Is there even a point to watching last year guy anymore?

Every show same topic, Trump. Every show, same fucking lame jokes, about Trump. You could honestly pick anything he did in the past year, and it's all the same? This goes for Colbert and the retarded daily show too...
Why can't these "geniuses" do better?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, his piece on Obamacare was very informative. I am very worried that the republicans are going to make everything regarding healthcare worse, because they have done this for decades and these are the worst republicans we have ever had.

His piece on Obama care was left wing propaganda. Obamacare doesn't work for 95% of people and is a great big rip-off. Who do you think you're fooling?

>Americans letting themselves get lectured by boring British nu-males

Didn't you fight a war of independance over this shit?

>Obamacare doesn't work for 95% of people and is a great big rip-off

So we go back to the old way, with healthcare that didn't work for 99% of people? And don't even pretend that republican interference hasn't crippled the bill in plenty of ways.

I 100% know you are referring to the penalties you have to pay if you don't get insured. So tell me, you really think the republicans can stop that, or won't just rename it something else?

No, they fought the war of independence over a 3% tax. Not even kidding. Now they pay between 15-50% on average.
Should have stayed British...

Here's a toast to the old Limey

>Trump. Every show, same fucking lame jokes, about Trump.

Why not just use the Canadian model? Not perfect but it's 1000000000000x better than anything America has ever had. Trudeau would probably give you all the info for free, because he's a nice guy.

Jokes about Trump are fine. The fact that he can't talk about anything fucking else = pathetic.


Canada's model has people on wait lists for routine procedures for months to years. Their system is pretty broken and it only serves 30 million people. America is ten times that.

With 10x the funding model and yes, not perfect.

Still 1000000000x better than anything America has ever had.

only if not a drumpftard Sup Forumsshit racist right-winger

obamacare made it mandatory for poor families to pay insane rates for health care

obamacare is terrible and hurt the poor more than anything

the only people that benefited were middle class/ upper class, who could afford it

Exactly! The demorats are notorious for abusing the poor and minorities. While pretending to represent them. It's kind of gross really.

5 years ago nobody ever watched stupid talkshows except the occasional Leno, now they're making it out like they need to be mandatory viewing, I blame Youtube trending shilling

>We need illegal immigrants to do our Slave labor for us!

>150 years ago
>We need Negroes to do our Slave Labor for us!

Only if you're a poor faggot without health insurance.

Who do you think pays when a poor person with no insurance goes to a hospital? They certainly don't.

You do, retard. Every person who actually pays their insurance and medical bills foots the cost. Part of the reason for forcing everyone to get insurance was to help alleviate this issue. Not a great plan, but that was the plan.

We really just need to cut the bullshit and get universal healthcare.

bing bing bing! We have a winner!

>watching last year guy
But IT'S 2015 was a big meme hear back in 2015 when he exploded in popularity. Are you new?

awwwwww poor wittle degen Trumpist needs a safe space because he doesn't like facts


His ratings are down so it seems that a lot of people are giving up on him.

someone's salty as fuck

just cover your ears and call it "fake news" baby

Where are his facts on hitlary or all the proven DNC corruption. He has hours worth of material there, but he's to one sided to ever go there.

It was funny at first, but do you laugh at the same joke the same way after hearing it 1000x as you did the first time? If so that's some serious alzheimers you have.
It's just getting tired and boring as fuck.


Back in ye olden days, where most people lived hand-to-mouth, and by that I mean half-rotted-vegetable-to-mouth with maybe some rat meat on Sundays, the population could not support much of a tax rate.

So what they had was precious, and they wanted to direct it themselves, and impose it with their own consent.

If last year guys show was a ylyl... I'd win every time.

he's actually funny & took the time to break down actual republican medicare ideas for us.

I'd much rather this limmey cuck than Brand or Corden desu.

I thought posting the 'alien selfie' got your post deleted.

We went to war over a lack of representation. The tax thing was just sort of propaganda at the time meant to rile people up.

>Every person who actually pays their insurance and medical bills foots the cost. Part of the reason for forcing everyone to get insurance was to help alleviate this issue.

So that's why health care got cheaper then?

Reminder that Trump can't read


435 congress people. 100 senators. A vice pres and a pres.

Population 319 million people. Yes, you're so well represented now...

Absolutely won't disagree. No matter what, 50M+ people leave a national election feeling unheard This is one of the things I like states rights for. So long as borders are maintained and constitutional rights are guaranteed, we have to let states do their thing so at least voters are slightly better represented.

Although you still have to deal with rural vs city in a lot of states. There really isn't a perfect answer.

Last year I think he did 2 or 3 major pieces on Trump, the rest had the main story on other issues.

thanks Obama

but there seems to be a lot of better answers. You posted one yourself. Pity none of that ever happens because the people in power are to busy protecting themselves and their inner circles.
Which brings it back to guys like last year guy, who is obviously in an inner circle.

>So we go back to the old way, with healthcare that didn't work for 99% of people?

The old way actually allowed small business owners to flourish. Or do you wish the poor to remain poor?


Even the middle class were screwed over because Obamacare made it hard to profit off of small businesses.

