
Average British willy size edition

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did you like it?

my gf

4 inches hard here

my gf

what are you even on about? The spanish trawlers that fish all around Ireland and the UK have literally ruined the fish stocks of both our countries
they're only allowed in our country thanks to the EU

why are there so many female benefits cheats

>that moment what you do a massive rail of coke and feel like the boss of the universe but the horrifying reality that you've got fuck all left hits you

4/10 but if you love her more power to you

*walks away, snickers and laughs behind your back*

very good

>According to Rachel S. Herz, professor of psychology at the Brown University, smells affect us depending on our previous experiences with them. In other words, we associate a scent with the emotional experience we had at the time we first experienced it.

every time i smell honey i remember my pee-paw raping me

women are leeches

the gef

there's nothing wrong with a common european currency or a common european military

i hope the eu federalises even more in the future

bellend smells of skips

coke doesn't make me feel more authoritative or like the king of the world, it just makes me feel like.... like "REEEEEEE"

Wow so cool

explains why i cant smell vodka without wincing


whats it called when you get a temporary replacement car from a garage when your car is getting fixed?

fired 45 years before retirement

Solution to .

Fitizen is the best poster in Sup Forums history and almost every major gimmick and meme can be traced to him

courtesy car

men naturally want to be independent and also their job is a status symbol
women naturally are happy to live off others and people don't care as much what jobs women work

(thanks for reblogging this)

its also because your body knows that vodka is technically toxic


starting a new job tomorrow

it's in a warehouse, hope it's comfy

>tfw you do a line too many, your heart is racing, body is shaking, the anxiety and paranoia set in and you genuinely think you're about to die and start making peace with it in your head

not sure if i love or hate coke

>make literally any post on Sup Forums
>"fuck of shitizen"
ah yes


careful or warehouse dwarves lad, check EVERY nook and cranny for the slimy fuckers

starting a new job tomorrow

it's in a bedroom, hope it's comfy

its true i actually think hes up there in the pantheon of great posters. best poster ever? ehhh, not sure there really is one. but he does have a seat at the table of the greats. the titans. the paragons of our website.

A testament to the mans impact when he hasn’t even posted in 3 years

don't work too hard or too smart, that's how you get promoted

got a job offer due to benzos and stims

drugs dont work they said

absolutely cracking thread

the proxy matches are DIRE altogether lads


we're all in here

If the EU has it's thumb on the scale of a trade deal, someone's getting ripped off. It's no longer a mutually agreeable trade, it's a trade determined by an outside force with it's own agenda. If Spain wants to sell us olives, they can. The UK and Spain can agree on the deal without Brussels dictating the price or the terms.

hey, its you!

heh, there he goes again... 'ol fitty :3


nah he was on /brit/ like a year or so ago

wish zyzz would come back

Why do Uni kids think the EU is synonymous with Europe?

>i hope more of my democratic power is diluted by foreign influences
No surprise, coming from the nation that immediately capitulated to Hitler in WW2.

imagine being such an infectious personality, you dont even need a tripcode for people to recognsie you

I Am Proud To Be English

i.e the bradleyposter

looool fuck drumpf & wypipo

Me? Why, you could say I'm a Constitutional Monarchist


>when it's the next day and you can hardly breathe and your clothes are covered in snot and crap and blood after doing it for days on end

it's a harsh mistress

you must look like a fucking pork scratching mate

the internal market is the fairest trade deal possible

hundreds of little bilateral trade deals are what really opens the doors to one party getting ripped off

*jumps on your lap*
*breathes heavily*
*falls asleep*

got a new student card and its valid until september 2020 even though i'm in my final year

wahheyy cheap cinema tickets

2018 is the year when Brexit will stop, Trump will be impeached and we will all return to sensible, liberal sanity.

lots of free mcdonalds

started washing my nose out after sessions

definitely helps and might prolong the life of your septum

bloody whig prick

is a faggot

Me? Why, you could say I'm a Transcendental Bicameralist

very good video


no they arent you daft cunt
there are no benefits to centralisation apart from discounts on funding an army etc.

>free mcdonalds

>liberal sanity.

is a cunt

you can get a free item with your meal, think its anything from the £1 menu

unironically loved this gimmick

creases me up to this day

she has that look, you know, of a cock gobbler

do you ever do it for several days in a row lad? i find i cant stop myself until i need to be at work the next day or something

why did nobody tell me about this REEEEEEEEEEEE


dont really understand why people would get addicted to coke 2bh. its sort of enjoyable, not the funnest but pretty fun. but the negative side effects far outweigh the good parts of the drug.

feel like mdma is like a more perfected version of coke. has all of the fun parts with less debilitation. i don't really feel like dog shit after mdma, just optimistic. cocaine just turns off my brain and makes me feel less alive


adolf J tr*Mp is NOT my precedent !!

>ooh no, uk and france, we can't have you making that deal, what about poor little belgium?
>belgium: haha pay up faggots, daddy said so!
>b-but we want to buy france's cheese
>belgium: guess again, we also sell cheese and eu directive no. 34563546 says you must buy our expensive shitty produce haha
Very fair.

4-fa is perfected mdma

just slide it up that shithole

right in ya shit pipe

stuff me shitter with dick

right up the chocolate bon bon factory....ohhhhhh lovely

Spit all down your cunt, right on me cock so I can slide right up that shitcrack, ooh you little bitch
Shithole full of nob

any thighter it would be squeezing blood out the end of my knob

i have a love/hate relationship with it. sometimes the anxiety is enough to make me stop completely after even just half a gram. other times i've binged the weekend away. got a weird reaction to stims 2bh

>download this week's issue of The Economist
on Thursday because /brit/ told me it's what smart people read
>monday night
>still not finished it

jesus christ I'm such a brainlet

why do "men" who accept this drivel have such common physical and mental traits? Usually weak little beta boys with no daddy to set them right.

bookmarked, favourited, liked, subscribed

Gonna have to distance myself from one of my best friends because I'm getting feelings for her

came in big lasses arse on saturday, never saw the appeal before but it was quite the turning point.

life hack: when you have lemons in your house you can put the lemon juice in water. maybe put a teaspoon of salt in there too for extra hydration. this thing that i call "lemon juice drink" will revolutionize how we drink our water in america.



West Brom will win 2-0

about to graduate from an early 20s virgin to a mid 20s virgin

quite scary


love mandy but it's situational. you can do coke more regularly and in more situations. on mandy people can tell you're pinging a mile away.

hope so lad, should have had a pen already

uphill cycling should be considered as a form of torture