Vote against Trump in exchange for a naked picture

>Tramps Against Trump is a very new kind of social advocacy group that doesn't take too kindly to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.
>The Tramps offer a unique incentive for voting against Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election — they will send you "personalized nudes for the politically engaged," as stated on their Tumblr.
>"Our main objective of the campaign is to get millennials who otherwise might not engage in the election to show up and vote," said Tramps for Trump spokesperson Jessica Rabbit in an email to Mashable. "Tramps Against Trump does not endorse any presidential candidate — we simply are advocating for anyone but Trump."

You literally can't make this shit up

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anybody have their nude pics yet?

they aint even cute

I'll vote Trump if it means they never undress ever again.

I'll never understand offering favors for nudes over the internet. Just go watch some porn.

So is there any sort of vetting process or can we just say "yeah no Trump" and get their shit nudes?

>personalized nudes

Can we use this for funny shit somehow? Have 'em hold up a Ben Garrison or Moonman sign?

Literally no body wants to see these ugly frumps naked. Also, do these idiots not realize internet porn exist?

They want to see a voting receipt but will not be including their heads in the nude shots it says.

Even though both the fbi and the doj are corrupt as shit and refuse to enforce the law, sign the petitions to charge Hillary...

vote trump and you'll put dirty beat tramps out of work

win win

Yeah seriously, they insult my eyeballs enough for me to vote for Trump in a vain wish that he'll magically Make Women Great Again.

Yeah...No thanks.


They're disgusting dykes.

>In fries we trust?


Guys, do you think we could somehow make #WhoreForHillary a thing?

>They want to see a voting receipt
Isn't this the exact reason why voting receipts do not include who you actually voted for? Isn't this illegal also?

>in fries we trust

Jesus christ.

why would anyone work so hard for pictures of a hambeast while porn of infinitely more attractive people is just a google search away?

Are your sure this isn't a rejected SNL skit?

Isn't this sort of thing illegal? I'm pretty sure this is illegal.

Maybe just spam them with these types of memes

>Vote Trump
>Say you voted Shillary
>Get free nudes

I think it's called bartering. As long as there's consent and no money involved it should be okay.

I don't mean the nudes, I mean bribing people to vote a particular way in an election for federal office thing.

Don't forget to tell her about how you actually voted Trump after getting the nudes for maximum butthurt.

>w-we'll send you the nudes we already sent to Chad for free if you dont vote for that evil racist Trump!
Jesus Christ the left is getting desperate

>don't vote for Trump and get nudes of 4/10 whores

wow really made me reconsider, bye guys I'm out

>Vote for Trump
>Be told you support a sexist pig
>Don't vote 4 Trump to see nudes
>Get called a sexist pig for doing so

Yeah. Sign me up. At least with voting, I can stay anonymous and avoid the dumb bullshit.

Wow looks like I'm a #coozemissle

That's rape user

>In Fries We Trust

She must be doing this on purpose

What's next Hoe's for Hillary

They're literally stripping for ballots.

So desperate

We've reached that inevitable point of decadence at which people are too small-minded and concerned with instant gratification and emotional appeal to be capable of properly valuing a system like democracy. Democracy requires a sort of inherent dignity of character from its participants, which ensures that all results found in favour of the majority will be respected by the minority who voted otherwise. In our contemporary "land of sunshine", there are a great deal of vocal people who are quite ready to put aside any and all fair discourse (this time), provided that the outcome is (this time) in their favour. They lack crucial dimensions of self-awareness and insight, creating dangerous precedents that uselessly convolute future proceedings, all while completely compromising the value of balance found at the core of democracy.

Apparently they're requesting you take a picture with your ballot or something.

>"Tramps Against Trump does not endorse any presidential candidate — we simply are advocating for anyone but Trump."

Saying this in a two person race holds very little weight.

If they had hotter shills it might have worked.

Currently making a fake voter receipt.

You know what? It's dumb cunts like you that make me want to vote for him even more.

this is satire btw, dont take it seriously AT ALL.

It's illegal to buy votes hence the wording

Somebody go get a pic, put it on mega and disregard these hoes.

