Voting for le Trump

>voting for le Trump

Ok, enough memeing, let's get serious. Trump is an idiot, and his policies are fucking shit. Johnson is the only palatable candidate for 2016.

Other urls found in this thread:


Gary is a SJW now. Fuck him

>OP has the blessing of popecat
Bumping for more Johnsony goodness.

He's alright.

Trump's policies are shit,and his supporters are complete morons (as evidenced by this board) but gary's are only a little bit better.

Not an argument.

>open borders

Open borders SJW

Good goy, vote for the "libertarian conservative". It won't split the republican votes and get Hillary into office. Surely you can win with a 3rd party

How is Gary Johnson an SJW?

Gary has a proven track record of sound fiscally responsible leadership.

Time to get over your other shit and realize that we need someone who can get the country back on fiscal track more than anything else.

Once we're a little more financially stable, then we can start the theocrat-vs-SJW sniveling again.


open borders

>Not voting for the God Emperor
>Voting for the SJW cuck
Shills leave.


Isn't this the guy who told us we should feel bad about being white?

Fuck off shill

He almost cries while calling Trump racist.

He is no SJW, in fact he vetoed hate crime legislation. He's not a retard like most of Sup Forums so he dosen't hate nonwhites.

Where do you people get this stuff?

I mean Trump is a racist, and you have a pretty low threshold for SJW.

How do we break the 2 party system?
The dems and reps dont really represent my views, but unfortunately is right. Are we stuck with 2 party tyranny forever? I dont think the system can be reformed

Might as well vote for bernie, an absolute pointless and waste of a vote, just vote for the man that actually has a reasonable following.

>Trump is a racist
wew lad

We could make a big start by letting other parties go to the debates. What you mentioned isn't a problem if the scores were closer together

That's why we need a third parties to fuck things up significantly, it'll force reform, preferably in a more proportional way.

>it's a "let's end this trump meme" thread

I will probably be giving him my vote, it would be a huge win just to get him in the debates.

Cant Parry The Gary

you shills need to stop

no one here is going to support an open borders candidate...we are nationalists here and open borders are poison to nationalism and nationalist values

just stop


Do you believe Trump will deport 11 million illegal immigrants?


i wish he would debate. this guy woulds take all the bernout votes from the democrat side

the libertarian platform is more appealing to leftists these days because all leftists really care about is social issues

Is this the new CTR shill tactic? Shill a meme candidate with no chance of winning? Wow, you fuckers must really be desperate. Here's your (you).

Johnson voters are just closet Hillary supporters. They're fine and comfortable under a Hillary Presidency, they just don't want to say it out loud because they know how it will make them look.

Nothing but treasonous shits. Let me catch a libertarian flying the Gadsden flag. I'm tired of these quasi-SJWs demeaning our Revolution's artifacts with their feminist, multiculturalist filth.

Johnson's the Libertarian candidate, most of Sup Forums voted for him in 2012 at the time. Like all millennials, you cannot accept that someone might have different viewpoint than your own.

>1 post by this ID

Yeah nah fuck off cunt

> most of Sup Forums voted for him in 2012

Stop telling this lie. It's not even close to being true.

And Johnson isn't even a libertarian. He's a liberal.

Yeah if these people actually believe trump is serious about building a wall and deporting immigrants, I'd rather have people like them deported as they are clearly too mentally deficient to contribute to society.


I watched the debate, Johnson seems to be trying to appeal to Hillary/Sanders voters with focusing on left wing libertarianism, i.e abolishing the war on drugs.

Johnson pulls from democrats, not Trump supporters and independents.

is libertarianism the most jewish ideology ever created? this guys are the most useful idiots ever created and dont even realize it

>jews get to exploit the financial system with no regulations
>open borders
>social degeneracy like fag marriage and transgender bathrooms for the goyim
>drug use is not only legal but encouraged

how the fuck did i ever fall for this joke of an idealogy? the white race would be destroyed in two months if this "party" was any more than a meme

im not even a johnson supporter but if you support the war on drugs you have your head buried deep in your ass

Duuude weeed bro.

Fucking pothead and can't give a speech with a coherent sentence to save his life

And? Nothing? Thought so faggot.
>All of group A are thing b
>Not a complete fallacy
>Not also racist
Whew lad

Trudeau of America

Don't forget no war on guns :)

>voting 3rd party

>how the fuck did i ever fall for this joke of an idealogy?

im thinking because youre just an 18 year old that echoes everything they hear off Sup Forums

im not a libertarian but tell me...what parts of the platform actually encourage drug use?

What I mean is he's focusing on aspects of libertarianism that appeal to left wingers.

The only reason a war on drugs is possible is because of people like Hillary and Sanders who want to greatly expand government.

He's counting on left wingers only hearing what they want to to hear

>scan down the thread
>dozen people already posted about open borders
>but you can't say it too many times

>3 shekels have been deposited into your account

>dude weed
>fiscally responsible
i doubt he takes a shower before going out in public

>What I mean is he's focusing on aspects of libertarianism that appeal to left wingers.

And ignoring the parts of libertarianism that appeal to right-wingers. He supports The Civil Rights Act. The Civil Rights Act! One of the most un-libertarian laws ever conceived. Barry Goldwater, more libertarian than Gary Johnson ever could be, fought tooth and nail to stop the Civil Rights Act (and failed). But this disgusting little traitor supports it.

If that's libertarianism I want absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with it ever.

