He hasnt invested in precious metals

>he hasnt invested in precious metals

>he fell for the precious metals meme

>he fell for the investment memes

>muh fiat currency
>muh s&p 500
>muh indices

>thinks 2 bitches laughing will sway me

Friendly reminder that food, fuel, ammo, and metal are the only real forms of wealth.

I keep about 5% of assets in gold. Wouldn't recommend more than 10% for anyone.

Attaboy. Not much is necessary. People could buy whole city blocks during the American depression with an oz of gold.

Did you see Chinese silver futures last week? They bid up the price 8% in a day.

What's interesting is to see the extremely deflationary signs of negative yielding sovereign debt while the PMs continue strong. One is going to give eventually.

finished goods are pretty nice too

Im not so sure that this silver run is ," the one," but its definitely something to look at. Over 10% in two days, has to keep getting bumped down. Just wait till silver shipping times turn from days to weeks and people will flip.

Idk what the chinese are doing with silver and copper but it scares me. Apparently theres rumors they are sending pre 82 pennies back from the states in some cases.

>glittery rocks will be useful in survival situation

Tools and supplies are useful and necessary but not as forms of wealth. Something like rice or ammunition is divisible and ubiquitous, unlike a crank radio or a sleeping bag.

Theres a very low chance that a happening would go directly from decadent late stage democracy to post apoc innawoods. Hyperinflation and poverty will come far before that.

>being a geriatric
It's all about trains ya dip

Gold is just money you retard, it's money that gains value when you jewish fiat currency loses it.

Gold is a more stable currency than your currency. It's probably the best long term investment you can make, because supply/demand trends and consumption trends will mean not much of it will be available at some point.

>not putting your life savings into memecoins

That's kind of a ridiculous thing to say.

Soap, razorblades, lighters, deodorant, etc. The million small things people expect to have are all pretty useful for trade.

Flint Steel

all the precious metal I need

Ok I'll get the canned fish and dehydrated beans, you stock up on toilletries and we can meet up when shtf

Fire steel, flint thingy, whatever

>current year
>buying metals
>not buying banana clips

>there are """""Preppers"""""" that buy gold before even having a bug out location, adequate guns and ammo, food, medical, etc

PMs are literally the last thing you should buy, and only if you're rich enough to get all of the above first.

>buying banana clips
>not buying plantain clips

>not buying banana chips

I inherited £100,000. I used £10,000 on frivolities like a motorbike, and stuff for my kids and wife.
Mainly clothes and laptops.

I bought silver with the rest.So £90,000 of silver. I didn't buy any gold as the value seems to fluctuate.
Am I fucked or was it a good investment?

I'm not short of money. I have 4 houses that I've paid off. I live in one, obviously and I rent out the others.
Is silver safe?