This is Diarha, he lives in Bamako, Mali and right in this moment im stalking his facebook

This is Diarha, he lives in Bamako, Mali and right in this moment im stalking his facebook.
Checking out daily life of exotic africans, asians and abos is late hobby of mine

Other urls found in this thread:

I dont event want to be a prick about it, their daily life just interest me

Interesting. Post more people so we can see what you have. Especially if you have any qts.

His sister, hot or not? I dont get this manner of editing same hed couple of times on same pic, a lot of pictures like that on Diarhas profile

If you have jungle fever ill look for more.
For example by his friends profiles i have found out that Mali people have strong american nigga culture, like from tv
Pay attention to mudhuts please

Maybe they don't like empty space so they fill it up and have 3 photos for the price of one.

From i could translate by google and by content shared i have suspiction that Dartha is North Korea supporter. Like, unironically
His brother they still has small cellphones, i can respect that

Tell me about this similar culture of theirs. Still interested in those qts as well.

Good thinking beggars bit choosers
His wife, their woman hate real brews for some reason

I think its poor version of the flashy bling bling thingie that trendy blacks like. They try to emulate it and make OG sings with their fingers. ill post more but wanted to finish this guy.
Hes interested in politics but i think he might be retarded since hes big NK and Ghaddafi supporter. Also hes ORANGE voter whatever that means in Mali

>dat skull

Looks like a cool enough family man. I wish him well.

I like their ethnic fashion, really cool

Hey dont get me wrong im not hating on them
They seemed to be happy
You see what im saying why they hate natural brews so much??

>Pay attention to mudhuts please
Why? They're doing the best they can with they have. Don't be a prick.

Adama just chilling in Fallout like scennery

I like how protective you lads are but im really not picking on them. You want me to post instagram selfies or real life ones?

Didn't mean to come across as judgemental. I'm enjoying the pics and yeah the brows thing is odd but it seems to be happening all over. The drawn in look is really trendy right now.

Some OG kid, thats the gestures i was talking about

is that neymar

That was Diarha with family but now im posting random dudes looking for someone interesting
Selfie with his plant, seems to be important to him

I think this is the orange party

Im admiring their colourful fashion, miring grandpa on the left senpai

I havent done any reaserch so if you know anything about it share it with us

Alka ia a chad he has a lot of likes
Part of my captcha was: Arroyo

Stop posting pictures of my family.


I dont think anyone lurking anymore Diarha

I actually had knew 2 african people when I was a kid. They were cousins. One of them went to London and the other is still here playing football or some shit

also there was another girl from Ethiopia in primary school but got bullied

I used yo have a flatmate from Ghana hr was in a middle of doing his phd from chemisty or something. Very friendly guy but had alcohol problem and every morning was puking

That is the skull of a true kang.

brits are literally the creepiest posters on this website.

If they don't spam their generals with cryptic messages and buzzwords it's always something like this.

Germans did the DAK thing, you have no basis to judge.

that was one mentally ill austrian waiting for the dark soul 3 release.


comfy af
ps: poor people usually support leftist governments
they arent retarded, just brainwashed

?? quit fucking stalking me and my family you fucking freak

You are basically just watching poor and slightly stupider westerners, anthropology is dead as every nation is now essentially anglo-American in culture and looks like a trash heap, only slightly differing in what shade of brown or grey the color pallette contains.

bumping a great thread

I do the same with africans and papuans



>Star Choco

MORE LIKE DIARRHEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont be rude

This is creepy as shit, but also interesting. What else have you learned about their culture?

brittania please
VERY rude

I lived in Ghana for a few months and have lots of Ghanaian friends on Facebook, can give some insight into their life if you're interested in anything in particular

I actually really like this weird African style. I once saw a small boy and his brother wearing matching shirts and shorts made out of this really vibrant floral fabric that their mum probably made. Looked aesthetic.

There's a name for it that I can't remember but I quite like how they haven't fallen entire for western standards. Seems like Saudi's are the only other people left who don't just copy western fashion.

great hobby, it will make you sympathise with common people

Nice looking people.
He'd probably beat her to death if she refused to wear that headscarf.

What is life like for them in comparison to somebody from a developed cunt? Is there any aspect of life that's better for them?

It depends on what you would define as 'better'. They are certainly far more religious, and their spiritual life is very important to them. However, most of them will spend the rest of their lives being comparatively pretty poor, and will probably die ~20 years earlier than a westerner on average.

Were you able to relate to them as equals? Due to the Flynn Effect, developing countries still have a few generations until they can catch up to Westerners in terms of IQ, plus there's the whole poor education thing.

Honestly, for a lot of them, not completely. The guy I lived with was my age but a complete religious nut, told a girl who was wearing a skirt that she had been possessed by the devil and was being completely serious. That sort of attitude isn't completely uncommon, and education is generally pretty poor. There were some who were far more westernised though, and I got on with them well.

After I posted some lengthy analysis about Israel/Palestine on al-Jazeera, I suddenly got several friend requests from sub-Saharan Africans. Looking at their feeds, there's a lot of politics and updates on natural disasters.

Thanks for giving me my last continental flag!

>live in mudhuts
>starve and die of petty diseases
>have a smartphone, golden necklaces, polo shirts, ray ban glasses

Jesus they are no different from our blacks.

Is this in their DNA? Is this literally in their black natures?

Also, please continue, OP.

One kid even has some yeezys,though the rabble fake.
We should start a Gofundme to buy them some Geobaskets.

Though they're probably fake*
Apple spellcheck is hard

no fucking way, how long have you been collecting those?! my flag "collection" looks like a pile of garbage compared to that. I must know