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I'm sorry I had faith in the criminal justice system.

This was a CRIMINAL investigation.
People who do this are often subject to ADMINISTRATIVE or SECURITY sanctions.
The FBI does not decide ADMINISTRATIVE or SECURITY sanctions during a CRIMINAL invastigation.


I'm sorry I had faith in the criminal justice system.

But as Stefan Molyneux pointed out, sanctions involves revoking someone's security clearance.

Tell me, what security clearance does the fucking president have?

>I'm sorry I had faith in the criminal justice system.

That's good argument not to vote for her. It's not a good argument to want her criminally charged.

yeah and the head of administration is the president backing her and the successor of him will be herself. how convinient.

Are you goint to take the clearance of the president away?
get real goymoney. this thing is happening and there are no brakes on this train.
EU 2 Clinton boogaloo here we come!!

Geez....this is the classic lying liar getting busted and then daring you to call them a liar

Are you questioning the integrity of the attorney general?
Are you questioning the integrity of the FBI?
Are you questioning the integrity of the President?

Yes, yes and yes.

Just ignore the conspiracy theories.

How can someone even be allowed to run for president when they have already demonstrated that they can't be trusted to keep classified information secure?

>4 Americans killed
>possibly hundreds of CIA and state department contacts killed as well

Leaked information means that the CIA has to scrub down it's entire network of contacts with known connections to people affiliated with Clinton. Names, email, addresses, phone numbers, all available to anyone.

You pussy ass crackers was celebrating when Zimmerman got off after killing Trayvon
You pussy ass crackers was celebrating when Darren Wilson got off after killing Mike Brown
You pussy ass crackers be celebrating everytime a police officer get exhonorated for killing an unarmed black teen

And Now ya'll mad because Hillary ain't getting charged. SMFH GTFOH you hippocritical bitches

it would have been better if you said "murdering" instead of "killing"

I'm sorry I ever respected the FBI (entirely the fault of tv programs).

I'm sorry I ever obeyed a law for the greater good when to do otherwise would have benefited me directly.

I'm sorry

If the judicial branch gets to eliminate people from being elegible from being in the executive branch, it would be a pretty serious infringement on the separation of powers.

I'm interested to see how this plays out in the General Election. Comey basically went and said live on National TV that if it was anyone else they would get indited, but Hillary is getting a free pass for being Hillary. I can't imagine this is going to go over well.

lol no, he said if it were anyone else their boss would write them up.

Who's Hillary's boss?

>Comey basically went and said live on National TV that if it was anyone else they would get indited
He said the opposite of that, but don't let the facts get in the way of your outrage.

What did they really have on her?
What the the large investigation by the FBI come up with?
What proof do they have of anything she has done in the last 10 years?

Stay mad, Trump-bots.

Hope you're this pro-justice when the Trump University lawsuits go to court.

God forbid something like that ever happened

>no evidence of wrongdoing
>no evidence of wrongdoing
>Apparent and well established evidence of wrongdoing

So ok she's not convicted of intentional wrongdoing.

Are we still ok with a president who is so ignorant that they think nothing of routing top secret emails through her private unsecured server all so she can read them on her blackberry?

And to top it off, to not even be honest enough to admit that she fucked up and did something stupid?

I'm sorry you faggots thought that this was anything more than Breitbart, Fox et al. whipping themselves into a frothy frenzy over nothing.

Remember how Bush II's administration used a server at gwb43.com, with teh express intent of evading record-keeping requirements? Of course you don't because none of you gave a shit. Colin Powell used a fucking AOL account. Nobody cares.

Honestly, all this e-mail shit has only distracted you from Hillary weaknesses that could have been useful lines of attack to catch independent voters' attention. But you all sound like shrieking dumbasses talking about this stupid shit. Hillary is shitty but there are better ways to point it out other than "hurr durr bad e-mail security"

>Honestly, all this e-mail shit has only distracted you from Hillary weaknesses that could have been useful lines of attack to catch independent voters' attention.
She still looks terrible, especially since she said she would give Lynch the AG job if she wins.

That people are outraged about this is hilarious. I've mishandled more confidential information than hilly

sure you have

She has? Interesting.
Although, that meeting on the tarmac actually made it impossible for Lynch to give Hillary preferential treatment on this, right? Since Lynch just kicked the ball over to Comey (who is actually a Republican, IIRC).

Do you understand the difference between civil and criminal law? The former is when an individual broke a private contract with another limited number of individuals, whereas criminal law is when an individual breaks the social contract with everyone.

Typically those "administrative" penalties are executed by the FBI and federal prosecutors, On criminal charges with jail time resulting. It's a somewhat gray area jurisdiction wise, so he can say administrative and dumbasses like you will assume it's the same as breaking the dress code at the post office.

Nigga stfu. Two white polices rolled up an did a mothafuckin drive by on a 12 year old boy playin by his self in the park. Both of em didnt face any charges.

>To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences.

>Kid goes to a public park with his new replica-style airsoft gun
>Waves it around, points it at people, shoots at a few passing cars
>People call the police to report somebody brandishing a gun in the park
>One or two of these people mention that it could be just a toy, but neither this nor the kid's age are conveyed to the responding officers
>Officers pull up at the scene to deal with, as far as they are aware, a youth brandishing a gun
>As they pull up the kid reaches for his waistband

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I apologize to the American people that have laws applied to them but not the politicians.

administrative or security consequences, no criminal charges
did you actually read an article or just the headlines and quotes on Sup Forums?

>there are people on Sup Forums who don't think all areas of government aren't absolutely full of tech-illiterate shitheads or luddite grandpas who aren't leaking secrets to China all day when they open dick enlargement e-mails
>there are people on Sup Forums who think even half of congressional or military accounts have the funding to be secured to the legal letter and their users trained in their use
hillary fucked up for sure but imo you should be thankful that there's at least one 60+yo bitch out there who can use a blackberry and knew to ask for a private server back in the day

How do you propose to implement administrative or security clearance sanctions on the POTUS?

It's worth noting that gross negligence when handling classified information that results in the information becoming compromised is, in fact, a felony.


Yes, which would at an absolute minimum be revokation of present and future clearances disqualifying her from the presidency.



Shut up you stupid nig nog nothing you say is coherent English

FBI is a private agency like cia , is im right?

Gross negligence with national security IS a crime.

we're gonna have to change laws to make this bitch president

vp will have to be commander in chief because clinton loses security clearance lol

we're heading towards 3rd world country level corruption, if not there already

>I made a picture of cats doing things and talking about supporting my political ideologies
>now what is it missing
>I know, im going to make sure to give the cat an ass hole for all to see

what is wrong with these people?

Oh, no, that is a picture from an app that is really popular among college aged girls. It's weird.

How's about we get a change.org perition going calling for the termination of Lynch's AG status and the resignation of the head of the FBI. There is no doubt there's bias in this rulling

The absolute madman

when has change.org petition done anything of note?

They were just taking out the garbage.

you are white.

Good point. But shit if BLM can get deans and CEOs to step down by just crying


When it benefits the globalist agenda.