>you will never be this mad

>an alleged sexual predator
Casey should start suing all of these assholes, see how they like it.

>Moble poster

Roman polanski

This bitch looks like she's 15 years old.
What is this rag this dumb whore is writing for and why should anyone give a shit?

>Movie directed by Pedo's daughter wins best film


really makes you think


she's a cute




>She detailed numerous "uninvited and unwelcome sexual advances" in the workplace
>Affleck had allowed Spacehog guitarist Antony Langdon to expose himself in her presence
>spoke "inappropriately" about her advancing age and fertility
>discussed his "sexual exploits"
>referred to women as "cows"
>invaded her "personal space" by locking her out of her hotel room while entertaining another woman
>attempted to "manipulate" her into staying with him in a hotel room
>"violently" grabbed her by the arm when she refused.
Which of these was a crime?

she needs to be BLEACHED by Big Aryan Cock, asap

>oy vey the goyim aren't receptive to our propaganda anymore

I'm pretty sure this is just because he beat the shit out of Jessica Alba in that mediocre movie years ago.

Yeah. No.

(Pic related, since you've forgotten what qt is.)

The 2nd and the last if true but it isn't true.

you can put "alleged" before anything and it's legal

>my face when rothkopf sounds like cancerous head in Dutch


>"violently" grabbed her by the arm when she refused
Can be considered as battery. Maximum 1 year prison time

>unwanted sexual advances
Sexual harassment. Fine and possible jail time depending on severity anthing from 6 months to 14 years

yeah. no.

that's just a generic blonde

He's setting up house and installing a hostile work environment. You sorta can't blame him because he's from south shore Massachusetts and it's kind of standard for the region.

Live and learn.

fucking hotheads ruining everything like usual

>can barely see her face
>obviously just the cleavage that has this anons interest

You don't know shit about what a qt is

You're the kind of person who idolizes mediocrity since beauty is so unobtainable that you cannot form even an imaginary scenario where you and her could be together. So you settle for homely and fool yourself into thinking flaws aren't exactly just that.

>armchair lawyer taking possibly untruth statements as absolute facts

Go back to high school kid. Your philosophy skills need work.

why are you browsing Jezebel OP?

So what does this uppity bitch look like anyway?

>Affleck had allowed Spacehog guitarist Antony Langdon to expose himself in her presence
>invaded her "personal space" by locking her out of her hotel room while entertaining another woman


How come they don't love me man?

This is a very insightful comment, take it to heart OP, not kidding

She's the daughter of David Rothkopf.
David is a fairly well respected writer in the foreign policy establishment. He is also a Co-Editor, last I checked of the Foreign policy Magazine. A lot of what he writes is decent stuff.

Shame about his daughter though.

Jezebel I think is owned by the same parent company that owns Foreign Policy as well. So it's straight up nepotism at work their too, something I'm pretty sure he would have railed against at some point against the Trump administration by now.

Oh well, it's the way of the world at times.

I had my share of beautiful women and yeah, i cannot form an imaginary scenario not because i can't picture me and her together but because the stereotype of teen blonde cali chick bimbo doesn't appeal to me anymore, kid. I haven't settle for anything yet and i hope i won't settle for anything in the future, i want to try every type of women there is instead of just spending my time "imagining scenarios" with girls im not attracted to anymore.

saying i idolize mediocrity because i say that a girl is cute or not is incorrect, you are no one to judge me for the type of girl i like or not because you don't know me and i don't know you and in the end, beaty is very subjective.

you need to learn a lot about life kid so you won't suffer in the future when you realize that you have settled for "homely".

>I had my share of beautiful women


>>you will never be this mad
are you fucking blind?
do you not see the front of Sup Forums right now?
we're fuckin mad.

way madder than that.

Quads don't lie.

Get fucked with a rake OP.

>I had my share of beautiful women

Funny how they always forget to mention that he was defended by two women who worked on the movie.

>alleged sexual predator

You know this is how they get their literally unbelievable rape statistics too? Out of the large group of rape accusations, only a few cases lead to prosecution, and fewer still to conviction.

So there's a big rape problem!

..but wait, most cases don't go anywhere at all. Minus convictions and known liars, the vast majority are just a grey unknown.

>>"violently" grabbed her by the arm when she refused
>Can be considered as battery. Maximum 1 year prison time

And this just exemplifies the absurdity of the accusations.

I've had at least a dozen times I can remember the last year with someone grabbing me, pushing me, threatening me, and all because I work a shitty job and they're high or drunk and want to start a fight.

Number of cases that went to the cops? One. Said retard flashed a knife (while being filmed) and insisted he would kill me over an ID check for buying booze. Said retard was just out of jail and will hopefully go back a long time.

But taking this rape-logic at face value there's an "epidemic" of violent offenders that go by unreported.

>making classless comments is the same as being a sexual predator

>getting mad about not getting mad

>the kind that ignore him all the time lol

fucking hilarious headline though



>I've had at least a dozen times I can remember the last year with someone grabbing me, pushing me, threatening me, and all because I work a shitty job and they're high or drunk and want to start a fight.

This is acknowledgement of a hostile working environment AKA not your standard Hollywood set. Get a better job snowflake.


she's a six

opposition research, probably

5 at best

Somebody post the tweet about hacksaw ridge


But they're right and it's great that a SJW is getting eaten alive by their own monster.

t.thirsty beta

This one user?


Oh yeah that's the stuff.

>the year of our lord 2000 + 17
>it's not ok to sexually harass women

Why did we vote for trump again?

It would be okay if he was Ben Affleck.

Jewish people don't tend to get on particularly well with Islam despite what your conditioning has fed you

>Ben Affleck is a terrorist supporter
>Casey Affleck is a sexual predator


tfw getting turned down for a date is now rape so I'll never get a gf

The more I read about him, the more I am convinced that Casey Affleck is definitely /ourguy/

Genuinely happy for him getting his well-deserved win yesterday (and Lonergan too), hope he gets to be in plenty more kinos so all those uninformed delusional twitter whores keep getting triggered.

yes these 2arabic letters are totally related to islam dude keep up the good work and the quality posts

It means love btw

what is up with these faggots digging old shit? i remember during previous super bowl people can't stop talking about when peyton teabag some chick and how ray lewis killed someone. shit is ancient

Niggas evaluate a person with accomplishments to feel better about themselves, i think. I'm probably wrong, i'm always wrong, bye.

he settled the lawsuits. if he was innocent he would've fought them. you don't have to act so desperate to suck his cock.

>invaded her "personal space" by locking her out of her hotel room while entertaining another woman


>commenting on the inherent vanity and fleetingness of human beauty and fertility is classless

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, and summer's lease hath all too short a date :^)

if your boss did that even in after hours you'd have a right to complain to HR and leave your job.

>act like you've been raped
>settle it out of court

If they were actual sexual assault victims, no money in the world would be enough for them to just "settle". If it was real then you want him dead/lifetime jail, not to roam around freely.
And yes he contersued immediately, but it's pointless really.
You have to be aware that he was sued in civil court, not brought under charges in criminal court. There is a huge difference in that alone I.e. the burden of proof is fucking nothing.

A greedy fucking producer wants more money, gee what a surprise