Study shows 92% of niggers abandon coal-burners after pregnancy
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Is water wet?
This is why women's rights to food stamps, good subsidized housing, free medical care, and equal pay for equal work is so important.
stereotypes are grounded in reality
more at 11
I'd buy Jade's game.
shucks guys :-)
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
fpbp as always.
Once you go black, you become a single mom.
Nice find m8
top kek
They'll say that black men actually have non-traditional cultures of fatherhood that don't involve being married or cohabiting and the black fathers are good boys, dey din du nothing
Guess white women will get to learn the wonderful world of r-selection the hard way
My girlfriend has two year old biracial daughter and she is absolute 10, LSE educated, sportive, leads healthy lifestyle, has huge salary and top position in major British bank. Thinks are looking pretty good.
Who's jaws of life over here?
She's a qt.
Lol the smiles look genuine in the first picture and fake as fuck in the second. They all look jaded.
Not surprising. Niggers have no foresight or sense of responsibility.
Fucking rekt.
Ironic cuckposting is still cuckposting, Ivan
>my girlfriend had a biracial daughter
>we continued dating
Must be brutal for her.
Jade Raymond.
>major British bank
Does this bitch not know what plurals are?
About 92% of the time
If she already has a kid she's an automatic 0 regardless. The fact that it's a nigger just puts her into the negative range
Reminder to not feel sorry for a filthy cave bitch
The father is where?
poetic dubs
A woman made that game?
I only played the first one up to the point that I knocked down the female Templar near the end and spiked her to death only to have the assassin turn into a gaping vagina and let the Templar walk away. After having killed dozens of low ranking nobody Templars he just let's a high ranking important Templar walk because she has a cunt
I turned it off and traded the game
So the article was shit. At the end they were like yeah we didn't like the results so the survey must have been done wrong.
>He is dead to us
roasties BTFO
HH dubs of truth
"coal-burners" is fucking priceless
pol on divorces - it's females' fault, men dindu nothin
pol on race mixed pairs - niggers bad, women are innocent.
Has it occured to you that niggers are just less willing to deal with female shit and stay with the bitch? Inferior or not primitive races are more honest with what they want and don't want.
LMAO why would we stay with the white women we impregnate. They desire us so much since we are clearly superior than white men, so we use them to spread our genes more widely.
Soon the white race will be eradicated, do to your extremely low birth rates matched with our very high birth rates.
We been dating for several years in high school, on the third year at our uni - HSE, I went to the Dartmouth and she went to the LSE to finish our degrees, so we took a technical brake. Two and something years later we got back together in Russia and it turned out she was pregnant a month later. Initially we sought of abortion, but Dr said it would put next pregnancies in danger, so...
She produced it. I hate the Assassin's Creed games. So fucking boring, completely shit stories that they insist you watch every second of. Then when you actually are allowed to play the game 90% of the missions are follow NPC.
The irony is that after all the shit she got for promoting Assassin's Creed, she never once cried misogyny, and has even stated that she doesn't believe there's sexism in the gaming industry.
you're a fucking cuck.
>Soon the white race will be eradicated, do to your extremely low birth rates matched with our very high birth rates.
blacks don't have high birth rates in america. nice try tyrone, your daughter will be sucking mexicock long before any of us are coalburners
>"you insulated me and my son"
>you provided insulation for me and my son
oh my kek
What's the kid's name?
That's the part that bothered you? Not the fact that you were playing a muslim murdering cartoonishly evil Templars?
Turned out his got rekt in a car crash. He was a doctorate student in Cambridge though from a very rich Ethiopian family with ties to Duche's Italy and British Empire. So pretty Sup Forums tier guy.
fucking kek
3/10, sounds believable because you listed specific schools. Next time be a bit less obvious though.
>women are innocent.
That's where you're wrong my friend of Vodka descent
>75% is the least
>blacks will leave at a minimum 3 out of every 4 times
jesus christ my sides
>Soon the white race will be eradicated, do to your extremely low birth rates matched with our very high birth rates.
