Guess we have to wake people up again Sup Forums, its another anti-white pro-jewish movie
Guess we have to wake people up again Sup Forums, its another anti-white pro-jewish movie
Other urls found in this thread:
They're so scared
They're trying so hard
They're casting their strongest spells and they're falling flat
Trump is coming
Hi newfag, do you know what this is?
It's called "the catalog" it lets you see all the threads posted on the board. This way, you don't have to make the same fucking thread 18 goddamn times every minute. Please learn how to use this site or just go back to fucking reddit already.
eradicus negrotis
Has the red pill really been passed out to the masses or am I just spending too much time here?
>Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
>Harry Potter and the Order of the Eagle
>Harry Potter and the Fuhrers Stone
>Harry Potter and the Chamber of Zyklon B
>Harry Potter and the Jews on Fire
>Harry Potter and the Prisoners of Auschwitz
>Harry Potter and the Hitlers Hallows
>Harry Potter and the SS Child
Sup Forums is getting its own movie?!?! Too bad newfags are going to come in even more now. It will be worse than europe
If there's no Pepe in this movie they fucked up.
How could he ever fool a neo nazi into thinking he was a Aryan. He has the obvious tiny physique and stature of a jew.
By the end of the year we'll be reading about a mass shooting or bombing by a group of white men inspired by this movie.
>a movie about da holocawst
>a movie about da ebul white neo Nazis
wew lad
They're kicking it into overdrive
Every fucking year they make new movies that demonize whites yet praise terrorist groups.
Like, anyone remember that movie where the guy was upset that his drone killed a terrorist's family?
There are ZERO skinhead terrorists. Any fbi statistic is only going to prove my point.
>They are coming
>polish flags
wtf :--DDDDDD
The trailer said it was based on real events. I searched to see what events those are and found this.
>The story behind Imperium also looks fascinating. It’s the feature directing debut of Daniel Ragussis, who wrote the script with help from Michael German, the real-life agent on whom the film is based. German spent over a decade working for the FBI, often going undercover among white supremacist militias and in one case successfully foiling a plot to attack a black church.
Hardly anything close to a fucking dirty bomb.
The Klan of today is not the Klan of the early 20th century.
Today, the Klan is almost exactly how this trailer depicts, but in all honesty, it's even more degenerate.
The modern Klan is full of fat alcoholics, neonazi skin heads hopped up on amphetamines, and degenerates who look like they don't even have a high school diploma.
They meet once a week, scream "white power" a few times, and act like they are making a difference. Its absolutely hysterical.
No longer is it the proud Klan full of respectable white men who you would gladly follow. It's full of disgusting white trash that I wouldn't even want in my neighborhood.
If you want to join the Klan. Keep this in mind. You won't be riding on horseback in the night, lynching niggers...
This, I checked out my local klan and it was a bunch of degenerates. Anyone smart had long gone from there.
I wish there was something like the early 1960's klan still around today. Noble, smart and earnest white men who had big white families and wanted to actually go out and terrify niggers, make their presence known. No the klan is a laughing stock.
>The Klan of today is not the Klan of the early 20th century.
Its 98% FBI and 2% white trash.
The saddest reality of this is that Jews choose to fuck with the alt right instead of leaving us alone, then they label all of us neo-nazis, even though that is completely absurd. They could win our praise and admiration if only they used their resources for the good of others instead of pulling shit like this. You will never see a movie starring Emma Watson about a woman that infiltrates a feminist terrorist organization for the FBI. Not because the FBI has been revealed to be a corrupt agency that refuses to do their fucking job and arrest terrorist scum like Hillary Clinton, but because the Jews truly are the most hateful and loathsome scum on the face of this earth who would never show one of their own demonic creations for what it truly is.
>"There was never [religious] faith in the house. I think of myself as being Jewish and Irish, despite the fact that I'm English."[9] He has stated: "We were Christmas tree Jews",[11] and that he is "very proud of being Jewish".
That poor, typecasted wizard.
IKR, i will never not see him as Harry Potter, and i will never not see shia lebeof as a cannibal.
Because he's now playing a 30 year old neo-nazi virgin living out of his mother's basement?
