This is the first, that I hope Sup Forums will turn into a series. In lieu of the clear bullshit that is HRC, I genuinely feel that we're inching closer and closer to the inevitable.

Maybe what comes out on the other side will be worse, but goddamnit, there's no way of knowing. It is better to go into an uncertain future than remain in a clearly failing present.

Bump this shit, let's fill it with all kinds of good material for an OP. We're going to take this nation back, and get people mobilized.

"The people can not be all, & always, well informed. the part which is wrong [. . .] will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. if they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. we have had 13. states independant 11. years. there has been one rebellion. that comes to one rebellion in a century & a half for each state. what country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure."

-Thomas Jefferson

Other urls found in this thread:

Patriotic bump

There can be no uprising without LEO backing.

God fucking damnit I love the Constitution

I agree my fine sir. I shall wash the fedoras in preparation for our divine uprising! Those who challenge us will feel my vicious blade of justice!

Self bump.

Have some true American music.

I just cleaned my ak. Will we march forward into a glorious new era fellow ameribros?!

Friendly reminder that our favorite hambone is a warrior for the American people.

Ooops, doubled. The link.


What can we possible do? We are gonna be put on an FBI list and we won't even be able to leave the house without a black van folowing

Carry a gun. Go down with a fight.

Tbh all of this blatant bullshit today with the fbi and what not has demoralized me a lot. I've lost faith in our collective American back bone. :c


People like you are the root of the fucking problem. "What can we possibly do?"


When push comes to shove you guys won't do shit. Or if you do then you will be gunned down while 90% of people think you're crazy terrorists.

People have too much to lose by fighting back against a government that is not directly oppressing them. Conservatives all have to get up and go to work tomorrow. Thats why niggers have time to riot. You won't do shit.

Im sure the pentagon and the military will fight on our side, considering their hate for our current democrat in office and the chances of a hillary presidency.

Sadly this is true.

Stay in your part of the globe faggot. Americans are talking.

no really, vets of military and intelligence communities are literally the only people who have the power to take back this country. They are welcome to shit post it up on Sup Forums and be inspired by the american citizens but they expect us to be the change they are hoping for when they have the power and skill to enact a change. We're all drugged up and drunk shitposters just trying to get to tomorrow.

Quick bump.

Despite all the memes, the fact that you crazy bongs went to great lengths to exercise your democracy to choose freedom last month.

You guys are good in my book, and I will happily have a Beefeater back me up in the end times. You guys are alright.

That ain't any meme speak. I genuinely respect the fact that you crazy fucks went down the road to take your country back.

Dad, welcome to the fight. Bongs, join us in this war.

>not directly oppressing them


Let's not assume that Trump will lose. If you do so, then the battle is already lost. Do not go quietly into the night! Get out there and vote! Let the liberals assume he has no chance! They'll have no reason to go out and vote if they believe that. We can still make America great again!!

The FBI sure have stepped up their game since they raided mumble rooms

I'm not assuming the God King will lose. I'm just hoping someone domes the crooked bitch.

this man. clean your backyards, americans

Kiwi over there means that we can't be directly oppressed because we still have the 2nd.

And, honestly, that's true.

So let's use it while we can. :D

they got my flag messed up, prolly the PST screwing up....

but that's sven talk you southern fairy!

>"The Swede is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him 'Sven' and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I’ve been found out.'"

You've been called out swede

The fact that our military is entirely voluntary, and unlike some nations, doesn't require SOME level of service for all able-bodied citizens automatically makes soldiers and police more aligned to support their families before the Man.

Who the fuck do you think the majority of the troops are going to side with?

It doesn't make what I said not true.

You all sit there and complain about how evil the government is but its never going to turn into what Alex Jones rants about with FEMA camps and tanks rolling into each suburb. More rights will be slowly taken at a gradual enough pace that people dont care or will prefer the extra security.

Resistance isnt possible without a collective majority going against the government and quite simply not enough people give a shit outside anonymous image boards.

There needs to be a boston massacre to spark the revolution but no one wants to be the first to die. And while the media control the narrative those first to die if it happened today will be portrayed as right wing terrorist lunatics and everyone will say its a good thing you're dead.

