Watch movie about guy and girl talking

>watch movie about guy and girl talking
>they hit off real quick
>immediately jumps to sex scene in bed

>he's never jumped immediately from hitting it off to sex

Top kek, happens to me WEEKLY. I can pick up random bitches from a Starbucks and have them in my bed within an hour. stay in the friend zone.

that literally doesn't happen.

>stay in the friend zone.

Joke's on you, I don't even talk to women.

This happens IRL in my experience. Not often, but it does happen

name five movies and three plays where this happens

He does not know that women are sluts

How do you know. From experience or your chad/stacy friends?

This has happened to me before and it isn't fun
You essentially use each other up and no longer have any use for the other
You move on, confused and tired

I literally did this though

>A boy falls in love with a girl.
>Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number.
Every fucking time

Would someone really do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

>lieing on the internet
why is your generation so fucked up?

doesn't happen often but its happened to me a few times

Jokes on you I can pick up random bitches from starbucks and have them in my bed within a MINUTE. Stay in the cuck zone

He literally said from his experience

>he doesn't meet a girl at a front bottoms concert, strike up a conversation over a few drinks, before subtly implying that she is worthy of his sexual interest
>he doesn't teleport with her to a sleeping bag in a tent in a field full of many other sleeping bags and tents, in which they are fucking and in which they appear to have been fucking for some time
>she doesn't scream with pleasure, disturbing the other attendees of the music festival at which the concert is playing
>he instead spends an hour of his time making out with the girl he likes in the back of an uber
>or he holds hands with her outside the starbucks as they smoke each other's brand of cigarettes
>he then posts on internet smoke signal cliche discussion boards to let us know how superior he is

is he the pleb or are we the plebs

name 50 movies where this happens faggot op

LOL jokes on you, I have hookers in my car in under a minute, and in my basement under the hour. Stay in the consent zone losers.

>He's never fucked a girl in less than 1 hour after meeting her.

You've never done this OP? You're pathetic.

there was a scene like that in Live by Night, I couldn't help but think of these threads