You're a grand wizard, 'Arry
>You're a grand wizard, 'Arry
That's the KKK, not neo-nazis.
So has anyone tried to trace who helped create and fund this movie? Would love to find some names of those behind this
I'll give you a hint.
I know that but having those ties exposed would help the negative set backs this movie could bring
Anybody else find it ironic that he is a Jew?
Reminds me of The Believer.
finally a movie exposing the real source of terrorism afflicting this country wyte bois gunning everyone down
American History X was such a great movie.
White guy is an antisemitic antiblack guy who changes his ways and believes that blacks are good only to have his family killed by a black guy so he realizes he was right ever since the beginning.
The KKK were Roman Catholic hating morons even though huge numbers of Irish Roman Catholics fought on both sides of the civil war.
The current kkk are scum, the old kkk were scum, the kkk = scum.
Hitler gets gas bill
Let me guess how this one ends. Main character has a sudden and unbelievable change of heart and ideology. Realizes he has wasted his life, is wrong and that he should feel guilty for being white. The End.
the main character is an insider
ok then, other way around, that the Aryan race is the best race?
>t. Abdul
This is the sixth thread.
Nobody will see this, Hollywood is basically just talking to itself now.
>everyone is fat
>everyone is an alcoholic, drug addict
>everyone is a degenerate but claims to hate degenerates
>everyone talks about being upstanding white men (ha!) and hating niggers
why would you join the klan for that when you can get it all right here on Sup Forums?
>His name is Nathan
>My name is Nathan
It was meant to be
catholicism is gay
Main character has a sudden and unbelievable change of heart and ideology. Realizes he has wasted his life, is wrong and that he should feel guilty for being FBI. The End.
>Heil Sup Forumstter and the SS's Stone
>Heil Sup Forumstter and the Chamber of Gasses
>Heil Sup Forumstter and the Prisoner of Auschwitz
>Heil Sup Forumstter and the Dresden on Fire
>Heil Sup Forumstter and the Order of the New World
>Heil Sup Forumstter and the Half-Nigg President
>Heil Sup Forumstter and the Deathy Shoas
It's because any nationalism = neo-nazis don't you know? Go-guy?
>literally hitler meme failing to stump the trump
>jews shilling shoah memes 24/7
>nothing is working
>o-oy vey!
>jews spend days covering star tweet
>full on wartime propaganda mode
>bexit is racist
>l-look goyim! hate crimes out of control after brexit!
>hate crimes turn out to be "verbal assault"
>jews make "muh six million" holocaust denial movie
>jews make "muh ebil nazis" movie
holy shit lads
>>Neo-Nazi movie
>>Jew plays the main neo-nazi.
We've come full circle, the jews WERE the nazis!
>Well you see Harry, that's the funny thing now innit, the ovens at Treblinka would have had to burn over 8,000 bodies per day, to make the purported death figures accurate! Yet no ashes or bone fragments have ever been found at the site! Professor Dumbledore told me himself!
>...shouldn't av said that...
They're shapehsifters afterall
they pump this shit out now like they pump out multimillion dollar left wing news sites with only 1k hits
>tfw no Sara Jean Underwood gf to repopulate the white race with
Why live?
looks cool, hopefully it shows both sides of the conflict. crazy liberals and crazy conservatives
that feel when this movie will cause just as many people who identify with the skinheads depicted to be emboldened, and also convert many edgy teenagers to nazism just like a clockwork orange and american history x
holy shit you guys are so fucking butthurt, can't wait to watch this movie
>don't like papists
pick one
At least we get some new dank oc
all my keks
I seriously hope we get a movie someday, that someone takes the time to take our memes and our slang and make a film of it all.
Dear tumblr:
>Don't like neo-nazis? don't become one
13000 notes
>What's the problem with nazis? They're just people. With different beliefs.
6 gorillion notes
IN FUCKING SPIRED this means that its pretty much all made up in hollywood terms
What do neo-nazis and the kkk have to do with each other?
Hitler was a catholic and the kkk hates catholics.
