Americans have to stand up when someone posts this

>americans have to stand up when someone posts this

Other urls found in this thread:

>in american kneeling for your flag is a sign of protest

americans are retarded

this isn't what it looks like. bunch of nigs getting unruly nothing more, move along

I pledge allegiance

to the flag

of the united states of america

and to the republic

and to the republic

for which it stands

one nation

for which it stands

under God

For which it stands

for which it stands

with libery

and Justice for all

Does this count as physical exercise in Ameriland?

*get shot*




Beautiful. Further proof you really can't beat the classics

How can these people breathe?


nailed it!



this isn't what it looks like

What is it, then?


just a bit of banter


>fuck those japs they tried to kill Ben Affleck never forget





>shitter shattered germ starts cherry picking instead of using regular banter like other countries
Every time






>american documentaries


Aziz shut up.


There's some incredible consistency with Americans and awful, overall dumb posts tho






It really makes you think


What is this Germ's problem?



hmmm I wonder who could be behind this post


He's unironically Russian

delet this

He is right there.
0ºF is hard to humans to survive, and 100ºC is hard for humans to survive. Anything outside this, is bad for you.
mm are good to convert, but when you think 150 years back, you just need something that could be understood without a rule.
The fluid measurement in the imperial system was also good as fuck.



Stay mad :^)

the burger reveals himself

This is the cringiest thing a ever saw that was not amateur.
It was allowed to be broadcast?

>It was allowed to be broadcast?

Of course

>3 seasons, 34 episodes

if it's good enough for shatner, it's good enough for the boys in blue

I think that was me haha

>3 seasons, 34 episodes
Who watch this?
A autistic game play of empire total war would be more historically accurate.

Also, Washington campaign was a joke. He was defeated countless times with his fag continental army. Who won the war where the red necks ambushing British troops.

A single pirate fighting for British muskets had a impact more relevant that the entire military campaign form Washington.

>Who watch this?


The whole show is about shooting guns and blowing up things and "my soldier is better at killing people than yours"

Ofc when it's about Americans vs someone else they always win

>this piece of cloth is Hitler for Amerifats

this is accurate though

I know

The roman salute was really popular before WWII.

it was played on a cable network, it was designed appeal to high testosterone men (and 13-15 year olds), it was mostly car shows, and then stuff like this, another program on that network was called 1000 ways to die.

It was the shitty section of youtube before youtube was that present in world culture.

*Stands up*

>Be American
>Be fat
>Take 10 waddles down the road
>Get shot up by Tyrone
>He takes your wallet
>Roll to the hospital using your own grease to more or less glide there
>Have to pay 120k because Trump care best care
>Motorized wheelchair home (Another $2k)
>Watch news on how current generation of peaceful protestors and college students have another "Peaceful" protest about education, and basic economics.
>Take a swig of your "Heavy Cream Wet Dream™" transfat drink
>Feel your heart stop beating because it's covered in fat
>Cry a single cholesterol tear as you whisper
"God Bless America"

lmao americans

>two different states from a country with no culture or history has more cultural differences than two countries that speak different languages
>american education

Also take your hat off your head and put your hand on your heart
Or else

for which it stands?

I'm not even lying in the slightest when I say those black folks should be fired and banned from football stadiums for disrespecting the sheer amount of fucking work that has gone into making this country - and dare I say modern world the absolute marvel it is today. Never before in human history have things been so great.

And they're undermining the threads which hold all of this together, separating us. We just had a fucking black president for 8 years and our Surgeon General is black. But you gotta hold onto that victim card hard otherwise the only person to blame is yourself. It's like they're resegragating us, with this whole US vs THEM mentality.

Neo-nazis wouldn't go to the white house under Obama.


Yeah and they're faggots too.

Is it true that americans?


I hate this country

He was the best shitposter of his time.
Shitpost using religion is extremely hard, because you need a deep knowledge, and at the same time, pretend you don't know shit.

Man, actually looking it up this is way more disgusting. Without knowing the context you could possibly tell yourself that maybe the boy had some kind of condition(though I can't think what that would possibly be) that made the circumsion necessary. But once you read about and realize that's not the case, it just makes it so much worse.

she apparently was in a dispute with the father, and then she left with the kid for over a month and disappeared

>americans ACTUALLY

That isn't the roman salute, just a bunch of french poofs raising their hands in the hopes of being used as cumrags by real men from real countries


holy shit

Haha holy shit, wtf is that frenchman doing there

>implying we can physically stand