Hollywood on suicide watch
Hollywood on suicide watch
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Nigger effect
All joking aside, everyone knew what was going to win what awards. Zero shocks.
Dont blame on the melanin-enriched, blame it on the endless reboots and uninspired cinema since 2008.
This. Award shows are just boring. The only good one I can remember in recent memory was the one where Ricky Gervais just ridiculed everybody, what was that one, Golden Globes?
>everyone knew what was going to win what awards. Zero shocks.
I doubt anyone saw the twist coming, though.
Thats why they pulled this stunt last night
People will tune in next year for more wacky stuff
Yeah, the Golden Globes are shit but Gervais is the fucking best.
>"To Mel's credit, I'd rather be drinking in a hotel room with him than Bill Cosby"
Why did you think they pulled that sham at the end? They want next year to have higher ratings by attracting attention no matter the cost.
Blame the host. He's not a draw any more.
its their own fault for cutting out young/modern audience
at least in the past popular movies also had a shot at an Oscar, nut now it seems only artsy fartsy bait movies can win, i mean yes we joke about cape shit but those movies are massive so would it hurt to open up to this genre or fantasy etc?
I'm not surprised that ratings were down. I am surprised that 32.9 million people watch this to begin with.
The average person doesn't care about the oscars as much as the Internet thinks they do. Plus, it was 4 hours and barely of it was talking about movies. Oscars are the same shit every single year
>make less films
>channel all money into blockbuster capeshit garbage
>let SJWs force their nofunallowed agenda into the mix
The jokes were pretty lame. They needed a funnier comedian.
DC and Harry Potter franchises both won stuff.
Suicide squad was the biggest surprise the rest was some shit people guessed weeks ago.
You're seriously right
1990s best picture winners:
>Dances with Wolves
>Silence of the Lambs
>Schindler's List
>Forrest Gump
>The English Patient
>Shakespeare in Love
>American Beauty
>A Beautiful Mind
>Return of the King
>Million Dollar Baby
>The Departed
>No Country for Old Men
>The Hurt Locker
2010s to date:
>The King's Speech
>The Artist
>12 Years a Slave
It's only this decade that "It's the greatest film of the year, too bad you plebs have never heard of it" really became a thing. What's up with that?
I remember post 2008, when they tried to make the Oscars more "fun" and viewer friendly. It was fucking awful.
I haven't watched the ceremony in years, probably pre-2008, that being said, the song and dance numbers, the hilarious ""jokes"" that went viral afterwards were shared ad nauseam which was disgusting to have to witness.
Post your top 10 films of all time and top 5 of 2016 right now
That's what happens when you give into being overly "diverse". These awards have value because they were based on talent or were at least perceived as such. Now they're perceived as political pats on the back. "Great job on being black actor, have an Oscar."
They devalued their own award.
>at least in the past popular movies also had a shot at an Oscar, nut now it seems only artsy fartsy bait movies can win, i mean yes we joke about cape shit but those movies are massive so would it hurt to open up to this genre or fantasy etc?
Are you Squidding me? Artsy fartsy movies always get the awards. On Golden Pond won a lot more than Star Wars back in the day.
That's because all film critics look like this.
Bad movie year
>third lowest TV ratings since 1974
I don't know many people who are interested in watching rich people jerk each other off
Or be colossally butthurt about the American people electing a president they don't like.
the only ones people didnt see were spotlight, moonlight, the artist, and maybe birdman.
No one wants to watch Hollywood suck it's own dick wow who knew
In defense of the Oscars, it's not that their pretentious ass is the reason people have stopped caring, more than nobody gives a shit about movies anymore.
The only movie that's got anyone interested recently is The Force Awakens and Disney are already starting to bore people with Star Wars.
Games of Thrones and to a lesser extent The Walking Dead have shown that TV shows with ambitious settings are more "blockbuster". Netflix have literally established themselves as a new TV network in the space of about three years and are pumping out new shows like crazy. All public interest has gone there, in a space where people can immerse themselves for longer and at the time they want to (for cheaper).
Even if the Oscars opened up and become about more mainstream movies, who care about Movies anymore? They're no longer the gold standard of acting or cinematography anymore.