Niggers have a birthrate below the replacement level. It's barely higher than the white rate. Niggers are going to be oppressed for real once the spics start gaining influence, because they hate them far more than white people do.
Also, whites are the least likely to racemix, while blacks are the most likely to racemix. Niggers are going to disappear long before whitey.
SO, she took it like adult.
Should we clap or something ?
>does dad pay for kids shit
fucking kek x2
>cucks manyamiroque
Why do niggers leave when they become dad?
>SO, she took it like adult.
She didn't take it like an adult, she took it like a man. Most women would have jumped on the bandwagon.
>black """"fathers""""
More the reason for me to fap to her.
coalburners deserve nothing
Fatherhood = Slavery
Unlike Holocaust, this is reality. Kid looks bleached as fuck.
your graph doesn't make sense
I never get matches on tinder since I left swipe some 90+% of girls. Usually only 1 or 2 a week. Single mom? Multiple tattoos? Stupid face piercings? Duck face? Into the trash they go.
so asian woman are the smartest, noted.
Oh, jeez. She's a girl? Must be rough for her.
Fucking hell where did you get your education from
Wow, that family looks so beaten on the bottom one.
born out of wedlock != abandoning children
most of you don't believe in the institution of marriage anyways. so why are you criticizing black men for being more red pilled than you.
Are you retarded?
I hope he didn't use asbestos.
>not swipping right for every girl and then leading them on and dropping them like trash
Are you retarded? The population is women with half-black children. Each question stratifies the answers by the mother's race. The NO column is the percent of the 1000 person sample size who said yes. The YES column is the percent of the 1000 person sample size who said no.
>Table 7
>"Have you ever had to go on welfare?"
>White women with nigger babies say yes 97% of the time
>Table 8
>"Is yo baby daddy aroun' bitch? Holla!"
>White women with nigger babies say "No" 97% of the time
>Table 9
>"Does Jamarcus Jr get along with Jamarcus Sr?"
>White women say no 94% of the time
Is that hard to understand?
fucking table jesus. There's not mention of "black" fathers on it. I don't understand what it is doing given the context of his comment.
based tiger moms desu
>its that one faggot posting under russian flag that constantly makes up a different story and is always in cuck/racemix/swinger thread.
I think you missed the point, dude.
not if its in gas form, goy
It's from the study posted in the original post of this thread. You'd know that if you'd read the link or even briefly considered the context.
Link's dead for me, getting a 403 error.
At least it's a girl, else it'd be something like this:
>The NO column is the percent of the 1000 person sample size who said yes. The YES column is the percent of the 1000 person sample size who said no.
kek this is what I get for calling you retarded, tbqh. Fucking karma.
first post best post
get out of here boys we're done here
no I just didn't realize the populations were women with half black children.
Caucasian what?
asian what?
it never says on the table so I didn't understand what the populations were supposed to be. No, it is not hard to understand.
fucking cunts.
hahhahahahahhahahahah i lol'ed
>reading links.
Cuck? Cuck.
Niggers are niggers and females are niggers of sexes.
Can be some advanced Olgino or Levada shilling, but Russia is full of degenerates especially in the high-class, Ausbro.
you're a cuck vladimir
>Has tiny monkey penis
>Must carry log to use instead
that black man bleached his skin and turned into a baby. wtf!
Coalburner in OP pic
Why wouldn't you want to marry her?
You clearly have no fucking idea what you are geting yourself into. First of all the kid will hate you both. Her for sleeping with a black dude and sentencing her to being a halfbreed. You for simply being white, unlike her. Her childhood will be shit. She will be always the odd one and in Russia, oh boy she's in for one tough ride. Your image will be always of a cuck. That will be always the first impression of people seeing you, your wife and a black kid. People will be always talking behind your back, and even if they will know the whole story they simply wont buy it and think it's all BS lie to cover up her fucking blacks on the side.
Oh and from genetical point of view she (mother) already absorbed black DNA and any future kids will have black DNA.
"Once you go black you can stay the fuck back" is a golden rule for a reason. Don't try to be a white knight sacrificing himself for a pussy. Once she hits the wall and she gets old really fucking fast you will hate yourself for stupidity..