
5'6 and built like a Chinese fashion blogger edition

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I can handle a murderer
I can handle a rapist
I can handle a paedophile
I can even handle a swindler or a cheat
But I cannot handle a racist

Never had sex

Might do a good chest session later, not been to the gym in weeks

turtle, how much yen you bringing for how long in Japan?

>USA is a deeply conservative country

I don't think that's true at all.

The main stream media tell Americans it's a deeply conservative country and many of them believe it to be. If you ask them whether they're liberal or conservative then conservative would win as liberal is seen as an insult along with "commie".

But if you poll people on an issue by issue basis such as healthcare, environment, trade, foreign wars, abortion etc. almost every time the progressive/liberal option would poll higher.

Who's the most popular politician in America today? Bernie Sanders who polls over 50%. He would have destroyed Trump at the general election who was polling in the thirties. But the Democratic Party made sure he didn't run, why would they do that?

It's simple. America has allowed it's politicians to be bought by corporations and billionaires. Their politicial system is deeply conservative and simply doesn't reflect the view of the population.

Just look at the latest Republican Healthcare bill, 17% approval rating with the public. Why would you want to pass something like that when 'Medicare for all polls' at 60%?

Because the American political system is deeply corrupt and they represent their donors not the public.


ah yes


feel like a pretty safe driver most of the time, but I feel I always have a close encounter where I have to swerve whenever I do a drive

Most of the time it could be avoided if I could just read ahead a little further, do you develop this sense more as you drive?

Exactly correct. Why would the politicians do anything about universal healthcare when they have the best healthcare coverage in the country and it's theirs for life. They represent the businesses that pay them. Oh wait - those are donations, not payments.

read 2 sentences before deciding this wasn't worth it

Tell yourself that you're hitting chest later, even set up for it at the bench. Then all of the sudden run over to the squat rack and hit legs. Muscle confusion is key lad

Same in this country, it's why the Tory voters on here shy away from the majority of policy debates, they agree with the policies of the left but can't bring themselves to support them for some strange reason

They then start an attack on the various personalities and try nit picking irrelevant points in order to give themselves the reasoning that isn't actually there.

For them, and we read it here on a daily basis, Communist = liberal = Socialist = Labour Party = bad. Those with policies they don't actually agree with = electable.

think so yeh

you're conflating social and economic issues

5-6k AUD for 2 and a half weeks
mum and dad will be paying for most things though

I'm one of them
Love eurotruck sim, trainsim, flight sims, and coin collecting
I do play other games which are slightly more normie, but I find genuine enjoyment in simulators
I'm also one of the trainlads AND one of the planelads

Exactly I was going to make a similar point but missed that off.

We're not that far behind them in this country which is scary.

>do you develop this sense more as you drive

yes. when you first pass you're very concerned with the diameters of your vehicle, so you tend to focus on things close to the car. as you get a more natural feel for your cars size, your concentration will become more precautionary than reactionary. knowing this, you can make a concerted effort to speed to process. always read the road ahead

drive more?
idk what you mean, its just natural maybe
if your genetic ancestors were poo covered drovers anything faster than a 3mph dung cart will make your brain go haywire

I'm a centrist like any other functioning member of society

any siege boys in?


>mum and dad will be paying for most things though
how old are you


solid brosci there

yeah, nearly killed myself many times during my first year but now I'm fine


knew a lad who went to Japan with his parents at 20 and his parents basically paid for him to weeb out
saying that, his sister died when she was only a few years old so his parents basically give in to him 95% of the time but he doesn't take advantage of it

cringehard radical bentrist is here

same, number of times i nearly binned my mums 206 was daft


bit old to go on holiday with mummy and daddy imo

fuck what is that guy from
something annoying on youtube i think but can't remember exactly what

do the new road tax groups apply to all cars or just new ones?

bit cold out

he made how to be awkward in public vines

could easily heem you if i saw you in public, and in fact i plan to if i ever see you around about sydney town

>what if he was cristiano jr's real father?


