ITT we list the pills/meds we take

ITT we list the pills/meds we take

This is to see how cucked we are by biig pharma. I'll start (try to use scientific names instead of brand names since those vary by region)

Primidone(phenobarbital), Citalopram, Gabapentin, Depakote, Risperadal, mirtazapine and Metoprolol

I'm fairly cucked but slowly getting off the pills

Only taken an occasional advil/tylenol in the last 10 years
stop being such a faggot

Ritalin (methylphenidate)


people still fall for the emotions are bad meme?

Just blood pressure.

I gave up the "mental health" shit.

Damn worms keep posessing my milk but whatever I'll deal with it.


Have not taken a single pill in 7 years.

Dicyclomine to help with stomach cramps if i digest any gluten. I'm a celiac fag.


>data collection thread

glad to see nothing's changed on Sup Forums

nobody respond to this shit.

>Only taken an occasional advil/tylenol in the last 10 years
Same. Ups and downs are part of life. When i'm feeling down in the dumps I blame the jews for my problems and the world makes sense again.


>taking pills

No I dont have shit genes


>stop being pussies

You're effectively asking people to get high through will power. Stupid.

>doesn't know the power of the will
>doesnt have the will to power

absolutely no surprises here

>get high
for what purpose

>casually using the word cuck
>politely asking people to use scientific names for pills
I believe you are right, sir. sage

my congested nigga


got off suboxone last month after 7 years+



The only drug I need is Freedom.

None, I have onky taken anti-biotics once in my life when I was a child for Strep Throat. I have never been on medicstion for a drug.

Why are white people born already so fucked up?

(poor as fuck)

Cipralex: 20mg, max dosage

Wellbutrin: 450mg, max dosage

Seroquel: Anywhere between 25mg to 400mg, PRN

Absolutely nothing.

I don't even take painkillers.

I was on escitalopram and bupropion for a while, but stopped them to be med-free. It ain't easy though.

>try to use scientific names

Valproate sodium

Tramadol codeine oxycodone valium lyrica xanax. Keeps me off the shab

Does Australia have pharmaceutical-grade shab? Like legally.

Not legally. I think the prescribe methylphenidate but not addy? We are in the grip of a huge epidemic at the moment. We are pretty close to asia and the shit gets mass produced legally there. I can go find it on the streets quicker than i can with weed and we have shitloads of weed.

Oxycontin, xanax bars, percocets and lauratabs

data mining thread, newfags


dat chronic shiet mang

Except today i will get one valium for lasik surgery, then i will finally see trough the jew lies!

sometimes i get some benzos because my doctor is basically a dealer of that shit and gives it to anyone. other than that nothing

Hooked on Vyvanse every other day.

Other then that, caffine and cigs, take fish oil every other day to keep the joints working and the pooper lubed up.

the breadpill is enough for me

I also got into doing it with kids from my city thanks to posts like pic related.
You guys have no idea how invigorating and rewarding it is.

That's kinda disturbing. I'm glad none of those guys seem to have been scarred for life, but 99% of others would be living a life with severe psychotic symptoms.

I take some aleeve every now and then for shoulder pain. I also take a multi-vitamin in the morning to help supplement my diet.
Other than that i dont take anything, though I do smoke weed every day.

DUDE WEED LMAO, high fructose corn syrop, factory farmed steaks

risperadal?, my severly autistic brother has to take that, what do you need it for?

Nothing like this happened to me as a kid and I think it's hot as fuck.
Wish it would have.

>Two anti-depressants
>Two anti-convulsants
>Two anti-seizure medications
What the fuck is wrong with your doctor OP?

>Depakote, 750mg daily, for Bipolar
>Adderall, 15mg daily, because why wouldn't I want to be hopped up on FDA approved speed every day

Valerian root
Green tea extract

Haven't touched anything else in years but I'm currently trying to find some form of supplement that makes me eat more since I only eat once a day and I'm always tired

And it's fine that you feel that way. I'm just talking about 99% of children who can't consent because they have no idea what's going on. The result is a horrific life for them. As in: they would very literally go insane, permanently.

I drink seltzer water and exercise every other day. The weak-minded and feeble-bodied need to be purged.


>vitamin D (~2000-6000 IUs depending on weather and time I plan to be outdoors)
>Vitamin C
>Fish Oil

and very rarely aspirin

i also occasionally drink coffee, about once a week

A multi vitamin and a quart of vodka per day.

Got a physical the other day and the doctor was raving about how healthy I am for my age (im old)


I'm thinking I should get on antidepressants or just kill myself. I've been withdrawing from people as of late, and I'm feeling less sad and despondent and more fuck it. I'm pretty sure I have schizotypal personality disorder and I have a hard time having any sort of relationship

>INB4 go out and get laid.

Thanks why didn't I think of that?

I don't take any

The bantz

Dubs of truth.

Gabapentin 900 mg
symbolta 200 mg?
calcium around 1000 mg
used to take marinol.

viagra fer me rohypnol fer ur mum






Vyvanse for study

LSD twice a year


Haha I got the fuck off gabapentin after two weeks... suffered through nerve pain for a year but anything is better than that shit

I am also on 15mg daily, but like to snort it too much :(

Sertraline/Zoloft (Anti-depressant), I take 50mg
Barely cucked

Holy shit you Americans really fell for the drugs meme. Here's a list of drugs I take:

Cipralex and Wellbutrin is a nice combo.

Right now I'm taking Adderal XR for depressive symptoms, though there is some present ADHD symptoms apparently... because I had some shitty side effects from typical anti-depressants.


Withdrawals are a bitch senpai

Same except for IBD

With all that money you saved on pointless drugs, you surely must have paid back all your debnts, right?

Daily Humalog and Lantus injections

Shatter (for most of the time)
Adderall (for those slow times)
Klonopin (for those rough times)
That's about it.

Sometimes I score some klonopin (clonazepam) when I go to the doctor, becauses that's the drug you get for everything here in argentina.
Other pills like the ones for ADHD are very dificult to get here.

>taking pills
stay kekked by big pharma, also

>not falling the apple cider vinegar meme

I take an antihistamine for allergies and a vitamin pill.

200mg 5-htp. 2000mg of Vit C. Pretty much it.

What ya allergic to?