Tfw Sup Forums is completely overrun by immigrants from Sup Forums

>tfw Sup Forums is completely overrun by immigrants from Sup Forums
>tfw can't even start a thread about a movie that just happens to have a black actor without, "nigger" and "blacked" or buzzwords
>tfw almost every thread is derailed by an insecure white or black kid trying to trigger the other side

Can we ever fix this guys? I want to talk about movies and shows without the "We wuz", "white guilt", and "how can whites even compete" bullshit.


this is bar none the worst board on Sup Forums

Sup Forums has always been like that reddit is probably more your speed

We've taken over, numale cuck.

Enjoy the next 8 years.

Praise Lord Kek! Deus Vult

iktf OP

I just want to lightheartedly bullshit about some movies and shows on my downtime. The Generation Z militants and millennials who refuse to grow up won't let that happen apparently. It's not just Sup Forums or Sup Forums anymore now. Thinking about just quitting the Internet altogether.

You anons can act a Sup Forums very well.

Truly deserve an oscar

>Wah wah wah I'm a special snowflake and I need everywhere I go to be a safe space!

>Waaaaah why do people have different opinions than me?!?!

Sup Forums was a mistake and should be nuked. Containment boards don't work, especially when there's no effort put into containing them.

So fuck off then. To go r/movies or whatever the fuck it is and post your important and thoughtful opinions there.

sup reddit

>Oh god I just want to shit post cunny garbage and bane shit! Muh epic memes are getting ruined by actual discussion!

>actual discussion

Is that what you think all this Sup Forums shit is? TOP KEK

unironically go to reddit, it has the exact opposite problem

>actual discussion

>If you don't like Sup Forums shitposting you must like all the other shitposting on Sup Forums

>own my own house and two extra properties
>make enough money to live life comfortably without worrying about finances
>virtually bow down to no one, not a supervisor, a manager, parents, or a boss of any type
>nu-male cuck

>Mommy! Please protect me from different opinions on the internet!


Thanks for proving my point, but it wasn't necessary.

>Wah wah wah anyone who doesn't agree with my opinion exactly is a shit poster!


>Being this butt blasted about the reality of the intenet.

Perhaps it's time for you to unplug that 56k modem user.

>actual discussion
>this is what Sup Forumsacks actually believe happens

t. 2014 poster

>actually watching movies

Sup Forums should allow actual art like pewdiepie

>height starts with a 5
>thinks he's not a manlet

You don't need to keep proving my point, user.

and evidently not smart enough to not get so angry you post your life story in respond to bait

>Continuing to be completely butt blasted

What a sad life you have.


My point has been confirmed by your responses, user. No need to continue.

>I know you are but what am I?!?!


Why should a discussion about the movie Man on Fire devolve into:
>The movie is nothing but a nigger in spicland
>White guys are always the bad guys, fuck Hollywood