ITT: Filmmakers who undoubtedly would have been notorious Sup Forums shitposters if they were young and alive today.
ITT: Filmmakers who undoubtedly would have been notorious Sup Forums shitposters if they were young and alive today
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But does that mean his influence would be gone??
Does whatever connection his work has to whoever and stuff mean that Hiroyuki would never had made 2chen and then moot never made this site??
he'd hate Sup Forums because it's not black and white and it moves quickly
Anyone here read his book? It's literal shitposting, 250 or so pages of it.
>[on Jean-Luc Godard] I've never gotten anything out of his movies. They have felt constructed, faux intellectual and completely dead. Cinematographically uninteresting and infinitely boring. Godard is a fucking bore. He's made his films for the critics. One of the movies, "Masculin FĂ©minin", was shot here in Sweden. It was mind-numbingly boring.
He would be really uptight and hate Bane and memes but he would have really nothing interesting to bring to the table.
John Waters
French fucks BTFo
2nd post best post
Where should I start with his filmogrophY?
Most of his films are in color though.
He's definitely been on Sup Forums at least
Stalker, I'd say leave Solaris until later on
but his good ones aren't
Dubbed or subbed?
I fucking love artists shitting on each other
see Nabokov shitting on everybody
Not true. Zerkalo is his best and it's 50% in color.
Subbed, you mongoloid. This isn't one of your chinese cartoons.
I don't think there are dubs anyway
Someone post tarkovsky's blog about when he went to see Zombi II
Ok, cool.
Who this guy? The new star wars director?
literally /ourguy/
now this is 20th century shitposting
>literally uses the words pleb and hack
I was expecting to see a kek somewhere in there too
>He is a pleb and hates anything original or independent.
Well, guess he wouldn't have liked Sup Forums after all
only an american would ask this.
>Although strongly opposed to commercial cinema, in a famous exception Tarkovsky praised the blockbuster film The Terminator, saying its "vision of the future and the relation between man and its destiny is pushing the frontier of cinema as an art". He was critical of the "brutality and low acting skills", but nevertheless impressed by this film.
Id say he comes here semi-regularly. He had a thing for finding new fetishes not so long ago and, well, you know this place.
Would he love the prequels as much as he loved OT?
>did he actually die not knowing he was a hack
He'd probably prefer them for the political shit but still criticize the fuck out of them
is that the golden state of shitposting? Like the movie but still say its shit?
I fucking love historical shitposting
Nabokov on other writers:
>Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his reactionary journalism seriously.
The Double. His best work, though an obvious and shameless imitation of Gogol's "Nose."
The Brothers Karamazov. Dislike it intensely.
Crime and Punishment. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly rigmarole.
>Camus, Albert. Dislike him. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me. Awful.
>Wilde, Oscar. Rank moralist and didacticist. A favorite between the ages of 8 and 14. Essentially a writer for very young people. Romantic in the large sense.
>Sartre, Jean-Paul. Even more awful than Camus.
Nausea. Second-rate. A tense-looking but really very loose type of writing.
>Marx, Karl. Loathe him.
>Hemingway, Ernest. A writer of books for boys. Certainly better than Conrad. Has at least a voice of his own. Nothing I would care to have written myself. In mentality and emotion, hopelessly juvenile. Loathe his works about bells, balls, and bulls.
And people wonder why he is loved on Sup Forums.
Fuckers he was the OG shitposter.
But what was up with his loved for Jane Austen though?
simple, his waifu
>Wilde, Oscar. Rank moralist and didacticist. A favorite between the ages of 8 and 14
Wanted to shag her, most likely.
>David Lynch is one of my fave directors
>shit up every lynch/twin peaks thread for the laugh
Which book?
That doesn't look like Sculpting in Time. (?)
there's no doubt in my mind orson wells would be a massive shitposter
Truffaut was a shitposter IRL as a film critic
>Marlon Brando shitposted on early internet forums
>Did he actually die not knowing he was a hack?
holy shit
Luckily for us shit like this place didn't exist back then, so he actually had to go out and achieve something
Oh god, I didn't know Nabokov was such a boss. Absolutely savage
I truly 100% believe were Marlon Brando alive and functional, he'd be on here.
>questions only plebs ask
>>Hemingway, Ernest. A writer of books for boys. Certainly better than Conrad. Has at least a voice of his own. Nothing I would care to have written myself. In mentality and emotion, hopelessly juvenile. Loathe his works about bells, balls, and bulls.
Keked hard
>did he actually die not knowing he was a hack?
>Verne, Jules.
Around the World in Eighty Days. A favorite between the ages of 10 and 15, but no longer.
>Wells, H. G. A favorite between the ages of 10 and 15, and thereafter. A great artist, my favorite writer when I was a boy. His sociological cogitations can be safely ignored, but his romances and fantasies are superb. A far greater artist than Conrad. A writer for whom I have the deepest admiration.
What the FUCK? I could have understood no longer liking Verne if he preferred the "sociological cogitations" of Wells, but not if he's ignoring them. It can't be that he read those atrocious translations of Verne's books either, because he spoke French. Why stop being a fan of Verne but not Wells?!
Wells himself didn't like getting compared to Verne.
Basically Wells>>>>>>Verne.
They're similar only at a shallow level.
I'm fairly certain both Orson Wells and Kubrick would be on here.
>Hemingway, Ernest. A writer of books for boys. Certainly better than Conrad. Has at least a voice of his own. Nothing I would care to have written myself. In mentality and emotion, hopelessly juvenile. Loathe his works about bells, balls, and bulls.
>The Killers. Delightful, highly artistic. Admirable.
>The Old Man and the Sea. Wonderful. The description of the iridescent fish and rhythmic urination is superb.
But what's Wells without the sociological cogitations imbued in his works?
>The Time Machine. Better than anything any of Wells' contemporaries would produce. Especially good.
How can you prefer The Time Machine to Verne's works if you're ignoring the point Wells tried to make with the Morlocks and Eloi and mankind's progression?
>expecting a coherent argument from a Sup Forums shitposter.
All the French New Wave guys were literally the shitposters of their day
It's not the point itself but how everything is displayed.
It's a novella, not an essay.
All their movies where just giant shitposts about France so you're probably right.
to me, to you.
weehoo we really did a nice job of that scene, so lets go have a nice cup of chai.
silly me! i nearly used symbolism is that scene.
nevermind, we can cut it in editing.
pravda. da. sorted.
to me, to you.