Retarded brainwashed liberal has never played with fire before.

>implying anyone would even stand a chance against the US Military

With the way warfare and technology have progressed since 1776, I'm pretty sure the government holds more power than the lobsterbacks ever did.

The 2nd is, at this point, the same as nuclear arsenals: a deterrent, and for it to ever be utilized, things would have to get worse than any of us can imagine. Unless Trump can pull off a miracle in November and help reset the pendulum, we're condemned to a slow decline.

I hate sounding like a defeatist shill, but I'm too jaded to believe that the citizens opposed to the current direction can do anything.

lol you think the fat, lazy, right wingers will do anything besides bitch? you're more delusional than the lefties that thought Bernie would win.

Nigger, see:

Who do you think is going to stop the rallying call of the vets and intelligence communities if they went door to door to take back the country?

bbbbut I got a Ar I fired 3 times in 10 years and think I'm a green beret from the movies. surly I'll just mow them down in droves

Hi fbi, how's the high treason game treating you?

bumping for you

>"Fight for our side"

Then win/if they win we will have a govt. purely run by the military. The biggest problem we honestly have is that over the last 16 year we politically divide the country. People on this board is proof. How many threads on this board do people bash and public hate SJW. I'm supposed to believe that they will put aside their difference to make a better govt. Phh

I see you never served in the military. well I swore this oath

"I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me"

Thank you, based syrup nigger. :D

Again, like I said, what makes you think that people who by voluntary choice, are employed by the gub cheese, wouldn't put their family and community first

because I was never stationed near my family or my community

>I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me
Until you don't, anyway. An oath like that doesn't mean shit if the system is hilariously corrupt.

And let's say the president is killed and your officers defect. What then?

>Implying we don't have assloads of former military patriots

>Implying the military wouldn't fragment and join the resistance.

Oh but friends, do you really think the Civil War will be between strictly citizens and the government? No, it's going to be a messy war divided most likely on ideological lines. The war wouldn't need to wait until the government fully usurps rights or something along those lines, all that it needs is a spark between the two cultural camps within this country.

Honestly, I HOPE the war is seen by most as a revolution against the government, and not a Civil War against ideological enemies.

I wish I could have, but every one else in my family has. If I hadn't been a month early and lost a chunk of my cerebrum, I'd happily join.


>implying that humans wouldn't support their 'tribe' or family first, due to instinct.

You honestly think in a time of a civil war the U.S. military would just make solider abandon their family? No, my guess they would make several FOB bases just for solider family.

an oath is an oath. but I wouldn't expect a chinook to understand that.

Listen dude I am all for the right to Revolution.
That's what our forefathers believed in. It's what they acted on. The idea that every man has the right to self determination.
An armed populous is the only deterrent to tyranny. For once all the citizens are disarmed, what does the government have to fear? Letters and petitions?
If the government ever tries to disarm it's people, then it makes it's intention for tyranny clear.
But listen dude. Of all the places to real talk about a revolution, Sup Forums is not one of them. All talks of the revolution have to be done in real life, otherwsie you'll get disappeared by the Feds. Come on and think dude. There's actual paid shills on Sup Forums, it wouldn't be too much of a jump to assume one of them could causally mention it.


Never seen a thread with some much delusion. Your feelings will not change anything. The majority of people are content with the way things are. You and 1000 other basement dwellers will not change or destroy which has been established over many years. The second I see a retard running around screaming change holding an AR, I will not hesitate to shoot. Because I want my family safe from fucktards like you.

Yes liberal gun owners do exist

section 8 has no say

revolution, boys

I was reading something yesterday that estimates that around 75% of the US military would mutiny against the government, because of our "Political and military culture"

Of course it won't. I was actually gonna post this, but I don't organize my folder.

>Someone I don't like might be president

It's amazing how the my "fellow" Americans forget the atrocities the Bush Clinton and Obama family's have done to this country.

Care to link that?

There is a reason we became independent and you're still part of the filthy commonwealth. Americans actually get shit done.

Wait who was that Australian guy that invented the airplane?

