What's the verdict on this?
Is it good?
It's 100% on rotten tomatoe
What's the verdict on this?
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We just have to keep doing this, huh?
Very good see it :)
actually i didn't saw it >:)
Holy shit is this the only promotional picture they have for this movie? fucking ridiculous
Top banter
99% now! Black people BTFO!
Don't get too hyped up by the reviews because it's not a masterpiece or anything, but I really liked it. It's not quite a comedy but there's a weird sense of humor to the entire movie. It's kind of like if Larry David made a horror movie, it takes social anxiety and awkward situations into a crazy worst-case scenario.
Just saved you $12
vagina busters tier political garbage.
He's ugly as fuck
It's great, really helped me check my privilege.
Saw it yesterday. I thought it was good. Nothing that special, but I was entertained the whole way through. Id give it a solid 7.
super surprising that it was made by an old mad tv alum
Please understand this:
"Get Out" a race-centered horror-comedy by the guy who did the "gay ganstas" skit on MadTV has the same score as the following:
>Citizen Kane
>The Maltese Falcon
>Great Expectations
>Rear Window
>Seven Samurai
>Singin' in the Rain
>The 400 Blows
And now "Get Out."
If someone can't see there's a problem there, they are ignorant.
The young white guy wears a medieval helmet when he abducts black men for their little auctions. I really hope Peele was referencing the deus vult meme
Nice try Sup Forums but no
This film is anti-race mixing if anything
And it shits on do gooder liberals who feel the need to help minorities
>mfw the liberals shilling this film don't realize the entire first half is taking the piss
The problem is RottenTomatoes. You should never take that score seriously. Find a few critics that you actually like, and just read their reviews.
I liked Get Out but it's definitely not a 10/10
niggerbabble bullshit
Just saw it today.
I'm sort of a racist Sup Forums guy in some ways, and not in others, so take that as you will.
I thought it was excellent. Best movie I've seen this year, although I've seen no other movies from 2017 this year, it's the best movie I've seen since 2017 started. Just great, the race shit is really not that relevant in terms of social commentary, more just relevant to the story itself and how bad the family is. The only bad parts with SJW shit were few and far between, very small too. Like the ID thing, which is retarded.
Great song too.
I think the ID scene was great, it made the girlfriends betrayal that much more fucked up.
Grace is here to save us from having to watch it.
I just thought it was stupid because it was one of the only parts forcing social commentary on the audience.
>how come ONLY black people get ID'd? das rayciss
Everyone gets ID'd by cops all the time, fuck off. There are a lot of reasons they check as many IDs as they can.
So it's about eugenics?
Does it end up being anti race-mixing?
>Does it end up being anti race-mixing?
Not explicitly but there's some implication.
It was leaning that way but then they undid it when the TSA friend called the white girlfriend a genius for playing the "it's because you want me" angle when he accused her of kidnapping the protagonist.
Neither, really. Racism, or fear of racism, is a driving part of the movie. But it's in more of a personal way than a political way, and it's all handled with a sense of humor. It's like "Meet the Parents" with an interracial couple, and then it turns into the nightmare version of how that might turn out
I guarantee you Sup Forums will come around on this movie when more people actually watch it
theres literally not a racist thing said in the whole movie
Good enough to get an ass load of free publicity.
That said... wake me for a good rip.
It was a good, original movie that will never ever be discussable on Sup Forums despite the fact that it isn't anti-white liberal propaganda like everybody believes for some reason. It wasn't "100%" good though, The VVitch was much better and it didn't get 100%
If you arent a huge Key and Peele fan dont even bother with this movie you wont understand it at all.
DAMN Peele directs movies like *THAT?*
It has the same percentage score but not the same critic rating, it's only an 8.2 right now
How do people not understand how to read rotten tomato scores yet?
>lets make a movie about evil white people
>but, as a joke so people cant criticise it
why the fuck are you guys so mad about this movie?
It's a good script that satirizes white liberals. Is that not right up the alley of most of you Sup Forumstards? I saw this with a black friend who said it made him want to never want to date a white woman again. How is this not your favorite film of the year?
I sure the audience will understand the nuanced critique of liberal white people and not just see this as a 'damn whitey, you scary!' movie.
I though it was OKAY but you're right it really is irrelevant in terms of social commentary, it serves it's purpose for the plot and humor but everyone fawning over it as being some brilliant satire leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Also the ID scene, in hindsight, is because she doesn't want to leave a trail once Chris goes missing.
>UK release date 17th of March
Damn im glad we Brits don't have ur retarded cultural problems
Spoil the ID scene for me
Its great. Not the scariest horror movie, but a very good story with some very suspenseful scenes and good characters.
I'd compare it more to the sixth sense than to other horror movies.
I'm a black republican so this movie was right up my alley, go see it you won't be disappointed.
you are dumb as fuck. a movie can be a 6/10 and still get 100% positive reviews. fuck even ghostbusters got 60% positive.
they hit a deer, cop shows up, situation seems completely resolved and cop asks for black mans ID even though he wasn't driving. Gf pulls the race card and the cop relents, let's them go.
To add on to this, the ID scene works as a Red Herring along with the movie title.
People go into the movie thinking its the typical "evil redneck racist" type bad guys who are going to attack the main character for being black.
So the policeman about to act negatively towards the black character hints at that sort of tired movie cliche.
But the movie reverses and actually satirizes "well meaning" falsely positive racism towards black people coming from people who talk themselves up as liberal and equality minded.
Peele is an interesting fellow.
I'm not mad. I visit Sup Forums everyday and thought it was good. also yes it satirizes white guilt liberals which was pretty funny.