they invited me and offered to pay for it

driving instructor says im shit lads

only cars registered after April 2017
t. parents wanted to buy a car in the new year and I saved them a few quid by having them buy it a bit earlier

youre just a sad sad little boy

how many hours of driving have you had with them

crook level has increased from "a bit" to "quite"

how the fuck did i get sick, i haven't left my house since thursday

about 15

>t.never utilised proper muscle confusion methods

fuck sake, tired of getting gouged for 300 quid a year whilst filthy smog burners pay nothing

did about 4 shites over the last few days
not sure whats going on


lack of vitamin d(ick)

note: vitamin is pronounced like v(eye)-ta-min

you been nervous?

would rather have an instructor who gets mad when I fuck up

My instructor always pussyfooted around when I fucked up so I always forgot what I did wrong

If he says you're shit mate, you're shit, embrace the feedback and get gud

any Sup Forums men in here?

Disgusting creature. Nice cat though


"there is a light that never goes out" is better than "how soon is now" desu

Yes, I'm a Sup Forumsirly man.

my instructor took me down a sideroad when it was snowing and yanked the handbrake, was good fun



how do i stop sperging out at roundabouts tho?

doing the big Europe trip next year
not with mum and dad


beatboxing is so fukin lit now

What do you imagine Poleaboo's anus to smell like?

passed my drivers and motorcycle test first time with one and two minors respectively with very few lessons. passed both theories with ni on 100% as well with no revision, and for the car one I was hungover. I think if people are a thousand quid down on lessons and have failed a few times they should just not be allowed a license tbph

>communism is really popular the masses are just dumb and hoodwinked by le rich old men
imagine being this full of yourself

would be a proper gimmick if an australian posted it

>yanked the handbrake
this a euphemism?

what difference does it make is better than both 2bh

Any /mlp/ man in?

barely anything mate don't worry
I did like 3 hours of driving a week with my dad as well as as an hour of driving with my instructor and it still took me like 27 hours of driving with my instructor (passed second time). She did say that the driving I did with my dad really did help because most people take at a bare minimum 30

what do you drive?


please, please, please let me get what I want is better than both

certified hoodlummobile


check for the sign, when you see it, slow down, check your lane and indicate(left lane, left indicate for going left, left lane, no indicate for straight on, right lane, right indicate for right) shift in to 2, roll to the roundabout, look right

>is anything coming? Yes

Stop, shift in to 1, set off when nothing is coming


Roll on to the roundabout in 2

Signal if coming off straight on or right

Its a lot to take in lad, but it'll become second nature soon

yanks going mental

I use linux and know python
but I'm utterly inept with technology, idk how I manage to do anything

blast through em at 40 without braking

had too much caffeine and feel jittery and complete shit lads

notice how she responded to me first?

MAN IM AS BIG OF FAN AS ANY STEELER FAN IVE EVER MET! IM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Until they apologize to everyone and make it right FORGET THE STEELERS!!!! Please check out my video!

The liberals are now destroying football. Know this as true. Israel attacked USA on 9/11. And I have proof: youtu.be/kyLyGXQUIo0?t=3m23s

terrified that these people run the world

used to look up to 190, thought he was pretty alpha

turns out he's just another beta failed normie


>before all the virigns post
you are a virgin

going to bed feeling QUITE crook

hope i either wake up feeling better or don't wake up at all x

lmao is this real

fairly sure 190 is LARPing as lenny from of mice and men

>used to look up to 190, thought he was pretty alpha

on which planet were you living?


>picking up girls on Sup Forums

in what fucking way is crying about how girls are mean because they won't fuck you alpha

i think i mainly worry about sperging out and stalling it when its time to pull out which just makes me sperg out even more

nobody gives a fuck you absolute gormless cluster b tool

will get used to the clutch after a few hours and then wont even think about it

>privileged niggers who as soon as they sign for nfl teams move miles away from the shithole neighbours they grew up in and into secure white communities
>whinge about muh racism and attack anyone (charles barkley) who dare point out their hypocrisy and futility of their gimmicks
>forget that the same people you're smearing are the same ones lining you own pockets
>get even more mad when they express dissatisfaction that you're using a sport they follow to promote your backward publicity stunts

What a mess

Hope this is fake. Don't like the idea of women posting here

how did you type the filename