disciplinary authority figure?

I fucking hope they try to defy me with liberal antics and question my authority; I will not be afraid to use the old methods of punishment.

What are your opinions on corporal punishment, Sup Forums?

For me, we need strong males and discipline. Modern society has destroyed this and we've become weak without respect for the man.

Other urls found in this thread:

I want my future wife to dominate me.

Beethoven was viscously abused by his father for years and years.

That's the only excuse I need

You're a sick fuck

You're a swedish male

Kill yourself senpai. It's for the best.

>You're a sick fuck

You're on /politically incorrect/, not plebbit, cuckold

amen brother 1488

Everyday I question whether I would have been better off without my German and French heritage

Femdom is awesone.

Well, you're still Americunt so kill yourself...

JUST LOOK at these pathetic little boys.

Don't let your son grow up to be like these """men"""

Perfect flags

>Violating the NAP
>Not following peaceful parenting

Don't have kids

All the good Frenchmen died centuries ago

Spare the rod spoil the child. Beat the shit outta that little shit.

the EU anthem is beethoven.


It's like pottery

>this creates the liberal

Det er jo bevidst at slå dine born ikke hjælper en skid, så det vil være retarded fra dine side af faktisk at slå dem.
Du ryger sikkert bare i fængsel, og så er der en eller anden nu-male der laver dine born om til braindead libtards. Hvis du faktisk ved en skid om born så kan du stadig opdrage dem til at være "red pilled" Det var det min far gjorde fra jeg fyldte 10.

And you wonder why everyone else thinks youre the problem.

Fucking faggots.

You mean men who can out-do you at every single thing in life? Yeah - heaven forbid your child is actually worth a shit unlike their shit-gene'd father.

A good father is equal parts feared and loved.

I love my father with all my heart. He is one of the most hard working, family-oriented men I have ever met.

I've got two inches on him, a good 30 lbs, he has Crohns and hardcore RA that keeps him in barely tolerable pain every minute of every day.

Despite that, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if we were to fight, he would put me into the ground so hard and so fast I would self-identify as trans-earthworm for the rest of my life.

I want to be exactly like my dad when I become a father.

I wish I knew who you are so I could laugh at you when you lose your family and get thrown in prison.

>I want to have children specifically so that I can beat them

I can't wait to have a wife who'll play naked twister and fuck her sisters friends and boyfriend

Well then we have our answer!

Skrid af helvede til, din ynkelige hanrej.

Not so much the controlling aspect because there's some sadistic desires involved in that, but I longingly anticipate becoming the parent that creates the perfect child through discipline in way modern society has woefully failed.

Father of 4 kids here. I beat my sons pretty much every day. It's necessary and the only thing that puts them in line.

Go back to your Christ general you trip fag abomination

Stop projecting onto me.


>Jeg er så fucking usikker i mig selv at jeg bliver nod til at slå mine born.
Du blev sku nok tabt som barn, og at kalde mig navn laver ikke om på du ikke kan forsvare din holdning på nogen måde.

If I were projecting onto you you'd be a fit intelligent man of relative affluence. Instead you're you.

Algerians deserve genocide


>implying any woman would want your tiny manclit near their vagina


>he has Crohns and hardcore RA that keeps him in barely tolerable pain every minute of every day.
>I want to be exactly like my dad when I become a father.


Skal du ikke til et enhedslisten partimode, din hanrej

Well I guess all things really ar possible through God

How else could a low IQ nitwit like you come up with a great retort like that

Shouldn't they also get raped once or twice by Paki gangs? That's custom for English girls, innit?

have fun in the pokey, faggot


Want to take an IQ test together senpai? You couldn't possibly lose.

Reminder that you will one day grow old.
Reminder that your children will not forget you beating them.

If you beat your children, don't even dream of seeing them again after they move out. Not to mention all the psychological issues you will cause.

Yep, just like installing an electric fence is yours

You wish, cuck.

>South Africa

The first country to be cucked by niggers.

Only if we can hold hands while we do it and look at cute anime girls

I'll take an electric fence over a lifetime of medical debt, thanks though.

I'll take niggers over Muslims, ty


I'm serious bruh. Pick a test - you can prove just how "smart" you are ;)

My dad has also killed stingrays with his bare hands.

I guess that makes him that much more manly than the only father figure your island has ever had. Sorry.

Will be funny when your kid turns out completely different than you wanted

Not everything is nurture and beating your child may also lead to resentment, retard

I'll take 87% white with a future over a failed country, thank you.

Femdom is HOT!

Some states banned parenting, but I agree it's the proper way. It must be understood that defiance is your own shortcoming and you shant be hasty to get physicial. Not parent goy here.

You'll wish all you had was medical debt when the blacks break down your door

I took the belt to both my son and daughter on separate occasions today.

It corrected their behavior and gave them incentive not to do it again. Physical discipline works.

Beating women and kids is for minorities.

White men use Jesus and morals before they use the belt.

guys look at me im on an anonymous message board, notice me

Is the ass rape you're taking in this thread not enough for you anime boy?