This is the only screenshot from the flick? Yes?
The only good thing about it is that Parking Pataweyo has a new job.
amazing work of art no joke
white people need to learn to take a joke
if you dont like it move on
everybody knows fluttershy is best pony
Welcome to Sup Forums
Then how come "do gooder liberals" are saying this is the best movie ever? Do they enjoy getting shit on by black people?
I'm white and literally have never been ID'd outside of a traffic stop
Is there any way to bring back the golden age of classic liberalism or have the SJWs ruined it forever?
100% on Rotten Tomatoes
what the fuck else do you need to hear you fucking prick
It's called libertarianism.
>comedian makes a horror movie
>doesnt even have input from what's essentially his other half
how do you expect it to be
I didn't want to pay to see it but yeah I pretty much have no choice after seeing it got a 100% in rotten tomatoes. Gonna go see it at the theater with my gf and also buy the surrounding seats srs
depends on how you define "classical liberalism"
(newsflash: everyone and his mother has their own definition)
That's not really a good argument. These kind of movies don't stand an their own merit anymore. You know it's true.
My black gf wants to see this tomorrow, should be interesting. She loves race movies for some reason and I am extremely white.
>Fresh: 142
>Rotten: 1
Because they're stupid, stupid
10/10 on IGN
what the fuck else do you need to hear you fucking prick
OK I wasnt gonna do this but honestly the real reason I'm paying to see it in theaters is because we can't let these white fucks run our planet anymore
time to move on
this game was actually good though, pure interactive kino
>tfw you'll never return to the glory days of gta 4's multiplayer
Have you seen what life is like in non white countries?
it had more polygons than its predecessors and thats about it
It was also boring as shit and a big step back from San Andreas. If I wanted to watch TV I'd turn the channel
>it's a "Sup Forums doesn't understand RT percentages" thread
It means every critic who watched this thought it was a decent movie. And wow, what a surprise it is that movie critics in 2017 are slightly partial to a movie with racial commentary.
>more content makes something better
san andreas was unfocused and packed with filler, huge swaths of the games missions were forgettable and un-fun, eg. all of the countryside and SF.
This. These types of pussies also shat on Starship Troopers when it came out. How Sup Forums acts on Sup Forums is basically the opposite that SJWs act in real life, down to the same logic and tactics.
Car driving was shit, helicopters were shit, and controls in general weren't tight. GTAV has better mechanics and controls, while GTAIV has a better story and characterization. Imagine the driving mechanics of Midnight Club 3 got mixed into GTAIV, that would make it automatically better than GTAV.
>sjws are taking over because its the current year
i never thought i see the day
sounds like someone needs to git gud
>git gud
at gta?
The games are all shit since SA.
honestly that sounds like a pretty effective and lucrative idea
I like that it was a strike specifically at racist Liberals instead of the easy and obvious "conservative KKK make America Great Again" target most movies go for. All of the evil whities were the kind of left wingers who praise black people for their "blackness," but have never actually interacted with a black person before. They "respect" blacks but don't treat them like other people, and therefore still racist.
Yeah but where does it end?
I wrote a review on my blog, it took me like 4 hours.
The Deus Vult helmet seemed out of place. The brother seemed like the only "standard" racist of the bunch.
Yeah, the movie is more about the main character than racism.
>I haven't seen the movie
Film critics are no better than video game journalists. I'm not saying this isn't a good movie but you could ruin your career for criticizing any thing done or about PoC. What a fucking mess.
Saw and liked it. A horror comedy that is actually scary, creepy and funny. 7/10, and thinking about 8.
**Spoilers** below, in case the tag doesn't work:
So if the creepy groundskeeper and maid were the gandparents, why the frig did they act like creepy robots the whole time?
are you here from tumblr or reddit? honestly asking, not just memeing.
they had the same operation done to them that they were trying to do to the main guy
Because they're old white people who don't know how to act black to hide the truth.
>grandpa lost an olympic race to a black guy
>grandpa becomes envious of black people and sees them as superior
>grandpa puts his brain in a black body
>cue the strange scene where the groundskeeper is sprinting like a madman at night
Didn't click for me until later
No, but let's role play...
Why yes, I'm here from both of those sites, actually.
How would that change your response? How can you be "from" a site?
it wouldn't change my response much, you just seemed kinda new is all. like not knowing about ctrl+s and your pleasant tude. also,
That was implicit in my question, so doesn't really answer it.
They talked like old rich white people. "Tattle-tale" and "she's one of a kind top of the line" all that.
Because the programming the grandma has over Gerogina's body is shoddy (Remember when she blanked out and spilled tea on Chris? After that The mother took her back inside to redo the hypnosis) and Grandpa's just a old white guy who's talking to the kid that's been fucking his beloved granddaughter.
Yeah but they were acting like they were constantly struggling to keep it together. Why the F would you do an operation that put a loved one in such a situation?
I liked how the scene with the cop at the start was set up to make you cheer for the girl protecting Chris from discrimination from the evil racist police officer.
But the police officer had a legitimate reason to ask for ID (numerous disappearances in the area) and the girl was just trying to hide a paper trail. The cop end up saving him in the end by fairly asking for his ID, allowing Rod to find him.
I am aware of and used ctrl+s. I'm kind of high and the movie just came out and it's a pretty big spoiler so I was just being hypervigilant. I do try to be pleasant here though.
>dude weed lmao
come on user, you're better than that
I was referring to their rictus grins and deliberate speech rather than their vocabulary, but well-spotted.
I kind of want to see it now that I know the spoilers. Sounds unique, but maybe I'll wait till it comes out on rental.
>not knowing about ctrl+s
>uses spoilers in their post