Stop thinking i live in england

stop thinking i live in england

oi cunt 'ows da weatha in da west midlands?

no you live in united kingdom.

i don't even live on the same island as the rest of those cunts

Fuck u england

Come on GAWA! No surrender!

sadly i have to wait for the *lster sc*ts are outbred by the strong irish seed

oi meete heuws loife in norn oirlund?

Well you should have your country's flag if you're not in England.

norn iron :ddddd

England was quite slick when it got the lesser countries to think they were the UK

Sadly people forget this flag represents 4 countries. Of course England being the superior and most well known out of all these countries doesn't help the others.

oi u bloody wanka, u got a license for postin on 'ere?

GOOD post

Why would you want to admit you live in the slums of the UK that isn't Britain, Willie?

i must be true to who i am


what actually is 'irish'? punching your wife out and pints of guinness?
maybe it's why you're so utterly forgettable

Replace guinness with warm ale and you know how continentals see Brits

yeah but we don't care about the continent or all the various fancy cheese and wine """""""""""""nationalities"""""""""""""

>British food is so shit they consider fermented milk with mold "fancy"


Who drinks warm ale? I know some ales are meant to be served at room temperature for flavour.

Oh you poor englishman.

It's just a stereotype I picked up on Sup Forums
I know Belgian triples are better around 12°C and stouts even warmer

Fucking vote for independence then idiot why the fuck would you want to be ruled by a foreign monarchy, Jesus fucking Christ

It's usually all about flavour and quality where ales and stouts are concerned. That's why really cheap and crap lager is served ice cold, so all the shit flavour is gone and all you're tasting is the coldness.

UK is just one country, Scotland etc. Are literally just counties, you either vote for independence or you're not a country. The English just call it"4 countries" so that you don't actually become 4 countries by voting for independence

The UK is a united kingdom of four countries, the clue is in the name.

>mfw people mistake me for a Sw*de

the subenglish won't ever understand this

Nah man, we get that you are a somali

I'd rather be a somali than a swede

except they're not real countries, only the UK is

Please fucking leave already

Massive tax payer burden

They're countries, but they're not sovereign states.

oh I get it, you're one of the dane cosplayers right?

northern ireland/ireland are not countries
scotland is not a country
wales is sort of a country
england is a country

wales is less of a country than any other

would like to lad

ok McPinch

England=Scotland>>>Wales>>N. Ireland>>>>>>>>>>Ireland

How'd I do?

annibyniaeth i Cymru

wales has more speakers of their god awful swamp brogue than literally all the rest added together

norn iron should be rock bottom
you've clearly never visited either if you think this shithole is superior to the south

mae'r Gymraeg yn iaith hardd

They all must countries to a degree.