/International manlets /

167 cm here I wanna fucking grow grow please

>see 5'10" girls every day

i tought 5'9 was the average burger height tough?

I'm like 161cm you have no right to fucking complain

You think we are a nation of dwarves?


>5'11 is considered tall

>be short
>be statistically likelier to live longer than taller people
God's real and he's a sadist.

I have only see a few 6' Mexicans and they were fat and bad looking I think donwhere first is money>looks>skin>height

Only good thing also our Dicks look bigger
Fuck man I'm sorry but atleast you live in one of the best countries in this globe of water and dirt

I'm 178, am I a manlet?

180 emperor of the manlets here

I'm 179, so yes.

Anyone below 180 are manlets.

This. I'm 1.79m

176 cm manlet but I have a shit, slouching posture so I might be taller if I fix it

Isn't the average South American man like 1.60? I'm 172 and when I visited Argentina most men were around my age

>around my age

They were all 12?


Height is the most overrated aspect of attractiveness

I'm 5'10" and I've seen many dudes my height and way shorter get lots of bussy.


kek I meant to say around my height

1,70m here

i think it could be worse... right? RIGHT!??

>tfw 6 foot (182cm) and still considered small

>he doesn't speak Spurdo

don't listen to that faggot
Bussy means "boy pussy"
For women height IS the most important aspect of attractiveness for men.

bussy is boipucci

No, you're fine for your country.

>there are people that are below 190cm browsing Sup Forums right now
you poor souls

He said south America not Mexico, you know the continent with countries like Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay

Lol no, it's looks you fucking faggot
Height is like breast size, it's good if you have it but it really doesn't matter if you don't (unless you're dating niggers and spics, of course)

do you have some meme chart to back up your claim? all kinds of manlets have gfs

176 cm and I'm considered manlet where I live.

He didn't mention South America at all, stupid.

174cm I am smaller than 95% of men and same height as most women/shorter

I don't think anyone takes me seriously

same as dick size. which is the second biggest obsession over nothing that is pretty common among insecure kids on Sup Forums

You fucking retarded mestizo nigger how about you look at the image of the post he is quoting, suck my dick you midget subhuman

i don't know why you all complain about height, most girls are under 1,70m in almost every country

>never had a gf
ah yes