Sup Forums absolutely BTFO

Other urls found in this thread:

>behind him

>John Cena will never hold you in his perfect arms

go die faggot

Sup Forums was right again

Oy Vey!


Give me back my lawn mower gypsy filth.

>MFW I live in the best country in the world and you live in the worst

Get gassed gypsy scum

Seriously, John Cena looks like your cliché army jarhead, who can't even do simple multiplication.

Looks like a fucking simpleton

Holy fuck

I'd vote for based Underwood.

But Cena-san. Most blacks and hispanics despise America and everything it stands for? They were brought in as essentially farm equipment and got roughed up a bit and now the liberal media and education system has been telling them that everything wrong in their lives is due to white people and America.

>how much do they bench?

My sides

They've used wrestling entertainment to attempt to "soften the blow" of globalism and progressiveness to what they perceive as the "simpleton" public. It's been like this for a while, they've implanted "New World Order" imagery and used stereotypical jarheads like Cena to transmit faggotry to people who think they identify with him.

They underestimate just how resistant people are to this kind of evil. They know the only chances they have are to indoctrinate or outright brainwash children the moment they are capable of critical thought.

Delete this.

Nah, cunt. Fuck that. To love America is to love the ideas that created: life liberty and property. Anyone who doesn't respect that can fuck right off.

hey fuck you dont bring john jesus christ cena into this.

Idk man. A lot of people who like "professional wrestling" have becoming more and more left leaning, especially this up and coming generation. I went to HS in a poor white town and have kept up with some people since graduating a few years ago and it's really disturbing how many people have fallen into this shit.


You ever talk shit about John Cena again I'll fucking kill you.


fucking mark whalberg. shouldn't he be doing shitty movies instead of engaging in politics??

>army jarhead

Jarheads are Marines Ahmed