>worst year in movies in decades
>only ratings, box office and popularity shows how good something is
ignorance is a bliss
They're worried as well that not enough young actors in their 20s and 30s are coming along to play romantic leading men or action heroes. That they continue to pimp out old guys like Stallone has more to do with a lack of young talent to replace them.
They ruined the BAFTAs with that shit. Who cares fuckers, us bongs have our own issues atm
>the only ones people didnt see were the majority of the ones from this decade
>They're no longer the gold standard of acting or cinematography anymore.
Acting and cinematography in cinema are the gold standards, out of all the possible fields you picked the worst ones for television
I used to watch, but I just assume it's just a bunch of tranny nigger films that win everything so I don't bother anymore.
Fuck off
I'd never thought about that.
Television is dying, lots of people either just watched streams of it or read about it later. Why even waste your time watching the Oscars? Politics aside, it's not especially entertaining, it's just watching people you may or may not be familiar with receive gold statues, in a very drawn-out fashion. Applies to most award shows really. The internet has made award shows obsolete, people don't need to be told once a year what movies/shows/songs/etc are good, there's plenty of resources available to figure that out yourself.
>affirmative action oscars are not popular
Who wants to watch a Hollywood circlejerk? I stopped watching fucking years ago. Hollywood has become the definition of what happens when there's TOO much political correctness. It's just a liberal circlejerk. It's not even about the art of film. A tv show could just as easily be better than any film. Hell, even The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones and other AMC/CW/CBS/HBO dramas were better than the Oscars last night and half of the shitty movies last year. I'm sick of it. Make some good movies again.
Like how many really big box office draws are there now? Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Mel Gibson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Tom Hanks ruled Hollywood in the 90s. But try and name any A-list actors under 45. For whatever reason, Millenials are not being drawn into the biz the way previous generations were.
they were all boring as fuck movies, no wonder.
The Grammys at least have a little bit of youth culture cache.
2016 was probably one of the weakest years for cinema, so no surprise. Barely anything for people to get excited about.
kimmel, from what i saw, was boring as fuck, and the music was shit.
Speaking of which, I wonder why the 1974 Oscars had such shit ratings? They were covering the year that gave us The Sting and The Exorcist for goodness sake.
Third lowest. This year was the lowest since the 2008 AAs, which were covering 2007. The biggest grossing films in 07 were all cartoon/CGI movies.
that was my point, look at the 90s and how many block buster have won and look at this decade
I was shocked when La-La Land won.
But then the obvious happened.
>Shakespeare in love
I'm still mad about that one.
my top 10 films of all time:
1. Rope
2. LA Confidential
3. Departed
4. I'm not there
5. LoTR 1
6. Silence of the Lambs
7. The Exorcist
8. Sunshine
9. Cloud Atlas
10. Pianist
fave 2016 movies
1. Jungle Book
that was basically it, but i enjoyed Deadpool and Captain America
As I said, I think it correlates with the lack of young A-list actors nowadays versus the 90s. In recent years, cartoon movies make more money than live action ones.
I've said this shit for a decade. Oscars have been getting worse for years. I can't remember the last time I actually wanted to see an "Oscar nominated" movie
>Most of the movies nominated weren't on the top grossing films list
>50,000 Trump jokes within the first few minutes
>Trying to lead some kind of a movement through muh cinema
>The average worker doesn't give a fuck about any of this
Oscars like the Grammys are fucking dead
Maybe someday they'll realize virtual signalling at award shows turn people off
Im just happy it wasnt LaLaLand. That wouldve been Crash all over again.
Thjs. And you can see Hollywood trying to push anyone and everyone as the new (insert famous old actor/actress) luckily people have kind of caught on to this bullshit.
>cloud atlas
You are my nigga. Also in my top 10.
what was wrong with la la land winning? I thought crash was the same oscar bait shit as mooncricket light
There's plenty of high profile young actresses like Emma Watson, but on the male side of things it's become remarkably deficient.
There's always a demand for actresses b/c fap b8, in fact that's always been the primary use of females in cinema since the silent movie days. I meant A-list _male_ actors.
Also what exactly has Emma Watson done as an adult of any importance?
LLL was shit m8. Not even the Goose could carry that piece of shit musical.
gimme a high 5 for cloud atlas bros
Same difference.
