The decision not to recommend indictment is no surprise. It should be evident BC and LL met to coach her statement to accept the recommendation, which would then be followed by a recommendation of no indictment from the FBI.
Many high intelligence officers at the DOD/CIA/FBI/DIA are unhappy with the developments. Expect leaks of highly classified data to surface on the internet.
When these materials are leaked, download and distribute them immediately.
Because of the sensitivity of the information, links will not be posted for long before censors shut them down. Finding them - and saving them - will be a difficult task. But as I said, 100,000 minds looking into a problem is vastly superior than 100. Foreign posters will be invaluable in this regard.
This decision will likely give Trump a chance to unify the Republican party. It is easier to rally behind someone trying to defeat a common enemy than it is to rally on the basis of agreeing with one's views. However, Scott Adams is correct in pointing out HRC and the MSM are successfully depicting Trump as a racist, and this image is causing his campaign to suffer. Falsifying this perception is key to getting him elected.
This is also your chance to rally Bernie supporters to Trump's side. The common thread between Sanders and Trump is they are both anti-establishment, they recognize the system is corrupt, and they both oppose large special interests. Persuade Bernie's supporters that the system is, in fact, rigged - the only viable candidate the challenge it is Trump. Bernie has no chance of winning the nomination, so the closest they will get to fighting the establishment is Trump. Do not argue policy, argue emotions. More on this in a few paragraphs.
The usefulness of Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, and other websites in promoting anti-HRC messaging cannot be understated. Master the trend and push hard. Viral messaging is key to buckling the Clinton Machine.