As a liberal I'm torn on him. One the one hand he does good deep dives into topics that don't always get enough attention. On the other, he's an un-funny cringe-fest.
>[audience roars with laughter]

This. I admire the amount of research they do and how they make certain issues more accessible to understand and shed light on.
But fuck man, these jokes sound like they're shitty jokes they cut from the Daily Show twelve years ago.

>I admire the amount of research they do

Confirmed for not being an more than surface-level knowledge on anything that has been discussed on that show.

It's always hilarious to see him talk about something that reddit disagrees with him on because all the comments are about how horribly researched the segment was, without realizes that ALL his segments are like that

Huh. Yeah I didn't know. I was going off a podcast where one of the writers talked their process of writing an episode, doing intensive research, interviews, etc.

What are some episodes where the segments are really off the mark, then?

The one on charter schools is particularly bad. Basically their MO is to find as many "studies" that support their opinion as possible, while ignoring all the ones that don't.

I guess you can call that "intensive research" if you want. I just call it political hackery

>as a liberal

>Oliver: British
>Bee: Canadian
>Noah: South African
Why are we letting them tell us what the fuck to do? They have their own problems in their own homelands

american are cucks news at 11

I'm still baffled that there are people defending Obamacare.
Similar bill here. We should really go and gas John McCuck and the RINOs if they cockblock the Obamacare repeal.

The fuck are you smoking? Literally all poor people have to do is get some form of state-based bare-bones shit like medicaid (or in my case MediCal). That's it. I hate it personally because republicans absolutely slaughtered/butchered it and then complained that it was shit. Also, fuck having to pay a fee because I choose to go to cheap clinics instead of getting insurance. All or nothing, either we get socialist healthcare or we get nothing.

Poor people and people who were denied insurance can now get insurance. The middle and upper classes have little use for Obamacare because they mostly have some form of insurance, I seriously doubt that they'd be pressed to try to apply for MedicAid.

I am looking forward to Trump crashing and burning when his shit fails to live up to people's expectations. I am saddened though that people WILL die, and some of them were dumbass poor trumpcucks who fell for his lies. Frankly, if you voted for Trump, you were shortsighted and asked for this.

oh fuck you. my company provides me insurance and i still have to pay obamacare and i never ever ever took the option to use obama care since it always always comes out paying bigger compared to my insurance

>waaah Clinton would have caused ww3
>boohoo a politician was shown to be a conniving politician

Unless you were under 25, you already knew politicians are somewhat crooked. But come the fuck on, 90% of the shit given to Clinton was over the top. WW3? Reagan, the senile bastard, talked worse mad shit to russia and oversaw multiple conflicts that were against communism. That's like comparing a chained chihuahua barking to a pissed off rottweiler chasing you, foaming at the mouth. Not the same thing. And if she had been as bad as many believed, she would have been jailed. Are you forgetting how Clinton got impeached for banging on the side (something that should have been between him and Hilary)? Frankly it was republicans, and salty Sandersfags who were raving at the mouth. Politics is politics and no liberal politician worth his salt would have backed Sanders, not after 8 years of a lame duck Obama got stonewalled on even simple shit.

Also, Trump is worse than Bush 2 when it comes to spewing stupid shit. There's so much to make fun of DAILY, son. Bush 2 had in a year what Trump has given in a month. Until his term ends, or he gets the boot (which is likely considering he doesn't know politics, is a loudmouth with no filter, and pisses people off, and has a shit administration [it's saying something when Bush 2 had a superb administration, one he inherited from Bush 1]), expect people to make fun of thin-skinned Trump. He, like Sup Forums, get triggered easily. All this butthurt is hilarious.

>inb4 SJW
I hate those faggots more than Sup Forums for corrupting the liberal side with stupid identity politics, hating on the ACLU, and focusing on inane genders rather than trying to bring equality. I mean, how can people call themselves liberals but hate science funding, freedom of speech, support foreign religions known to violate civil rights, and many more traditional liberal ideologies?

kek, that shit is like 90% of the jokes

If you have insurance, then you don't have to get more. Literally all you need is proof that you have some form of insurance to show the IRS and you don't have to pay shit. Are you even old enough to make your taxes? Do you even have a job? Fucking memeing, ignorant teens.


So did you check out the marketplace plan like it says or are you just too lazy for that?

hitlary would have caused WW3.

>Now stop crying so much...junior. The only reason you aren't dead (and the rest of us too) is because Trump won.
Show some fucking gratitude bitch.

It was funny when he made the joke about Obama and drones and nobody laughed. Also brought out how Obama promised people could keep their doctors/plans.

Also funny how Sup Forumstards insist these "libtards" never pick on Obama.

>It was funny when he made the joke about Obama and drones and nobody laughed. Also brought out how Obama promised people could keep their doctors/plans.

Prove it. I personally think you're just making this up and that there won't be any actual videos of John Oliver saying this.