>Voting for open borders
>VP is anti 2nd amendment
>Panders to leftists
>Claims to be Libertarian



dude weed lmao
Free market cucks get out.

the part where they tell you that doing drugs is ok and there should be no consequences for you doing them. i dont know if you've ever talked to a libertarian but legalizing drugs is literally the only thing they ever fucking talking about

it's ok though. you'll eventually realize that as long as niggers and spics are in america libertarianism would never work

its a phase everyone goes through

i honestly think the "dude weed" meme should be applied to people that want to keep it illegal

those people care far more about weed than stoners

dude government regulation lmao

government cucks get out

>Open borders
>Anti gun
Literally a subhuman.

Fuck Sup Forums is stupid

>hurr durr Sanders and Hillary are bad for expanding government
>hurr durr fuck the free market, we need government regulation

>it's ok though. you'll eventually realize that as long as niggers and spics are in america libertarianism would never work

you might actually be right about that

>$0.05 has been deposited into your Shillary account.

He called trump a racist like a fuckin idiot

Yeah, so I should vote for the gun grabbing globalist who supports anti-property rights laws instead, so that Hillary can be President.

Fuck off Australia. Tired of your shit.

Leftists are bad because they use government authority to promote degeneracy and cuckoldry, not because they have authority.

Not hard to understand you neckbeard, sorry all that weed has slowed your brain.

Please cite source on him being anti gun

Also you should be aware that he is open borders, but only to bring in cheap labor. As long as these individuals are not citizens, cannot vote, and eventually leave, then I'm okay with it. There is another caveat however, they must enter legally, and we must limit the number of visas and their duration.

Face it trumphead, that policy makes much more sense than a fucking wall.

Now imagine that policy combined with a wall!
That is what I'd like to see.


>votes for "le weedman" SJW Gary oh Trump oh boohoo my feelings oh wahhhh "private sidewalks" Johnson

Enjoy throwing your vote away for a retard btw.

>We must stop hillary but not vote trump!

Then you vote for a hillary plant. Good job retard

Its rayist, ryasist to want to stop illegal immigration. RAYSIST!

OP speaks the truth. Trump was stumped after the Orlando shooter turned out to be a self-hating gay man and after Hillary turned out not to be a crooked criminal. Trump is a stupid laughing stock now, so lets get with the times and vote for someone else.

You should support a proper libertarian candidate and not meme johnson.

You're fucking retarded, by having a powerful government if and when leftists get into power they have all that authority at their fingertips.

If the government doesn't have that power in the first place then how can leftists abuse it?

Its like the EU, regardless of how good the intentions are having that much centralised power will only ever lead to totalitarianism

Suck my Johnson

>Jews should be forced to bake nazi cakes
someone who calls themself a libertarian ACTUALLY, UNIRONICALLY believes this

.05 has been deposited into your account!

>Bring in cheap labor
>High unemployment already
Are you actually retarded?

I'm not going to reply to obvious bait. You and I both know what is wrong with those statements.

> you should be aware that he is open borders, but only to bring in cheap labor.

That's why the entire political stablishment is open borders you stupid fucking cuck, and exactly why Western civilisation is the shitshow it currently is.

Alt right libertarians are the dumbest motherfuckers I swear.

Hoo boy, they must have gotten quite a raise.

Libertarianism is a foolish ideology to follow because unorganized force will always eventually fall to organized force.

Humans are not always rational actors.

>continuing to depress lower class wages so businesses can make an extra buck makes sense
fuck off kike


Absolutely no way in he'll would I vote for that cunt.

10/10 Canadian-tier post-modern ironic shitposting.

Fund it.

>johnson doesnt want to deport 11 million illegals
>doesnt want to build a wall
>expresses his love for mexican

what the fuck? he sounds even more cucked than hillary

Well she's put more money into it, one, which no one but Sup Forums ever talks about, and two, I'm assuming there can't be that many left. If I had to spew shit I knew was logically flawed every day for a liar and an enabler, I'd kill myself

>You should support a proper libertarian candidate and not meme johnson.

Liberty only thrives in white societies.

And this is my fundamental problem with libertarianism. It's not that I don't like liberty. It's that I can view the world realistically and I can see that the only times liberty has ever thrived is at the hands of white people. White men, in particular. Nobody else would pull a fig for it. The idea that because blacks and browns and whatever are biologically human that the philosophical principles of libertarianism must necessarily be extended to them is downright nonsense. It is an assumption that ignores too many truths.

Our founders understood this, which is why the very first law they passed under our Constitution was a law that limited citizenship in this republic to free whites of good character. That sort of liberty I am willing to embrace. Not your universalist Jewish garbage though.

he literally said that, kill yourself Johnshill

Good point. I'm slowly beginning to see things from the Nationalist perspective.

Fuck him bring back freedom of association
Pic related

WTF you're right. Guess I'm #GaryFairy now

>unorganized force will always eventually fall to organized force.
It worked back when we drove the redcoat cowards back to the EU and made them build a wall the first time.

>implying that they don't believe the drivel they post

There's tens of millions of people out there who literally DO IT FOR FREE

neither is calling people shills but that doesn't stop trumpcucks!

3rd party will never win elected office

Yeah, to be honest I just thought of a whole mess of stupid shit over on Gawker and had literally the exact same thought as you posted this.

When will this open borders meme die?


They support cutting off welfare and letting only the brightest and hardest of workers in.

Jesus, Tapdancing Christ...

>Hilary trying to cripple el trumpo voterbase
sure convinced me, we #cruzmissile now.

He supports the TPP
He supports open borders
He's also unrealistic about the global market

On top of that he's extremely unlikely to win because he will split Clinton's supporters if he gets more exposure and Trump would be the winner.