/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico


Other urls found in this thread:


That's a big mouth


Why can't Mexicans build buildings correctly? Are they made of paper?

>visited home and torrented some cool vidya for my computer
>come back to uni and can't find my external HDD probably because i left it
Day ruined

just pirate a new HDD

It's funny, now that Trump is in office, people can't get enough of NFL players kneeling. Last year most people were against it

>dog starts barking and whining downstairs again
>wakes and keeps me up
That's it, I am ofiicially a cat guy.




>early thread

I really hope it fails, lads.

I'm sick of these cunts trying to take away my health care

>how dare you make an early thread before I get the chance to!
Can't you just kill yourself?

Kimmy said we declared war by flying closely to NK. When is this shit going to end?

scumbag fat cunt

never reply to my thread again


OP doesn't like replies to his thread. Therfore I made a new one:

Why do Canadian women love English men so much? Srs question

Why do UK women love the BAC (Big American Cock) so much?

canadian posters are a bunch of sluts
big fucking whoop

Fuck my wife's syrup hole with your monocle mr english man

fuck n*rth korea

*gives Denmark and big hug and smells him*

don't like this thread

>tfw no qtpi german gf

*chuckles awkwardly at you*

*makes a post*

forgot your proxy, faggot

Why do libshits react so hysterically to everything Drumpf says? They keep fueling his massive ego with this shit.

*acts slutty to everyone but dane*

of a lot of swearing in here

give me some, plz

every day i feel the same, stuck and never changed.

Burger politics are fun to watch

because he is literally hitler and the people who voted for him are actual nazis, since we live under an oppressive fascist regime that wants to exterminate mexicans, muslims, the LGBTTQQIAAP+ community, and blacks

fuck white people and fuck drumpf

because he's the president of the united states and trying to steal our health care and get into a war with north korea

what's up guys
how's everyone doing

Anyone else get antisocial and a little paranoid after smoking weed but enjoy it cause it takes you out of the moment or am I a self harming freak


They must unironically be in heaven right now. They can fuel their victim complex by pretending that they live under a Nazi regime headed by the worst racist that the world has ever seen, while still living in a country that is pretty much exactly the same as it always has been



I hope we nuke the gooks

>no Pedosexual
kys shitlord

>canadian politics

all me

give me a rundown on canadian politics

>elect man because he says he'll legalize weed
>doesn't legalize weed


Faggots should be put into extermination camps

Everything is the same except all government buildings are actually hockey rinks but they never photograph politicians wearing their ice skates

people who put people in concentration camps should be put into concentration camps

>muh oil(alberta)
>how can we give more repenance money to abos
>We need to import more pakis to show how diverse we are
>the chinese takover of vancouver is HELPING, guys
>putting out forest fires is for lar right dictatorships
>Viva le quebec liberta
>[endless arguing over which province makes the best maple syrup]

People who object to putting faggots into extermination camps need to be put into extermination camps


Wtf Come home Canadian man

people who need to be put in the gas chambers:

Pinoys, CHI's, and people who eat their steak well done

Trannies are mentally ill

i thought alberta and muh oil meme was starting to become outdated?

people who aren't in concentration camps should be put in concentration camps


certain cuts of steak are superior well done, such as round eye

people who post on Sup Forums are mentally ill


baka desu senpai

>gringo I am Blanco, now please open your border

reminder the waitress from hell or high water did literally nothing wrong

>using the word f.am in year 1917+1000

>certain cuts of steak are superior well done

what are the percentages supposed to represent?

People who don't post on Sup Forums are mentally ill

the amounts of betas and neckbeards

approval ratings

Some people would have to put the people who put people into concentration camps into concentration camps. And then some people would have to put the people who have just put the people who put people into concentration camps into concentration camps into concentration camps. Etc. etc.

*slaps you*

*scratches butthole*
hey user, smell this

Trump has an approval rating of 39, tho.

*teleports behind Denmark* Your slaps are too slow.

>thread is just a slow /brit/
have a cheeky blogpost to mix things up a bit
>live in overpopulated shithole
>sign up for military because no place ever contacts me
>move to a non-shithole
>apply for a job for money to spend on dumb shit
>get called 2-3 days later
>fug :::DD
proper jewry innit

Has anyone seen the new Star Trek series yet?

Business idea: Move to Canada

please populate the maritimes every there is old and white and the young people are moving out west

why can't i stop jacking off to interracial porn

It's the % peak for both of them

>white people are bad
ok schlomo

You're American

Might be a comfy place to go to when wanting to settle down, but still want to live in at least a moderately sized city while I'm still young desu. Are maritimes girls qt?

my group in discreet math called me "the smart one" today.
it seems I've been having good deception rolls

imposter syndrome best syndrome

I think he meant that it's old white people and the younger ones are moving west

discrete not discreet you mong

i have a 630-930pm lab.

tim hortons is the only place open on campus that late, what should i get?


two servings of fat bbc

I'm actually stupid see


>Are maritimes girls qt?
farm girls are always wholesome, but finding qt ones is hard. urban maritimes girls are trash whores. what canadian cities were you thinking of settling? i'd personally recommend montreal if youre willing to learn basic french

nothing but a bunch of little rocket men here