What an absolute madman
What an absolute madman
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>tfw you watch americans try to kill each other by voting for repealing each others healthcare, while you sip on tea from afar with your top quality free healthcare
>top quality
>Non American healthcare
Pick one
hahah yeah canada is great...only 6 more months until my free MRI
your health care wont be free once you have millions of muslim welfare leeches causing your gov't to hemorrhage money.
Mark my words, you'll be just like america in a couple decades
>you will never be able to have a quality john oliver thread on Sup Forums without it devolving into Sup Forumstardation
All I want to do is make fun of memes about how much I'm supposed to dislike the chap and talk about Mike, who is just a fucking lobster. Is that so wrong?
wait you actually watch his show?
Hell yeah, never miss an episode
pointing out the retardation of Trumpanzees is funny
Bill Paxton wouldn't have died in a european hospital. The reason he died is so hilarious for people living in a first world country.
I get the feeling Trump likes Obamacare & he is being pressured.
Can you look more jewish then this kike?
He had his show while the Oscars were on?
>tfw Obama didn't bring about massive apathy by continuing and encouraging Bush-Era Republican policies while Republicans all the while stymied, blocked, filibustererd, etc.. Any bill regardless
>tfw all Obama did by bailing out the banks, increasing Drone strikes, arresting whistle-blowers for domestic spying illegalities, etc.. Was make Americans somehow believe-in the political theater even more than they ever did before.
>People think that Donald Trump was an actual populist upset that was not already planned for
Stop buying into -any- of it. Republican, Democrat, both are boots worn by the same shoe. CNN. Fox News. Both are mouths speaking from the same tongue. This shit isn't conspiracy, it's fact.
I guess so? I just pirate it the next day anyway
>If we attack Trump for 8 years it will have the same effect as when we did it to Bushitler!
Hi comrade, thank you for correcting the record(TM) on President Trump. 5 Rubles have been deposited into your FSS account.
Nigga, everyone pays taxes. I just don't have to worry that an injury is going to put me in a lifetime of debt. I'm talking average middle class here.
Only when he's not rambling about Trump. The conspiracy theory episode is kino.
But what if I'm not black
>Literally stealing jokes from Sup Forums
Americans and their late night talk shows are so weird.
>8 years and not 4 maximum
Did anyone else actually watch the episode?
Not every one of his episodes are dogshit, just most of them.
For a non american it feels like watching a north korean show. So weird to hear the audience clapping and screaming like crazy at moderatly funny shit. As if soldiers were menacing them.
>he lost and doesn't know
No joke but I think he's actually the most watchable of the bunch. I also never understood the dick sucking of Jon Steward, who was desperately unfunny and tries to laugh at his own jokes all the time.
theres a generation of people who literally had comedy central and the daily show as their sole news source
yes, there are people this retarded
The audience reactions are pretty much entirely manufactured. The studio tells the audience how to behave and hope that the laughter will make the product seem funnier to home viewers.
No way man
Hardly any of them, you mean, if any at all
I don't think anyone did. His ratings must have been abyssmal last night.
1999-2005 Daily Show was good
Shit, even Sup Forums watches the oscars? Fuck me, then
Never really found his stuff funny but hey whatever.
Thanks for your input, faggot.
great post
Go bitch about it in /qa/
and there's nothing you can do to stop us
If you think the NHS is anything to be proud of you're a fucking retard.
I'm european and I fucking love this guy.
>it's an "I'm forcing this meme into the ground" episode
>angrily dips fentanyl into BBQ sauce
Yeah? Then start a party that wants to replace the NHS with an American style system, see how popular that idea is
>triggering americans this hard
Amusing. Seriously though, why try to defend a party and a for profit system that is out to deny you as much as possible?
literally nothing of that matters if you are middle class or better.
Sup Forums cross posters are triggered so hard by him that its difficult to have an actual discussion, but a lot of his episodes do a great job of synthesizing reports and summarizing really depressing issues in an amusing way.
>he doesn't watch this week with Andrew Neil
America healthcare is the best quality, barring some of the richer European countries, it just is more expensive.
>really depressing issues
What, like not getting enough Muslim immigrants?
