Psyops Reading List and Statement

The decision not to recommend indictment is no surprise. It should be evident BC and LL met to coach her statement to accept the recommendation, which would then be followed by a recommendation of no indictment from the FBI.

Many high intelligence officers at the DOD/CIA/FBI/DIA are unhappy with the developments. Expect leaks of highly classified data to surface on the internet.

When these materials are leaked, download and distribute them immediately.

Because of the sensitivity of the information, links will not be posted for long before censors shut them down. Finding them - and saving them - will be a difficult task. But as I said, 100,000 minds looking into a problem is vastly superior than 100. Foreign posters will be invaluable in this regard.

This decision will likely give Trump a chance to unify the Republican party. It is easier to rally behind someone trying to defeat a common enemy than it is to rally on the basis of agreeing with one's views. However, Scott Adams is correct in pointing out HRC and the MSM are successfully depicting Trump as a racist, and this image is causing his campaign to suffer. Falsifying this perception is key to getting him elected.

This is also your chance to rally Bernie supporters to Trump's side. The common thread between Sanders and Trump is they are both anti-establishment, they recognize the system is corrupt, and they both oppose large special interests. Persuade Bernie's supporters that the system is, in fact, rigged - the only viable candidate the challenge it is Trump. Bernie has no chance of winning the nomination, so the closest they will get to fighting the establishment is Trump. Do not argue policy, argue emotions. More on this in a few paragraphs.

The usefulness of Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, and other websites in promoting anti-HRC messaging cannot be understated. Master the trend and push hard. Viral messaging is key to buckling the Clinton Machine.

Other urls found in this thread: Your Case: How to Present, Persuade, and Prevail by Gerry Spence&source=bl&ots=m8SkaewU1n&sig=Wh-KraPTChpsskUSr-SggduYx0I&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzmYbSwN3NAhVCHT4KHWquBio4ChDoAQgzMAM#v=onepage&q&f=false - Reframing Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning.pdf VARIAN SHAPIRO.pdf

Because the MSM only focused on the e-mails, and does not dare ask about the Foundation, they will try to paint her as "scandal-free" since there is supposedly nothing else to investigate. Only fools will believe this.

The CF is a global enterprise with innumerable channels of influence. Uncovering all of its secrets is a task requiring patience, dedication, and perseverance. Many leads appear to be dead-ends, but there is always an underlying connection. If no connection can be made, simply posting inquiries about the motivations behind certain events is enough.

The CF as well as the Clintons themselves have built an empire around selling weapons, intelligence, favors, and people to anyone willing to pay. They have not yet met a foreign donor they did not like. This is why I started the AMA's, to postulate questions which the media does not want to be asked. They do not want any of this to go viral or be a present force in the minds of voters.

Your job is to ensure that it is. That is the purpose of my actions. Do not lose sight of that.

>Why don't you just leak the intel yourself?

I will. Not here, not now, but soon. But leaking the information is pointless unless people are alerted to the fact that something is being leaked and they are willing to look through it. Focusing Sup Forums's attention was the difficult part, which I have laid the groundwork for. Now that Sup Forums sees nuggets of the truth, everyone is primed to witness the truth when it is revealed. It will be brought to light, but it is crucial you keep digging and keep fighting.

People who have been here from the beginning can see my MO - you know when it is me. Be conscious of the difference between shilling and covert messaging. I suspect many of my colleagues will be relaying messages over the next few weeks.

>VP pick

I heard rumors that Michael Flynn will be Trump's VP pick. Those are rumors, and Trump has a habit of being unpredictable. Do not attribute some mystical forecasting powers to my statements - I have never claimed to be anything other than someone with intimate knowledge of the Clinton case.

>How do we get our messages to go viral?

Truth is not a necessary component in persuasion. Emotions influence far better than any fact. Give just enough details for an idea to seem plausible, but not enough to convince the trained mind. Most minds are not trained in the first place. Emotions are common and easily malleable.

The majority of HRC's voter base are single women, blacks, and millenials. Leverage this. Be outrageous, and when fact-checkers come to argue or dissuade you, disregard them and double your efforts. "Hillary loves rape" is genius. Hillary also loves war ("We came, we saw, he died"), big banks ("2007/2008 was the homeowner's fault"), and recklessness ("Putin doesn't have a soul"). Contrast that last position to T's "Wouldn't it be nice if we could get along with Russia?"

Repeat an idea often enough, and it becomes true irrespective of its truth-content. DJT is using these techniques to his advantage, and so should you.

She has left too many victims behind. She will not get away with this.

Follow the Foundation.

Win Your Case: How to Present, Persuade, and Prevail by Gerry Spence

Reframing by Richard Bandler and John Grinder

Intelligence; From Secrets to Policy by Mark Lowenthal

Propaganda by Edward Bernays

Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky

Negotiating for Success: Essential Strategies and Skills by George Siedel

Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy

The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind

THE ART AND SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS: CASE STUDIES OF MILITARY APPLICATION. Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 525-7-1, 2 vols. Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 1976.
Baret, Peter, Beth Irwin Lewis and Paul Peret


what ice cream do you like


anwser pls



please ;_;


Can I shill /cfg/ here?

