keep it Sup Forums related please
Keep it Sup Forums related please
back to your containment board
How about you grow the fuck up, get a girlfriend, get a job, move out of your parents house, and stop watching cartoons you fat fucking loser.
Madoka is Naruto tier, shit anime.
Taking into account Warhammer is a ripoff of everything, it makes sense.
That was extremely rude and disrespectful
for you
this is what WH40K fags ACTUALLY BELIEVE
3000 hours in ms paint oc coming through
user you did it wrong. The meme is to be funny and make picks that are clearly wrong or very unexpected. Your chart is 100% accurate.
Whatever you say sweetie.
What is the fourth show? Hard to believe it's better than ATHF.
>Pokemon higher than shonen
>Dragon Ball Z higher than regular shonen
>mixing anime with manga
>Doesn't know Drawn Together
Isn't this just the old /lit/ bait image?
Nigga have you seen the economic climate of today? We're the fucking generation that won't even be able to afford moving out for fucks sake!
Nice pic for ants
that's on you pal, there's fuck ton of people who have good jobs in our generation.
i mean i'm broke af too but just saying it's possible.
Maybe if you live within your means you should be fine desu...
I get around 25k a year, have my own apartment that isn't top tier but it's comfortable for what I pay for it, my own car, pay utilities, insurance, and phone bill.
Yet I still have around 200-400 a check left over to save. Then again I live in the Midwest so gas and housing is relatively cheap.
Is it pleb to say that Naruto was actually really good right up until the chunin exams ended?
>Is it pleb to say that Naruto was actually really good
If your series wasn't utterly forgettable you'd be the new jojotards
Clavicles truly are the next level.
Suprising number of complex themes in Dragonball Z.
I really enjoying that many programs with special abilities you are either bestowed it, a freak of nature, or it is possible to train to that level. Dragonball has them all seperately and in combination in different characters, I find the way it features training heavily in the face of people who are naturally powerful to be especially endearing.
It was pretty pathetic that some literal nobody in France got to frazzle a celebrity who is internationally known, simply because she was a woman. I mean holy shit high-school-girl level banter and he crumples like a little baby, despite the fact he's got millions of dollars and can travel around the world to talk about him playing make-believe for a living.
You were close.
I'm honestly curious where this meme comes from, I've seen it posted several times, it's an extremely shitty list of books obviously made as bait but where does it come from?
t. fat autist cuck numale
Naruto got really bad afterwards and managed to recover around the Itachi Retrieval arc
I think the only interesting thing was the whole Sasori vs Sakura and Chiyo puppet wars fight
>25k a year
jesus dude
i made 40k as an intern, but that was in >nyc
it's all about relative prosperity desu
>be a rip-off of everything
>still manage to be better than other sci-fi series
They can't keep getting away with it!
i'm happy asuka is at least above reifags
Don't worry, it's not better than Aqua Teen.
What? How? I was saying he was pathetic for crumbling to some nobody woman just because she was a girl (which shows he's a manchild loser still intimidated by women). Were you assuming I'm some kind of misogynist because you have shit reading comprehension?
New to Sup Forums
Sometime last year I think, Jonah Hill was in France for some local-channel talk show for an interview and the literally who hostess made fun of him, he got butthurt and walked off. Since some of Sup Forums's favorite pasttimes are being intimidated by women and/or whiteknighting them, there was some minor drama and discussion about the incident.
put raimi up there with BvS and it's perfect
Naruto is top tier Chad anime
The Shield is NOT better than The Wire.
Brainlet detected
>hurr did you hear someone crying for help?
shield was good, not great
suck it up nigger
>star trek not highest
delet this
Adolescense is idolizing Eva's main girls.
Adulthood is realizing Maya makes more sense.
Maya is a dyke thought.
This is why Trump won. You midwest middleamerican assholes think people getting government help is bad yet live in places where shit is cheap as fuck. My rent is 1200 a month and I live in a poorfag apartment. 15 years ago a medium-tier one bedroom apartment in Anaheim (home of the original Disneyland) was the same price. States like mine pay more taxes than your whole gdp it seems like, and you assholes talk mad shit.
>Ayn Rand
Maximum kek, died penniless and living off government handouts.
why are there so many more Sup Forums rejects shitposting here now? why is this thread still here?
you first