Given I know what I score on IQ tests and what the average inarticulate emasculate faggot's score is, please help me make you look even dumber than you already are ;)

you sound like a boot licking authoritarian faggot.

>Act like a psychotic bastard, hit your kids and wife
>You go to prison and get ripped apart by inmates after they find out you like hitting kids
>Your kids get raised in foster care, grow up fucked in the head and either become hardcore SJWs with daddy issues or dindu-tier criminals who eventually end up getting shot by police

Is there even anyone at all here who's White and not a Slav who was punished physically as a kid?

>with a future
What a lovely future you're looking at. How's your local kebab store? Any good?

And get shot by my guns? Or get torn up by my 200 lb. boerboels? That's a problem to me how?

If you think that children are little people for you to own and dominate, then I hope you're sterile.

Your kids are "you, version two". They're your opportunity to correct the shit that your parents and you did wrong the first time. If you're gonna fuck that up too, then don't even have kids. Get a mean dog and train him to grown at minorities.

I'm 130 give or take 5.

Want to measure dicks next?

so was Hitler

Link to a test bro
If that's actually your score range it'll be even better ;)

Women and children are a man's property.

It's SJW nonsense to grant them rights.

We don't all live in Germany, Luca.

Why would I shoot myself with my own gun?

I don't think that you're going to get married. If you do, enjoy divorce, and cps.

Also remember: Literally every problem your average white South African or Boer faces today is thanks to you.

You're the expert Mr. 2nd amendment, you tell me

Nahh "man", link to yours first.

You requested this after all. I don't give a damn how smart you are

Your kids will beat the shit out of you one day, than you will get it you dumb motherfucker.

In addition to you you stupid motherfucker, you are on4chan and raising kids, fucking crack babies?

You are a fag, a fag with a belt and probably a shitty sex life, you take your sexual aggression out on your kids with a belt you fucking pervert weakling chickenshit.

Please go back to whatever faggoty place you came from.

> ;)
> I know my IQ
> inarticulate, emasculate
> ;)

You kids are literal cancer.

So what you're saying is you're jealous of American and British people?

>I failed at earning my peers respect and appreciation and become anything significant in life so i'll make myself feel better by targeting those weak
you're sad

If they can take down their old man then they've earned that right. Sounds like someone's daddy didn't hit them enough :^)

Kids need to be beaten to understand authority.

>what the average
100. Its 100. Do you even know how a standard score works?

You should have been beaten more as a child

And what happens when your kids turn 18?
You'll chase them out to the street and hope they die?

Oh no you put the word man in quotes. I've been BTFO; it really makes me think.
I couldn't care less how stupid you are in comparison to me either - most people are.
You're the one who brought up IQ, so substantiate it ;)


That's why Muslims attack in mobs right? That's why they blow themselves up?

That sounds like the epitome of weak

I've seen parents make their kids just by talking to them, I guess you or your parents are too beta and lacking in communication skills for that

>Anyone else here who can't wait to have a wife and children and inhabit the role of disciplinary authority figure?
Nah because I dont an inferiority complex

They will have discipline instilled in them through my authoritarian parenting. They will be on their own, but they'll make something of themselves because they've been taught that hard work and discipline pays off and liberal views and laziness gets punished with the belt and fist.

Not at all

I have a occasional fap to it but unfortunately women are shit at domination or running family units. African American culture is matriarchal as hell and everyone's miserable.

You sound like the type of man who is so weak they cannot uncover any sense of power irl so they develop complex fantasies to make up for it.

Oh and good luck attracting anything but trash for LTR when you go into this specifically looking for a women with the types of self esteem that will let you treat them as such.

Have fun beating your herpes ridden uneducated (and most likely immigrant) whore of a wife user.

The beta is you is because you refuse to use physical force to create a result faggot. Children are not teenagers they cant be controlled by psyhological tricks only force.

You're just a blackpill cunt. We're going to wake up unlike you faggots. We just left the EU. This is just the beginning.

Corporal punishment literally inhibits brain development. Children who are victims of parental violence have IQs up to 5 points lower than those who are not victims of parental violence, with all other variables held equal.

Only the uninformed and the psychotic abuse children and have the balls to call it "discipline"

>inb4 hur dur i was spanked as a child and I turned out alright
>inb4 hur dur look at this historical figure, he was abused as a child, look at all the great things he did

More like end up insecure damaged wrecks just like you lol

>I couldn't care less how stupid you are in comparison to me either

Then why have you been asking me over and over for it, you low IQ numbskull?

Ah, the islamic technique. Good luck with that.

>I can't read - the post
I don't really understand why people who can't extract the meaning of sentences without the verbal voice of the communicator or without seeing their physical posturing bother to post on and read internet forums. It must be terribly frustrating being so personally poor at communicating with others over the medium.

>you refuse to use physical force
some find it easier to use their fists, some find it easier to use their brains to achieve results. i guess you're the former, a low IQ simple brute