The cultural Marxist effect on all culture is destruction. When they run out of inspiration they just pretend that putting minorities in movies makes them art.
It doesn't. It does nothing.
>what are internets
get with the times, gramps
>bunch of acceptance speeches had people talking about being viewed around the world by hundreds of millions of people
>1 acceptor even said billions of people
no no no, your little hollywood circlejerk isnt that important
>The King's Speech
>The Artist
>12 Years a Slave
Let's be honest here.
Would you pay to watch any of those movies? I don't even care enough to illegally download this garbage.
so this is (((news)))?
And even then, Bette Davis had a hard time getting into the biz because she was a weird, goggle-eyed bitch with no sex appeal.
why? it was a good movie
This is true. Most actresses are disposable sex objects who are basically expected to commit suicide when they turn 35. Once in a while, a Bette Davis comes along who can actually act and do more than just take her clothes off.
It's so insane reading the list. Like anyone who gives a shit about movies has seen half of the 1990s through 2010s list and they were largely movies in the cultural zeitgeist with tons of parodies, memorable quotes and scenes, etc.
Then look at the 2010s to now. These are undeniably a lesser calibur of movies. Not quotable or even close to culturally important as the others.
How come there are so many award shows?
It feels like the last award show was 2 weeks ago.
abysmal taste. a few kinos there but none I would refer to as my favorite movies
/manchildren/ general eh?
they need to stream it on youtube and twitch and facebook and twitter
Holy shit some Cloud Atlas love. I went into that expecting Jupiter Ascending .5 but holy shit that was a ballsy movie. If you want to know if someone has ADD ask them what they thought of Cloud Atlas
Michelle Pfeiffer is my favorite example of this from recent history. After Clinton's first term (which coincided with her turning 35), her career pretty much went up like a puff of smoke.
Holy shit you're absolutely right. In the 2010's I've only seen The Kings Speech and The Artist.
Vitamin D deprived
The usual reason people give is that it beat Saving Private Ryan
All I hear anyone talk about now are cartoon/CGI stuff like Transformers or capeshit movies. Live action movies seem really irrelevant in this decade.
Everything is so clear now.
Well put user. This is quite true. This is much worse than not winning at all, cause now niggers won't get merit either way.
of the 2010's only seen argo and birdman lol, and I go to the movies every week
still though, Crash is Trash
Oscars used to be like this
Now it's dour negro shilling with LOL DRUMPF jokes.
yeah I heard her story on the radio, nice song
They actually used to be fun, holy shit. This makes it hurt worse now that it's just crying about diversity and le drumpf
No this year the opening was a fucking Justin Timberlake concert that had zero relevance to cinema.
I think in general they aren't finding enough young "Tom Cruises" to replace the older vets. It seems like a lot of actors are expendable and not sticking around as long. But it's there fault. I said this before and i'll say it again, every fucking actor should get off social media. The mines lines of connection you give to actors the more you shit on the mystique of them the shorter the shelf life they have.
RLM knew this
>Return of the King
must've been a slow year
in any case, it started with the Hurt Locker. That movie was mediocre as fuck and got a lot of undue praise
yeah, it felt like those parties where the popular kids invite the geeks just to make fun of them.
its because all the young actors are just hyper handsome dudes with adonis-bodies
I really don't think acting ability is prioritised in the same way
Blame the fucking award show going on too long and too late at night for east coasters. All of these "hur hur niggers" or "2016 was a shit year for movies" do not understand that people do not want to watch 4 hours of oscars if it starts late at night. Make it start at 3 pm west coast time and suddenly you get more ratings from other parts of the country past "best picture"
Last 2 times ratings were a bit low they blamed it on the lack of diversity
What's the excuse now?
mm you are right
exactly, they turned the oscars into some french backwater trophy only critics understand
jackman is based but that material was so fucking weak holy shit
God damn what a fine alpha male specimen.
Lack of diversity
Birdman maybe. I saw 12 years on HBO and felt insulted. I kept waiting for the actors to look at the audience and say "wow isn't slavery bad!!" I know slavery is bad now wrap a story around it. It was almost crash levels of gee whiz racism bad