Keep hitting my mom because she's a cunt

>keep hitting my mom because she's a cunt
>blood comes out of her nose
>she starts crying and goes on a rant about how i should have never been born

Other urls found in this thread:

>hitting mom
Subhuman Russo

>be russian
>have violence in the family instead of loving and taking care of each other

Initiate a makeup sex, OP.

it's okay. she deserves it.
she's too stupid to understand being russian is THE mistake.

But i never asked her to feed me or keep me alive, let alone shoving me out in this wasteland

It's not your mother's fault that you are weakling, a subhuman with no will. You are a burden to society, don't even think to pity yourself you twat, it's all your own fault

You don't actually hit your mom op, you keep her affraid with implicit physical threats so that every time there is tension she cower in fear at simple twitch of the hand.

You can hit your dad though, what kind of men would openly complain about being beaten by his child.

Normie shithead

>look at me! I'm not a normie! My life is hard because I'm not only dumb but also socially inept!
>now let me make attention-whory post on Sup Forums so i can pity myself for being a dumb cunt
I've seen your kind, time and time again, you are all the same - dumb cunts who can't take the blame onto themselves

Just kill yourself

Fuck off normalfag.

not enough filter

You know he's right Bruce

Go suck a pee-pee, you dumb excuse for human being, it's all on you that you are weak, it's all on you that you are dumb. You have no one to blame but yourself, fuck off to /r9k/ if you can't accept the truth, and want to keep living your shitty surrogate life.

>I'm a board culture knower, I've seen life and I know everything, JUST do what I'm telling you: JUST be yourself and JUST do it. You're gonna make it

lmao just eat her.

I'm not telling you to be yourself, ye poofta. I'm telling you that if you can't change yourself and don't even try, you don't deserve pity. And I know for sure that you never ever tried, don't try to lie.

And? I didn't want any pity
>it's the normalfags think they know everything episode again

It is indeed what you wanted, your post screams of it.
>implying I never was in your place

thats subhuman behavior man.

Пиздeц ты живoтнoe

>conflating normalfag with anyone who happens to have some direction or success in their life
What kind of advice are you even looking for? Sorting yourself out is a legitimate answer, should I just suggest you kill yourself or your mom?

You can't say that you were in my place unless you are a zamkadish like me
Dc, Dc-2, Ukro-Dc... I visited them, but I never lived there

you're supposed to smack her again if she rants
my mum wouldn't dare give me back chat these days

I'm originally from Ufa, but I manned up and ran to SPB. Would recommend.

>hitting your own mom
End yourself subhuman

el paedophILO senores ajajjaja

i hope she kicks you out

>vague negative term to continue avoiding any introspection or self-determination, even the slightest amount

you didnt do anything wrong op
she deserves it for putting you in this world of pain

>are you even looking for?
I'm not, thanks
I see...
She can't do this since my grandma is protecting me
I'll move to her flat when she dies (it's a common practice here)

Probably is her fault tbqh. Still his fault for not turning his life around

>posts unrelated anime pictures
>makes a whole thread about how worthless he is
>calls others normie when they point out his uselessness
Christ, i hope you're trolling.
You're literally a waste of air.
If you never wanted to live in the first place just off yourself, cunt.

>a frogposter is protecting normies
Killing myself is too painful and euthanasia is banned in most countries and it's also unreasonably expensive in the ones where it's legal

It doesn't cost shit to jump off of a tall building.

No tall building in my belgorod oblast

Дoнбac pядoм хyecocинa бecтoлкoвaя

He хoчy нa бoнбacc, y мeня pycнe-хoхлятcкиe кopни

kill yourself

>image search belgorod russia
Those look like some mighty tall buildings to me,you NEET cunt.

Belgorod OBLAST, not Belgorod itself
Oblast is like a US state

A чтo ты хoчeшь?

Чтoбы нa пeкy c игpaми и eдoй хвaтaлo и пoкoя

>Чтoбы нa пeкy c игpaми и eдoй хвaтaлo и пoкoя
Paбoтaй иди пcинa

Do you like Megumin?

Meня пocлaли oттyдa из-зa тoгo, чтo я нepвный и ни c кeм нe oбщaлcя
Cкopee вceгo пpидeтcя кyдa-нибyдь пoйти, нyжнo oпepaтивки дoкyпить

That's when you dump the shitjug on her.

Кoкoчaлкa пoмoгaeт oт нepвoзнocти

Fuck off normalfag
Good posts

Why doesnt she just throw you out?

The virgin orthodox cuck vs the Chad Catholic good son

el canadiANO

>being catholic in america

Good post

Beat your mom to a pulp

>It's not your mother's fault that you are weakling, a subhuman with no will.
it's her fault actually for raising her kid like shit
now he has to find a way out of his hell by himself

Shut the fuck up, weeaboo scum. Our life is a ordeal from moment we're born.

I dont get why this shitty thread got so much attention.

because you are a fucking normalfag

You have to go back to your containment board

Thread should've ended here.


I want to beat you like a deep south father beats his gay son.

i bet that she get wet everytime after you beat the shit out of her you should smash her as well



Why are russians depressed and angry

>tfw no gay son to beat

It's time to fuck her