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Can you cap this, I'm on mobile


>mfw it'll be happening

This racist shit has to stop though.

>we need to dispel the lie that Trump is a racist
>here is a Goebbels quote to rally your spirit!

For fuck's sake, Sup Forums.


Goebbels may have been a proud national socialist, but also a talented master of propaganda, whoes methods will live on forever


Shills are out.



Good thread btw but I'm too busy subversing, goy.




Not OP obviously but I like Strawberry Cheesecake Icecream from Braums.




You heard him!

We must unite with Bernie supporters!

Forward to Freedom!

>I will. Not here, not now, but soon
stopped skimming there

eat shit faggot

Can you find a way to tip off the trump campaign of all of your advice, or do you think they already got what you gave us maybe?

0.2 cents have been added to your bank account

Somebody call Epstein, I've saved enough for another one!

I've read a few things on that list.

The Crowd is one of the most eye opening books imaginable.

LeBon knew about memes, but wasn't able to fully explain them, he says because of memes, tradition will always rise above, and crush, novelty.

I'm actually surprised the book isn't secretly censored.

Read them all, The Psychology of Peoples, The Crowd, The Psychology of Socialism, and the Psychology of Revolution, if you want your mind blown all the way to Jupiter.

They will be leaked. It is not an easy thing to do. But they will be leaked.

>The CF as well as the Clintons themselves have built an empire around selling weapons, intelligence, favors, and people to anyone willing to pay.
Send me to the right money trail and I can solve that pretty quick.
Got a fresh Mojito and a Cohiba lit so I'm up for some digging.

Better yet, instruct the thread makers of /cfg/ to blast this. It is the direct memo.

I was thinking. What is the probability that is she wins, Russia or someone else will leak the emais e completely demoralize the US? Because you can use that against her (i.e. associate her winning with demoralization)

Is the Queen of Britain involved in any of this NWO stuff?

what's your timetable on info dump then?

are we looking at weeks? months? because the longer this goes without more info, the more effective slide efforts will be on /cfg/ here.

Suppose Hillary wins, is it possible that the FBI will refuse to follow orders or do a half-assed job to undermine her?

Also, you mentioned a war with Russia. Does she actually believe that she can start and win a WW3?

Has the FBI entirely closed the investigation, or are you still working on it? Maybe keeping it open just in hope of president Trump?

Conjure up that meme magic, boys!

I know the secret service wants nothing to do with her.

bumping for great justice


Posting in legendary thread.

The truth needs to get out. She's incredibly evil. I have no idea where to start looking, but I'll do my best.

Based on your AMA threads, this is going down pretty much like you said it would. Any reason to believe that the FBI is going to pick this back up, or is this lack of indictment a red herring to throw the powers that be off the CF case?

Why no The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements by Eric Hoffer? I guess it more explains the popularity of Trump and Bernie than Hillary, but it's pretty damn good.

They said nothing about the foundation.

go to the /cfg/ threads.

jump in headfirst.

>>Why don't you just leak the intel yourself?
>I will.

FBIanon... wait and see if the Ruskies do it first. No need to throw your life away until it becomes necessary.

If you're still here...should I keep researching the China/Fuzhou connections? ANY hints you can give me?

he could be the next Snowden though.

but instead of putting our military at risk over stupid shit like drone flyovers, he could save our country from corruption.

if i were to choose a way to go out, that'd be it desu. saving this fucking country.

OP, what's this?

Shit, even a sideways or veiled hint would be nice.

You claim that Soros is the kingpin but according to a thread about Soros a week ago, some Sup Forums users think that he is a puppet being controlled by others. If Soros actually isn't the one calling the shots, then who do you think is? Could this person(s) have connections to the CF?

FBI-user said earlier in his AMA's that the Foundation was the real nugget. Are the FBI actively investigating that or is it up to us in the /CFG/ to find the strings to pull to unravel?

Bumping for importance.

I don't disagree. I'd leak as well if I were in his shoes. But it's entirely possible that Putin will release her emails. I'd wait until just before the DNC kicks off to see how the Russians play it.

that looks legitimately fake as fuck.

