One chance at life

>one chance at life
>born in poland

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whats wrong with poland

you mean occupied Prussia?


2nd world shithole going nowhere

You joking right?

you should be proud of poland
you have one of the worlds highest rates of senior management jobs held by women

>one of the highet gdp growths in the world
>going nowhere

Its about 3% for the past few years. China is ten times the size and growing at 7%. India slightly under 7%. Indonesia 5%. Maybe highest in the EU?

Fuck off.

P.S. Poland created (Ducal) Prussia in 1525 as a Polish vassal in the first place.

>Maybe highest in the EU?
i guess

they are not white

As someone who reads a shit ton about history I quite like Poland, your history is one of the most interesting ones in Europe.

Utter fucktard whoever made that meme.

Poland = Germany

I was also born in Poland. Sucks really hard, kurwabro

could be worse

how are g*rmans treating you?

most don't know it, the rest throws stones and bottles at me

>one chance at life
>born in the united states in time for the collapse of democracy at the hands of jews, women and black people

Good lads

woah, where do you live?

Dont answere him, he just wants to come over and throw stones at you

no, I have some polish friends here where I live and thought in his region it is different

B-but Sup Forums told me that Poland was a white paradise with traditional values