That was two counts of felony from the poles

that was two counts of felony from the poles.

Other urls found in this thread:


two niggers fighting

I expect a hussar charge.
Do they at less put wings in their cars?

thanks polan


I kind of got a boner, is that bad?

pooland noooo

Why are they so fat ?

They stronk.

the black guys seems drunk or sth
not much merit on that

Poles are savages

a lot of them act like that here. i don't know if they're just stupid or used to get away with everything

brave hussars :D Bolan stronk

They are bear mode.

the guy deserved, tho

i can't say, i dunno how those immigrants behave in your country
but this nigga really looks like he was high

they are just used to win it the easy way, all the more satisfying when you surprise them.
I mean I am definitly not on the same level as the poles here but I got out of some situations by myself too.
All thanks to training and a little bit more self respect, highly recommend it. You never know what comes next in your life

That fat polack has fast hands

It's a sad state of affairs when brothers turn on each other.

At less Poland has history.
Canada is know for border USA.

Shut up Cuckada.

ty głupi

blue collar workers over 30 have a tendency to be overweight.
it's a combination of poor quality food, lack of education and lack of physical excerise outside of work.

nah make that 3 with the kick

they seem fit enough

wtf, no snitch Hungary

why are you such a disgusting faggot?

I want to see this in slow motion

>haha look at those polacks helping out oppressed slaves instead mindlessly obeying orders! so stupid!
Not sure why do you keep reposting this as if it was something to be ashamed of, I'm proud of these lads

what are you smoking leaf?


Nice. Why do they block the cars? I assume it's so that they can rob them or something.

chill czakowski