>what women think men want
>what men really want
>trump . jpg

>Disgusting, mentally-fucked whores being literal whores in a dire cry for attention
Never saw it coming pham

tl;dr women and niggers shouldn't vote

I wonder if this violates Wix terms of use... :^)

sure would be a shame if someone reported them


wow the spam filter is tough

You don't want them trust me

>give away nudes to betamales in exchange for their "honor system" vote
wow women really thought it through this time

I'm going to just write-in "no President this time, please" but there are way easier methods of obtaining nude selfies of random internet chicks. Like Google Image Search.

I doubt they'd match my fetish of the day request, anyhow.

>number of death

kek wills it

What the actual fuck?
Do they really think their attractive?

Au Contraire


I might know this person, what's her name?

The wording doesn't matter, buying a vote against someone is the same thing by US law as buying a vote for someone. The only thing that matters on this is whether or not the pictures have an objective value.

Apparently you have to have proof that you didn't vote for Trump. They want a "vote receipt." I've never received a vote receipt.


posted the website for this

Her stretchmarks literally look like she was attacked by a bear

nothing 3 minutes in photoshop couldn't fake

Lots of dudes.

>ton of free porn available
>think their nude form has value

I am serious man this could tumble this house of cards if this person is who I think it is.

has anyone who's ever said this actually known the person they thought they knew?

>Trump is racist!
>Trump is sexist!
>Trump is Hitler!
>Trump is anti-christ!
>Trump has small hands!
>Oh gosh please don't do it, we'll strip for you if you don't!

Fucking do it.

Take notes and pictures


I'm pretty sure machines are not allowed to record your personal information anywhere. They record votes but not who *you* specifically voted for. It's done to prevent this exact thing.


Vile human garbage, a steaming pile of shit has more value in at least fertilizing the soil.

Well who the fuck do you think it is senpai?

Nevermind, Teeth are different and she doesn't have that birthmarkbut that fucking picture scared me to death because that looked like someone I know who is currently underage. It isn't her thank God.

Unless she looks like this. Idgaf

I don't know a lot about the skin of little girls, but I don't think it looks like that user


False alarm it isn't who I thought ot was. Jesus, sure gave me a heart attack.

This was predicted over two centuries ago by some of the greatest men the world had ever seen.

I really do love the irony of how feminism has turned women into nothing more than sex objects.

All the more reason TO vote for Trump.


It pretty much has.

>that pic

That's hilarious. Younger chick with older guy for material benefits but conned him into letting her sleep with younger dudes. They fall in line with the alpha fucks/beta bucks theory every chance they get.

What a fucking scam I bet it's some horny old dude tricking hot young bernie supporters into sending him nudes

Not irony, that was the goal from the start. To turn them into whores instead of homemakers and pit them against the men they should be working together with.

This one is my favorite.

No heads? WTF

How the fuck is he trans. That's a dude, plain and simple.

I would tbqh

I didn't have my glasses on, didn't notice the strecth marks. That woman must've had a child or alot of fat earlier.

I feel so stupid for paniciking


Yep, it could be anyone and you would never know

I don't want to see their penises.

No, it was Bear Claws.

Women doing stuff that makes no sense for attention. Who ever heard of such a thing?




Where the FUCK was this effort when Bush got voted in a 2nd time? What the fuck, this is such blatant media scaremongering shit it's insane.

You KNOW Trump is the one to fix this shit because the entire system is freaking the FUCK out about losing it's power.

Potentially 100 years of evil progress about to be flushed. We HAVE to get Trump elected.

I want to suck those.

>get underaged kid to pose as a 18+yo
>get the kid to provide whatever they need in require to send nude pictures
> report them to the fbi for disputing pornographic materials to a minor
> gets charged with a felony
> minimum 5 years
> now a sex offender
> profit????

> sign their petetion or whatever
> receive nudes
> vote for trump anyways
I can Jew too

We can start a neet dicks for Trump campaign

Murk titties. Yum.

Dear lord! I'd marry her if those squirted Nesquik.