
anime edition

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Not sure if the cunnyposter has switched to milfposting on Sup Forums
have to say I much prefer milfposting

elyse looking extra fine this ep of openhaus

bernard manning edition

kingsman was decent t b h
6/10, very fun movie

don't rate the beatles at all
not sure how they got so popular

i don't want to leave the usa nooooooo


genuinely cannot watch anything less than 8/10s these days, have become a very snobbish arsehole

>shitposts and twitter"
>you declared war on you!


quite surreal really

Why do you think I would want to acquire a mental illness?

torn between keeping a satisfactory relationship with a nice enough gf or ending the relationship so I can pursue potentially better gfs that I could consider settling down with for life

>tfw no hot commando bf

then don't

Bear's got the swiper.

yeah but for entertainment purposes only it's probably an 8
the plot was a bit disjointed and there were some very unnecessary parts, but as a film to watch with your mates it's great. also the meme potential is great.

if you're having these thoughts now you should just get it over with

I have never known the touch of a woman

I'm digging this grave and I'm going to lie in it.

it is
especially teaching since there is a big government push to get every school teaching it, and every new money parent wants their kid being taught by a "Yank".
I had some issues when I started because of my accent, but I've gotten much better at speaking with a flat and clear American accent.

where are you going

post your name and I'll do a graffiti tag of it

finna do a hand on willy rub

patrick mcdonagh


Did I say that? I was talking about the gym equipment. Stop being angry mate there's no reason to. Relax I'm your friend. I'm sorry

I tried breaking up with her but I ended up acting like a right cunt breaking her heart and I felt guilty and regretful and got back together with her promising to earn bask her trust

I'm all over the place

Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderrahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi

um sweaty there is only room for one banksy ITT and I am him

shame you have to speak like a yank, but I guess it isn't the end of the world
here the deal is now that you just have to come from an English speaking nation to get a work permit for english teaching
it used to be open to loads of people but it's now basically for white, english speaking countries

Somewhere in Europe.
Never held a real connection to European culture minus the French because they produce the greatest music of all time.
Was supposed to go months ago but I'm procrastinating.

Timothy James Byrne in flat Spracklen House Marlow SL72QH

how long ago was this?

Sir cuckold I

Then kill yourself, you mentally ill paki

you seem like a runt

>minus the French because they produce the greatest music of all time.
hate to say it but the English have the best music in the world

English comes close second and maybe the Swedes third.

statistics is fascinating lads

so much energy spent on trying to figure out things that can't be figured out

didn't dot the i. not a fan

a few weeks ago

I'm not actually considering ending a relationship with her for a while, I do plan to have a nice time and just go with the flow, but I do feel like I'll want to break up eventually

be here now is underrated lads, d'you know what i mean is a right banger

literally can't think of any good french bands

all for literally nothing

>tfw sitting in the parking lot of my daily toil

would you?

yeah go on

not for nothing 2bh

but still


is coming up VERY soon lads
the Chinese are going to like that

fuck her

>Scientists in Hull are reaching the final stages of testing the pill, [which] works by surpassing the buzz that people feel when they have an alcoholic drink.

Leave it to Hull to invent a pill that gets you more pissed than alcohol.

gonna bag it for oasis lad

what a butterface haha

well there are some logistical issues with that but if the opportunity arose, I wouldn't pass it up

If it ain't Don, it ain't on.

Though that time she wore Batman pyjama short shorts was delish


Brexit was a good idea

It probably doesn't feel like it now, but honestly, how many history changing moments do you think felt like good moments at the time? Do you think the Break with Rome happened smoothly? Or the Glorious Revolution?

History will vindicate us

think I've managed to get a cold lads

is it very polluted in HK?



doing a bit of reading

There should be a Hotline Miami mod where you play as Tim killing the DPD, Sainsbury's Operatives and Vinnay.

busy day at work lads. im new to the job too so feel a bit frazzled. wish i had an easy job sometimes.

Got an res at Dubsia tonight
GREAT sea urchin ceviche

this is the opposite of the glorious revolution though

this is like when alexander III came to power

not in HK, in Mainland China
today (or yesterday, can't remember) my city was worse by like 20 points on the AQI than Beijing which is notoriously bad for pollution


butt ass

check em

General Elektriks, France Gall, Justice, Breakbot, Mr. Oizo, The Do, Stuck in the Sound, Revolver, Nasser, C2C, Baden Baden, House De Racket, Eiffel


if the remain campaigners weren't such insufferable out of touch benders they could've won the referendum easily
no sympathy

fuck sake, shot my load too late

pair of utter twats

use your best judgement, you'll know her better than me, but some women cannot bear to be single for any amount of time. a friend's ex guilted him back into a temporary relationship and then used that time to find a new man.
if you think you both have the same feeling of "this is temporary" then don't be surprised if she beats you to the punch.

Rick and Morty? LOL im way to smart for that. Stupid nerd REDDIT BITCHES WATCH THAT. HAHA. I HAVE A LIFE

gonna punch you right in the mouth

horrendous taste
stay in america

fucking try it mate

k, outside spoons in 1 hour

any tzadik man in

Rick and Morty is all about dude weed lol!!! I'm smart because I follow what rules the government tell me to follow and what plants I cannot smoke!! You are the sheep!

already there mate. i'll be waiting.

How about you stay the fuck away from me you paddy cocksuck

kissing > wanking > sex

only plebs will disagree

utterly shocking revelation

no one could have foreseen this

Why do underage normies watch this shite?

What's the appeal?

really all i care is ejaculating to be fair

where did things start to go downhill lads?

i called this right when it happened

too obvious

if she wanted publicity she should have just smuggled some coke into peru

that's actually good, mind doing a handstyle for me in paint?
is that your crew?

dont know who that is or anything about a kidnapping.

yanks literally can't take the tiniest bit of ribbing without getting offended

french revolution


i don't smoke weed because i've watched doug benson before


can you do one that says slippy G