Or was it the nuclear bomb? No? Also american?

It had to of been the microwave, personal computer, submarine, space shuttle, GPS, Nylon, Kevlar or motherfucking PLASTIC. Yes, actual plastic.

No? All invented by Americans? Interesting.

Kys OP. We don't need traitors like you who are ready to start an armed conflict because you don't like a decision that was made.


Wasn't the oath to uphold the constitution?

you read wrong. we are trained to follow orders. furthermore the disinformation that would be spread would make them think they are doing the right thing

This shit right here. Shit shouldn't even be mentioned online


How can I help

I just got out last year. I know for a fact that I could call at least a squad worth of active infantry soldiers that would defect.

You're trained to protect the Constitution. Or at least you used to be. And to protect us from all threats foreign AND DOMESTIC.

>liberal gun owners exist.

I know. And I genuinely think that the left isn't anti-gun, because they're the best gun salesmen on the planet.

you obviously didn't take it. the military doesn't allow the enlistee's to interpret that. we follow orders


and you are the threat

Impeach Dude Weed.

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

You will obey the orders only as far as it stands in agreement with the UCMJ which means if it's an unlawful order you don't obey the order

"Shoot all those US citizens in the street private"
"You're doing the right thing, you need to kill those who you joined to protect because it's an order"

>I was born just in time for the second american civil war

im so fucking excited

If you want a revolution why not start by getting Americans to actually vote and vote more than once every four years. I like how people like OP go to the extreme, but DESU honest half of the Americans don't even participate in their own government.

America will be a Catholic nation when this is all said and done.

>gun grabber
>openly in the pocketbook of almost every corrupt country
>openly states that any citizen of another nation who makes their way to America should have all American rights appointed to them except paying taxes

I don't claim to be a soldier but I went to a military college and I remember in one military science class that the oath was to the constitution rather than to a person. I had to write an essay on it about explaining how Nazi Germany soldiers were required to swear loyalty to the fuhrer and how it was different from our oath.
Pic related if you're right.

>"shoot all those terrorist in the street private"
>"they are attacking your country"

fixed it for you

What was you CO's name. I think I'm going to have to talk the higher up. You have shitty training.

True dat.

I'm betting a pretty big voter turnout tho. Look at Brexit. That shit had 72% of voters, the highest turnout in their democratic HISTORY.

And EVERYTHING said it was going to fail.

anyone else get comfy vibes from this sort of picture?

Another thing people never seem to take into account is that many u.s soldiers wouldn't hurt innocent Americans even if threatened with death, do you really believe that the whole of the military will remain loyal to Hillary if civil war breaks out?

Its the fire

use it to purge leftist and islam from our nation

BLM is more of a concern than you retards.

Why? See file name.

Well let me go through my chain of command (something you obviously don't know about)


Secretary of Defense

Joint Chiefs of Staff

Wait... Who was that at the top?!?!?!

Thanks, m8 :)

You think people would call it a Civil War? Here's what would happen. Anybody who is fighting the govt. would be labeled a terrorist group. Thus these innocent people wouldn't be innocent. They would be terrorist trying to destroy america.

My friend before he offed himself wrote me a note and he said he knew a civil war would go down and told me to prepare

this guy gets it

So you openly admit you'd support Hillary, if personally told you to gut your mother?


Those people didn't train you. You keep insiting you were trained this way or trained that way. I'm asking you who was your CO that told you this bullshit? Because the training I got was way different.

grasp at them straws... if it helps you sleep

2nd LT here. I have and am currently in the process of coup detat when the civil unrest begins.

Stay mad POG

dude this ACTUALLY the type of shit the FBI will fuck you for. i would actually assume this thread is a honeypot.

Social Justice will destroy itself. Look at how much they eat eachother alive when lumped into groups, like blacks v gays.

See Toronto BLM thing that went down the other day.

mind your own business

Yeah I think you're full of shit or a fucking boot.

wait... you were tarried by your current CO? you didn't go through basic training at a base that is not you current duty station? What branch are you in? Mickey mouse brigade?

all pol has to do is red pill LEO's. with the law of kek on our side we will be unstumpable.