>Christmas tree Jews
if i get repeating digits i will shave my head
>Maryland flag
now that's a good movie
Holy shit, Harry Potter has Down's syndrome
I wanna see it, mostly out of curiosity about how much is actually explored in """"(((white supremacist)))"""" culture. Will they just be idiotic degenerates or will their actions have some kind of legitimacy to them? Obviously, since it involves initiating violence, there's probably not going to be much to see. But you never know.
>Hail Hydra
if someone replies to this post with repeating digits i will shave my head
Good. They will all be converted or killed at the alter of kek
Bring it
They really emphasized the burning cross, even more than the burning swatstikas
that looked like a pretty badass movie
and i dont a fuck about some skinheads reputation
those guys are retards
>no sauce
Literally no one here cares
At the most you might get someone to pirate it, stop with your wannabe viral marketing
We have to show this movie for what it is.
False flags blamed on young white men raving about jews and niggers ruining their country... imperium.
Here's the film to present your new enemy. This is who the new bad guy is.
Imperium.. its you.
Catchy little name to repeat over and over in the news.. imperium.
Scared women wondering what's wrong watch this as if its some kind of evil.
Prepare your anus' Sup Forums. Shit is going to get REAL.
You know what you have to do.
I love the comments on videos that Sup Forums has been on. It's just too easy for you all to run circles around average Youtube user. I guess using Sup Forums really prepares you to exceed in logical debates (or at least stealthily misleading others to your advantage). It's so interesting to see just how clueless and deluded most normal people are.
A movie about actual terrorists would be way more interesting. Like, follow around some random ISIS-cell in France planning a nuclear attack on the EU, and some Europol moderate muzzie infiltrates their ranks and has to go through some initiation where he has to rape a blonde woman.
Why don't they make that movie, Sup Forums? Why?
The KKK are much more peaceful than BLM, arabs and Israeli Jews murdering shit skins. Fucking liberals will actually eat this shit up
Daniel Radcliffe
His mother is Jewish, and was born in South Africa and raised in Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex. Her family had originally come from Poland and Russia.[7][8] Radcliffe's parents had both acted as children.[9][10]
In a 2012 interview, Radcliffe stated: "There was never [religious] faith in the house. I think of myself as being Jewish and Irish, despite the fact that I'm English."[9] He has stated: "We were Christmas tree Jews",[11] and that he is "very proud of being Jewish".[12][13]
Surprise, surprise.
Jesus, is there any actor in hollywood that isn't Jewish? I always thought it was just a lot of them, but now it's like actors I didn't even know are kikes too.
Even Christian Bale has Jewish ties.
Hollywood is a Jewish construct to indoctrinate people with moving pictures.
NO! Goddamn it!
We need a movie about a puppy..yeah..
About a guy who finds a puppy..
Or a cat, and he feeds it and they become friends.
That's what we need..
why i am i watching this shit at 5 am?
i refuse to contribute to this thread in anyway shape of form
this is why we call them normies. Sup Forums has become a race and normies are our goyim.
Movie ends
they realize they were all different agencies setting each other up
I remember an user telling a story like this.
>His mother is Jewish
that means he's jewish, fathers can be goy
a religion based on being cucks?
>Implying the klan isn't 1/3rd FBI informants, 1/3rd jewish ADL informants
>East Asian average IQ is 108
>Ashkenazi average IQ is 115
>Sup Forums average IQ is 130
Made me think of this Mitch Hedberg joke:
I like when they say a movie is inspired by a true story. That's kind of silly. "Hey, Mitch, did you hear that story about that lady who drove her car into the lake with her kids and they all drowned?" "Yeah, I did, and you know what - that inspires me to write a movie about a gorilla!"
>Heinrich Potterburg and the Fuhrer's Stone
>Heinrich Potterburg and the Chamber of Gasses
>Heinrich Potterburg and the Prisoner of Auschwitz
>Heinrich Potterburg and the Stahlhelm of Fire
>Heinrich Potterburg and the Order of the Eagle
>Heinrich Potterburg and the Pure-Blood Prince
>Heinrich Potterburg and the Deathly Lampshades
>Heinrich Potterburg and the Argentinian Child
Blacks and Jews are actually very matriarchal compared to Whites. This is why Feminism is largely Jewish.