Found most of the books online in case anyone is interested

>Win Your Case: How to Present, Persuade, and Prevail by Gerry Spence Your Case: How to Present, Persuade, and Prevail by Gerry Spence&source=bl&ots=m8SkaewU1n&sig=Wh-KraPTChpsskUSr-SggduYx0I&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzmYbSwN3NAhVCHT4KHWquBio4ChDoAQgzMAM#v=onepage&q&f=false

>Reframing by Richard Bandler and John Grinder - Reframing Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning.pdf

>Intelligence; From Secrets to Policy by Mark Lowenthal

>Propaganda by Edward Bernays

>Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky

>Negotiating for Success: Essential Strategies and Skills by George Siedel

>Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy VARIAN SHAPIRO.pdf

>The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind

>THE ART AND SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS: CASE STUDIES OF MILITARY APPLICATION. Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 525-7-1, 2 vols. Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 1976.
>Baret, Peter, Beth Irwin Lewis and Paul Peret

Bump for exposure

Why do you think I'm asking?

Don't expect the FBI to do shit officially.

We've uncovered a lot at /cfg/ but it's not enough. It's simply not enough to redpill normies in a realistic way. We need fucking more and we need more diggers.

American Strategy

I thought you said 6 Universal Time earlier? That's 6 hours from now.

This is not an AMA, and I said there would be no more AMA's, but I will answer this.

Remember what Comey basically said:

>"That does not mean another official would receive no punishment were he/she in the same situation as Mrs. Clinton."

That was a warning to us not to leak the info. He is basically saying "Don't think about it." But realize high intel officials are very, very angry with HRC because the info on her servers compromises the country in a million ways. Look at how far /cfg/ threads have gotten in less than 5 days. More than most people.

So as to a timetable, I do not know. But it will be leaked. Hopefully before November 8th, but we will see. For now, keep your eyes and ears open. I will be less active from here on, so the investigation is yours. But I will help where I can and provide signals of things to come.

give us a hint about the human trafficking being connected to clinton foundation


>"We open governments"

It wasn't just a threat to people in the government.

It was a slap in the face to any common citizen. If WE had done less, we'd probably be on a boat to gitmo or dead in a fucking ditch.

Well..he did say that the investigation is ours. I wouldn't hold out for a hint.

Might as well keep digging and memeing.

Stay safe.

Why would the MIB help us out?
Why are you doing this? that for 225kg of gold or 225,000kg? Either way, that is a fuckton of gold.

You literally cannot fight Sup Forums

This is an international guerrilla group of civilian counter intelligence.

Jesus fucking Christ, we are Motherbase.

Thank you for the response. I look forward to your infrequent visits. Just keep your head low and don't get fucking caught.

Worst case scenario, set up a dead man key to cover your ass. Thanks for the AMAs and for what you're doing, patriot.

then why bother in a neonazi white suprmacist website? he needs to help us damage the clinton campaign.

There's like... a lot.

I never had any confirmation aside from someone posting ~15 different pictures and not explaining anything.

>Many high intelligence officers at the DOD/CIA/FBI/DIA are unhappy with the developments.
There are spooks in the CIA and DOD that are on our side? Even though unraveling this will unravel all the black budget and highly illegal intelligence operations that have gone on spanning the past 50 yeears? This possibly explains why they haven't tried to blackbag me all these years.

Do you know the actual alignments of Obama, Alex Soros, Trudeau, and Elizabeth II? Are they pro or anti-tavistock in the end?

thank you user

>tfw memeing autistic NEETs save western civilization.

We'll keep up the American Strategy
Go do a thing
Take advantage of our chaos


It's 225,000. Euros use decimals for commas for some reason. 225kg would only be 18 gold bars

And we are. Look at how far we've come. They're scared now.

Like he said, when we hit a dead end, we just need to ask questions and spread the fact that there is a question.

That shit is fake as fuck.
It's good fake where someone put real effort into it but lacks details on so many levels...
>the logo is from 1966
>the certificate from 1950
>wrong singers
>wrong stamps
>wrong paper

What are we supposed to do though?

Seriously, if the DOJ decides not to prosecute, the FBI just closes the books on the CF and Hillary SOMEHOW wins the election (I'm not discounting a rigged election at this point) what are we supposed to do?

Armed Revolt? I'm pretty sure they're going to pass some kind of gun control act once things get down to the wire. Plus the majority of normies are cucked beyond belief anyway. Look at the Oregon militia. The MSM depicted them as racist and ignorant, sent in the feds and now they're mostly forgotten about.


how will australia be affected by a hillary clinton presidency? is it a good idea to join the australian military if clinton gets in???


whoever you are, you please KEK greatly


has anybody been able to back trace the bearer bond serial number to see who it was issued to? Or am I unaware that it can't be done?

> "Stop the MSM from making Trump look like a racist, Sup Forums!"
> Posts a Goebbels quote and a swastika

Stay classy.

of course there's spooks on our side.

why do you think this place wasn't bought out/censored as fuck.

this place could've been shut down years ago with old anonfag shit.

>b-b-b-but cripplechan and endchan!!

that's effectively destroying the user community, by splitting it up. effective if done. obviously they haven't bothered doing it.

So the obvious truth is that we have secret admirers.


>Because he's the hero that America deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not a hero-
he's a silent guardian, watchful protector. The FBIAnon.