Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?
Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?
>le reddit man with his /our guy/ fun maymay :^)
""Villains"" that did nothing wrong thread?
he just had to tempt fate after beating the system and the mob didnt he?
Yeah, what a dumb fucker.
He was /ourguy/ up until he saw Malvo in that hotel and got full of himself
>better put up that hood, it gets cold dontchaknow :)
This was his full villainous turn. Like, fucking up with Malvo in the elevator was "excusable" in the sense that he didn't really expect that to happen
That though was full on malicious
It was a more believable "villain" turn than Breaking Bad, imo
>Satan is a woman
/ O U R G U Y/
boy he sure did hate women though.
His sister was a slut
Season 2 > Season 1
I agree
Season 1 was more whimsical while Season 2 was more grounded despite the ayys
He didn't have a sister.
what an over rated pile of dog shit
first few episodes were good tho
That's his daughter
That's what I meant
Bear best Gerhardt
This is fact
>did nothing wrong
idc about his bitch 1st wife but the chineese qt didn't deserve that.
More like cowardly. That being said, he wasn't sure Malvo was in there.
>Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?
I was rooting for him right up until he got his second wife killed.
If you send someone else to be killed instead of you, that's a bit beyond simple "cowardice"
>could have just taken his award and gone home to bang his waifu and watch animes
He just couldn't leave it alone.
>he wasn't sure Malvo was in there.
but he made damn sure that if he was that he'd take a shot at an obvious target.
That's the real moral of the story
It isn't that violence or taking what you want by force is bad, it's that don't do it too much
Pretty much: Don't be a pussy
Why didn't he ambush Malvo while he was in there? Like nigga you saw him limit your waifu sit outside with a shotgun and blast the motherfucker. He was still a beta at heart.
He didn't know he was in there.
It's been a while since I've seen it, but didn't he sit outside and watch her go in?
tricking Malvo with the bear trap was badass. I started rooting for him again after that