>Current Year Guy has devolved into Last Year Guy

Nice rebuttal. After SALT I ended, Reagan pushed shit against communism by backing anti-communists on several war-torn nations. That took balls, balls that he later lost because he had nightmares about ww3. He eventually signed SALT II, and began disarmament. Anyways you're a fucking pussy and an idiot for believing Clinton would have more balls than Reagan and start ww3, when Reagan, the senile bastard, didn't. Fucking learn some history and stop being a cliche'd teenager who acts like they know it all.

Post some legitimate proof about troop movements, proposed re-armament, a focus on being ready to strike against russia, ANYTHING. All Clinton said was she'd be stern with the guy. To your salty minds, that meant ww3. Fucking coddled suburban generation z faggots. If an old lady who barely talked shit scares you about ww3, I can see how you are so afraid of blacks.

Drone joke starts at 3:00

And Obama promising people could keep plans/doctors starts at 6:22

6:20 is when he starts talking about obama's lies. 3:00 drone strike. Shit man, you just got served.

The military has a 600 billion dollar budget now, what else could we do with half that money?

Have a literal moon base

They're corporate shills.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was in their contracts that they had to bash Trump at least once every night.

Why not just do half half like Australia?

Universal healthcare for those below a certain threshold. Those over have to buy insurance.

ITT: a bunch of sperglords still on their parents insurance discuss topics they don't understand

You're a fucking idiot. I'm sure nobody likes you in real life either shitbreath. I'm older than you you snot nosed fuck guaranteed.
Ok Obama was positioning troops all over Russias borders fuck nut, with them believing without a doubt that hitlary would win the election they rigged for her. The cards were all lined up to force Putins hand. How can you possibly be so fucking retarded that you can't comprehend that dog fucker?
The plan was to kill us all. The plan fucking failed. Now fuck off back into whatever fucking hole you crawled out of you sniveling little shit eater.

>B-but Drumpf is literally Hitler for using travel restrictions that Carter used!

The irony of your post is palpable.

I honestly don't think even the people who like John Oliver like his show. Look at the Youtube comments for his videos, nobody even mentions the jokes, they just circlejerk about how smart John is and why he should be president and stuff like that.

No we couldnt retard, and we have to keep people from blowing our country up we dont have time to be worried about fucking alternative energy or space retard

>1,872 a month

how the fuck can anyone afford that?


after the subsidies its like 100

KEK you seem butt-flustered. Where are your sources? What specific times and places, as well as top-level orders? You have little basis other than shit you heard from republicans and salty Sandersfags.

>like John Oliver like his show

Fuck, I meant like his jokes

Question for Trump supporters, what in your mind is fair criticism of the president or is there nothing?

Nothing. Same rules as Obama/Clinton supporters.

Why would anyone have anything bad to say he fucked over mudslimes and will get rid of niggers soon too

Not really, same reason I stopped watching Bill Maher. I mean the president is important but not even Bush got this much latenight coverage. If I wanted to watch 24/7 Trump I'd just watch his own shows.

John Oliver killed any credibility he ever had when he ran that segment on third party candidates and attacked Jill Stein harder than he ever attacked Hillary Clinton.

The man is a genuine corporate shill.

What do you have to criticize about Obama/Clinton?

Not saying they were perfect just curious what exactly your complaints are.

>da subsidies

Oh really?

Prosecuting more whistleblowers than any American president in history, for a start.

Back into your hole shitbreath, eat another log.

True. Anything else?

That's not true though. It's the extra money that Obamacare now costs employers that just ends up getting paid for by the people instead.

Valid criticisms:
>he has a big ego
>Trump says wrong shit all the time like the "biggest win since Reagan" thing
>travel ban should have been expanded from Obama's list to more countries

Invalid criticisms:
>Trump is literally Hit;er
>Trump is racist
>Russia hacked the election
>it is the current year

fcking this. also stop misquoting Trump

Broke every campaign promise he made except Obamacare, which ended up fucking most Americans over...

Race Baiting and Identity Politics

Pandering to every liberal minority group (gay pride BS one the day of the SCOTUS ruling)

If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor

Republicans are afraid of women and children XD

Skyrocketing debt

Iran deal

Make a wall street stooge A.G., don't have him prosecute anyone from Wall Street, have him go right back to wall street when he's done


The main problem is that there are plenty of valid criticisms that get lost among fucking Nazi hysteria and a group of people who genuinely believe the fourth Reich has risen in America. The fact that the media can come out and unashamedly think they can get away with smearing Pewdiepie, the most milquetoast figure on Youtube, as a fucking anti-Semite because of Hitler jokes is proof of how baseless and insane so much of their shit is.

Okay, here's a simple one.

Trump wants to more tightly restrict immigration, Hillary wanted to loosen it.

I agree with wanting to tighten it.

It's less about criticism and more about what my personal interests are.

What might be a negative about Clinton for me could very well be a positive to you.

The Hitler comparison's are pretty dumb. He's not killing anybody and that's not likely to start.

Personally I would add his appearance to the list of valid criticisms or at least valid joke material cause my god he looks goofy.

I don't like Trump but I realize he's not the devil and the left is wrong to assert that everyone concerned about immigration is racist, there are perfectly legitimate reasons to be concerned about immigration. I do think some of Trump's supporters are racists but it's not fair to say they all are.