I've been seeing clips of his show recently and trumpcucks are wrong yet again. He makes good points and has funny jabs here and there. What exactly does he do (besides trigger trumpcucks) that makes him disliked by you people? It can't just be teens being contrarian, can it?
haha epic dude got em
And your middle class is shrinking literally every day. How long until your "BUT WE'RE A BROWN COUNTRY, THE WHITE PARTS ARE GOOD" excuse no longer matters?
>Revoke ACA
>Go back to paying less for better healthcare
Please, Jesus
In the US, individualism and personal choice are seen as paramount. Caring for your neighbor and fiscally cheaper socialist programs like health care for all are seen as below many americans. Ever heard of the American Dream? Basically many, many americans have this carrot-on-a-stick idea that they can make it rich. Higher taxes and more restrictions on richfags are therefore put down by these people because they think they too can become rich.
Richfags use conservative ideology and appeal to these idiots via other means so that they will vote against their interests. Did you know a large percentage of Trump voters actually use Obamacare, and many of them are poorfags who depend on it to survive? They thought Trump wouldn't actually get rid of it and that he'd work to bring them prosperity. They're basically the analogue to SJWs believing that Sanders would get us free healthcare, a free ride to college, and basically make the US a utopia. Both sides have their idiots.
>being so fat and disgusting you need healthcare
top fucking kek
>Did you know a large percentage of Trump voters actually use Obamacare
citation needed desperately
>many of them are poorfags who depend on it to survive?
If they voted Democrat they would no longer be "poorfags who depend on it to survive" but "disenfranchised Americans being robbed by corporations".
It was just a meme, man. That was my favorite part of last night's episode is all.
>*dies in the waiting room*
The funny thing is that this guy talks big but he's too scared to post Sup Forums because they might hurt his feelings
>disenfranchised Americans being robbed by corporations
Literally the majority of Americans count as that. It's only seen as a personal fault when you're so cucked that you vote for the interests of your corporate masters at the expense of yourself.
When you'd rather DIE than vote against the MIC or Wall street, you might as well get your dick and balls surgically removed because you're not using them.
W and the necons were the establishment which certainly helped the situation.
put it about right before he says it
That old lady who received Obamacare, but opposed it because of the name, was funny. It shows the logic of your average voters.
Conservatives always vote based on how many people they can kill. The wealthy leaders of the party don't care about the poor dying, and the poor people in the party are too dumb to realize they're voting to throw themselves in the meat grinder.
Seriously though we need to finally bring the US up to the level of first world civilizations like Sweden.
Why are 90% of talk shows mostly "LOL REPUBLICANS AMIRIGHT XD"
The shoe fits.
That's not true, people die of complications during or after surgeries every single day. I am a medical doctor in Germany and we literally lose thousands of patients each year in this country alone because too often not even basic hygienic standards are upheld.
>top quality
>It's only seen as a personal fault when you're so cucked that you vote for the interests of your corporate masters at the expense of yourself.
Come again?
Because the media has diminished the conversation to such a low level that the "intellectual" left is now just as stupid and uncritical as any ignorant conservative.
Don't worry about it, Sweden has been rapidly making itself more like the US for the last decade.
I have had two MRIs and one CT scan.
First one took 14 days.
Second took 11 days.
I had a head injury and got a CT scan the same day when I went to the Hospital.
I love our healthcare, and grateful as fuck I don't have the shitty quality Americans have.
i don't understand what's so controversial about health care
just don't get sick?
>I had a head injury
You would probably be dead by now in USA lel
>8 years
He will be impeached within 2
You must live in a shitty fly over state
Because republicans are a very vocal and insane minority in the country.
Can any Americans explain why the late-night talk show format is so popular?
What are you on about?
America has the best healthcare in the world, its just not free.
people come from all around the world to get top notch medical treatment here, Europoors just give whats given to them and get surgery by poo in loo Pajeets who dont wash their hands after shitting and wiping
did you forget his vice president, lad?
Well as this man said here Oliver helps them cope with the depression and sleep well, otherwise they would be up all night worrying about Muslim immigration or transgender bathrooms.
Start war with Russia, complete job of turning US into Brazil, continue overthrowing foreign governments for no reason (Syria,Libya). That's life in Hilldawg County
he btfo drumpf every fucking week, i can't imagine he will stay alive for long now that Amerikkkan Putin is in charge
>Did you know a large percentage of Trump voters actually use Obamacare
citation needed
provide proofs
>Start war with Russia
What's wrong with this? Putin should finally be killed - he's not better than muslims or north koreans.