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golly gee, i guess we should never hold any politican accountable ever because of this.

>you said fuck the law so I can say fuck the law too

I'm pretty sure you can be criminally irresponsible.

I know it's a charge.

I mean like, criminally careless, /law/ help me here.

>22 million emails

I can't even begin to comprehend the amount of info contained there.

Those emails dealt with party business.
Clinton's emails dealt with national security.

Real republicans hate both parties, and understand how the Bushs and Clintons are literally the same fucking people
Fuck every one of them.

>corruption is not a bipartisan
>it's okay if my party commits a crime, since your party already committed one

This shouldn't be acceptable for either.

It was apparently 20g of emails.

Think about that.

20g of text files.

The entire Bush family should be deported to Saudi Arabia.

Previous ineptness of this country's checks and balances is no reason to continue being lawless

>w-w-well it's not bad when we do it because they did it too!
Not an argument. It's just a deflection. Bush should have been brought up on treason charges too. If we retroactively put politicians in jail for past offences then we'd have a never ending stream of court proceedings.

Reality is that Bush is no longer in power and what he did is in the past. Hilary, on the other hand, is currently ascending to power and the fallout of her corruption can be prevented.

>hillary did something bad, just like bush
>so that means it's okay
Fucking liberals, man.

probably smileys and chain forwards

then i guess you shoulnt complain when the next republican in office abuses her power, after all the precident has been written in stone now

>we didn't care then but we sure as fuck care now

dont forget customizeable cursor icons

Any source? Why is everyone just taking this in and talking about it when there's no evidence?

>a txt file of an email document is the same as three or four sentences of text lines

Email files are fairly substantial, if you actually look at the information contained in them. Average is anywhere from 60 ~ 100kb per.

Why is this shit any surprise to you. Minorities have been saying this shit for years

They were as crooked as Hillary. Which is why you knew she would walk free.

>Hating on Bush

God this meme needs to die.

You're going to need a better talking point shill. Nobody likes Bush, and if Obama chooses not to go after them then he looks corrupt too. And what does Fox News have to do with the FBI being corrupt and letting Hillary go? Get your Media Matters shit out of here.

The bias is real as fuck.

It's ok, BUSH DUN IT!

Say it with me, now. The SYSTEM is rigged.

How out of touch do you got to be to think that anyone who is supporting Trump and has a positive view of Bush isn't the kind of person who would vote Republican no matter what?

Worst part is it's not even our party.

>He doesn't hate Bush



That's still a fucking lot of text. And I'm pretty sure proper format makes it longer than just three or four sentences.

Sure bud, sure

20 grams of text files?! Wtf I hate Trump now

It was on a private gov. Server.

>occupy democrats

It doesn't surprise me. It disappoints me.

>National Commitee
>certainly not National Secrets

Did someone die because of those email deletions?

I don't see a source for your claim of 20 million e-mails deleted.............

source or it never happened.

See this topic .

The specific law regarding Clinton's mishandling has a clause regarding "gross negligence" which requires "a conscious violation of other people's rights to safety." Whether or not that exists is the subject of some debate, but based on their findings the FBI thinks it would be too hard to prove, so that's why they RECOMMEND no charges brought up against her.

Plus, if the emails are forwards and cc's that easily jumps the file size exponentially. That said:

(20 gigabytes) / (75 kilobytes) =

>look at this dog ride a skateboard
>watch this squirrel ride a jet ski
>Should I trust this Nigerian Prince Karl?
>fwd fwd fwd

If this election cycle has shown us anything it is the difference between the Democratic establishment and the Republican establishment is almost non-existent.

Sure they'll make a big show of their key issues but in the end it's all about staying in power and maintaining status quo.

You need a TS/SCI clearance to access the RNC email server?

No. You fucking don't. Fucking liberal fucks, you'd never pass a poly.

when the shitpost is just right

> Uses 'Occupy' as the name of their group

Way to instantly lose all credibility.

>you will never read bush emails

Think about the gold mine of hilarious shit there's in there...

Sorry ministry of truth, paid propaganda like occupy democrats is just joke bait here.

Go back to sucking your owner's cock.

I imagine there were many typos and silly questions.

>all the half drunken troll mails and the obligatory proper replies

Why even live

>Heh, who cares if this guy raped when that guy got away with murder!

That's basically your, and everyone defending Shillary,fucking logic.


Maybe it's a good thing they delete their emails once in a while....

Implying we think they shouldn't be prosecuted... Two wrongs don't make a right. Libertard

Remember that these people are basically your parents.

They know jack shit about computers.

Fuck I ran CCleaner on my dads computer once, it took a motherfucking hour and a half.

Of course not. Bush is a good man.


>The Republicans are corrupt so I can be too.
Good argument, definitely voting for Hillary now.

>Which leather chair gives the best reverberation when I fart on it?
>get me that chair for the oval office.

but it true if the internet said so

>f350 superduty
I don't like Bush but I admire his taste in trucks.


literally this

Yeah okay


I agree fox news is shit.

I agree both should be investigated.

For once I agree with obongo.

Fox News and Rove are treasonous, so not sure your point?


0.02 has been deposited in your account

>1 post by this ID

Well nigger, that doesnt change the fact that two wrongs don't make a right.

Didn't government data retention laws become in effect in '09?


I didn't hear about it either. Media shilling for establishment is a normal thing.

But only if they scrutinize Clinton and Obama as well.

The distinction to me is that Hillary knowingly mishandled classified information, some of which was designated "top secret." That's the criminal act.

She wasn't facing criminal penalties for setting up the server itself. That was investigated by the State Dept. and govererned by administrative regulations, not criminal statute.

The FBI was conducting a criminal investigation and their SOLE question was whether she sufficiently mishandled classified to expose her to criminal liability.

>that smug Putin riding shotgun




saint kek, is that you?

I'm sorry, the Republican National Committee is run by the government and stores top secret governmental information in violation of federal law?

libcucks always use this "argument" it amazes me they have no self awareness for what they are actually saying here.