You have ONE (1) sentence to explain why
>pic related
Didn't win best picture.
I'm waiting.
You have ONE (1) sentence to explain why
>pic related
Didn't win best picture.
I'm waiting.
Too white
that and hell or high water were the only two movies i watched last year
Nice Guys finish last.
I loved this movie tbqh. Gave me a real Coen bros vibe, I think it'll go down as a classic.
But they're not so nice.
not political nor masturbatory enough
not even better than kiss kiss bang bang
It's a comedy
Oscars is for serious movies about serious drama and stuff
It wasn't that good. All the funny stuff was in the trailers, and without being edited into a 2 minute trailer the pacing of it is a mess.
The qt from The Leftovers was wasted as well
are you *ACTUALLY* Finna imply right now
that a WHITEY movie
be finna win best picture over DA BLACK MAN?!
I liked the movie too, it's funny, the cast is great. But the script is trash, it's riddled with plot holes and flat-out stupid pieces of character development. Shane Black is capable of much better than this.
Atmosphere and story were kino/comfy as fuck
pleb taste
it wasn't good
Underrated made me kek.
There's nothing in this that's similar to the coen brothers beyond the neo-noir farce. That's such a surface level reading of a film
>not political nor masturbatory enough
confirmed for not having watched the film
Yes it is a surface level reading of the film, thanks for telling me what I already knew.
The noir feel and the comedy bits gave a similar vibe to some coen brothers flicks, I don't see a problem with stating that.
you would probably like kiss kiss bang bang
Because I don't see it at all. The Coen's are much more deadpan than this ever is, and more literate. Compare how this uses Ryan Gosling screaming and Crowe being a washed up toughguy as the easy punchline to so many scenes to all the amazing dialogue that comes to mind with the Coens. They're almost never sentimental the way this is, have made more complicated noir plots that also make more sense, and solely make period films lately but not broad nostalgia parodies like The Nice Guys is.
It's nonsense to compare them outside of genre.
Yeah but it's the bad kind of politics since it isn't about minorities being sad
The loli was the best part
Nice one.
watched half of it and nothing funny or entertaining happened
She was like 13 you retard
Lolita was 12 retard
Never saw it.
Lolita was prime cunny not loli retard
This. I paid to watch it and walked out with 20 minutes left. It is the epitome of mediocre in every way.
>but muh goose
>muh loli
no fuck off, get some taste
Close enough
Include me in the screencap
goose cant act
it wasn't very good and it certainly wasn't funny
I want Ryan Gosling's hairstyle.
If I go to a hairdresser what do I tell them to get this cut?
Undercut, Short sides and back, maybe 8 cm on Main part of hair, where IT splits, get it 4cm or so, but only small part of it.
Because it was boring as fuck.