How do you combine being redpilled with being functional and not giving in to fatalism and substance abuse?
How do you combine being redpilled with being functional and not giving in to fatalism and substance abuse?
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By manning the fuck up and not being a basement dwelling beta cuck.
What's wrong with fatalism?
>manning the fuck up
So drink from morning til night like our ancestors did?
One simple formula...
No Drugs...No Smoking...No Alcohol...
Door niet zo'n aansteller te zijn.
En misschien leren te werken met de werkelijkheid zoals 'ie is in plaats van zoals je hem wil hebben, daarbij hopelijk ook nog wat lerend over de validiteit van je overtuigingen.
De werkelijkheid is namelijk heel leuk in die zin: Het heeft geen voorkeuren, geen manipulerende neigingen, het is alleen maar, een tautologische waarheid die desondanks staat als een huis.
Maar daarnast: Als je ideƫen je dusdanig deprimeren wanneer ze geconfronteerd worden met de werkelijkheid moet je misschien overwegen ze aan te passen.
Het zou zomaar kunnen dat jouw versie van de rooie pil complete onzin is.
Maar goed, mijn werk is klaar dus ik ga nu ook maar eens slapen.
You can't. Choose one or the other
whats your vice?
Everyone has at least 3 vices. Fess up... what are they?
Whiskey and the red pill just go together.
One is a function of the other.
Personally i like Irish whiskey, Bushmills to be specific
What about you other anons
Jesus Christ.
Well, we're all on Sup Forums, so what you should be asking is what are the other two.
substance abuse and nihilism is the true red pill
Sup Forums
>Mostly Scottish, English and Irish heritage
Yep, have another faggot.
Channel your anger in to lifting or running or some other kind of productive activity. When you go to do a set of heavy squats, think of the traitorous politicians who have sold out your country to brown people and pretend you are fighting them by squating. Afterwards you will feel victorious and a desire for life and more victory.
Tried some 2 Gingers the other day. Not bad.
Also big on Paddy's and Knob Creek.
Nah fuck you dude.
I have a similar body type to the guy in that pic and its bullshit that today that doesn't even cut it, I gotta be a roided beast.
Fuck you and your gym meme.
Killed a bottle of that recently as well, tried it because i am a ginger so it was fitting
It is the best whiskey to put in an irish coffee if you ask me
I don't
Yea. But not just that.
>wake up early as fuck every day
>engage in hard work / exercise a lot, maintain fitness
>drink coffee, beer and whiskey, ofc
>fuck women with meaning, don't beat off all day
basically don't be a degenerate and be a hard ass as much as possible
I used to be more partial to Irish whiskey but eventually rye just started tasting better to me. Drinking a $15 bottle of Old Overholt now, but I tried pic related a few weeks ago at the bar and it's fucking amazing.
Bourbon, Woodford Reserve.
I don't.
You're fucking ugly is most likely the problem lol. Women don't like roided gorillas
>not drinking the best whiskey on the market
Actually look at history
Things always get better in the end, even if they get bad for a few hundred years here or there.
>implying it is possible or even worthwhile to play the game
>mfw I genuinely don't have any
The gym meme works for me and many others, sounds like you have other problem my friend.
>that doesn't cut it, you have to be a rounded beast
Who are you trying to impress? Women? Lift for yourself is what in saying.
fuck yeah that looks great
I really want to try Templeton rye ive heard that is good stuff as well
>How do you combine being redpilled with being functional and not giving in to fatalism and substance abuse?
Can confirm...try Col. E.H. Taylor if you have it in your area
>no vices
pick one
>premium quality
>sierra leone
>inkjet labelling taped to the former turpentine jug
>actual horse piss inside
I'll have to pick both though
What's wrong with substance abuse?
my grandfather drinks Early Times. I mean he has money and doesn't have to....don't get it
ayy lmao that just migh cause my liver to finally succumb to the sweet release of alchohol poisoning
I go to the bar that stuff was created in. They have some good ass pot pie
I just slip a little gin in my morning coffee before I go to work. Then I lift heavy things when I get back. After the day is all done I climb into bed, cum in my girlfriend, then go to sleep.
Sativa. Indica makes you sleepy and lazy, sativa makes you energetic, happy, and focused
Learning to brew your own beer and distill your own spirits is pretty redpilled. Even if you don't drink, you'll have a useful skill so in the Happening you can trade booze for goods and services.
The alchohol they drank was incredibly watered down.
Good stuff. This user knows.
>Ruger P-series
I used to have one of those. Shitty trigger but god damn if it didn't eat everything I fed it and was a solid anchor of a gun.
You aren't completely redpilled. You're still in pill limbo. Humans are social creatures who have an innate desire to belong and not be outcasts. Your lifelong bluepilled indoctrination is still there in the back of your mind, trying to fight back, which causes mental anguish and discomfort.
Start by making peace with the fact that you are redpilled and most other people aren't. Accept that you will most likely not be able to change most of them, and they will either receive a rude awakening down the track or die deluded. You cannot change these people's outlook with words. I see it all the time here with tourists. They need to live amongst the savages to truly understand why whites here are as they are.
When dealing with people who can negatively influence your life, like at work, just play the blue-pilled part. See yourself as an infiltrator whose goal it is to subtely subvert the system. Don't make unnecessary conflict. It will only alienate you.
When dealing with friends and family, start them on a very light redpill and increase dosages as required. Don't do it all the time, only when a topic or opportunity to do so presents itself. They key is to be subtle. It is not a sprint but a marathon.
Accept your new reality and be happy that you have escaped the mental prison other people cannot even see. Imagine the future you want for yourself and for your family/people/country and focus on achieving that goal. Break it down into small achievable goals, like seeding redpills in anyone who will listen.
Being redpilled might feel isolating and lonely, but this board is proof that you have like-minded brothers and sisters all over the world. And many more are around us, but they are too afraid to speak out and are waiting for the right time. Stay strong. Redpilled people are rare, making our allies few, but our numbers are increasing. You may feel like you aren't making a difference, but we will make it in the end.
It was my first handgun so I'm nostalgic.
there's no accounting for taste, user
Mine too! Think I paid like $280 for it new at a funshow in 2009. Really got me into shooting.
5-6 days a week: work, exercise, learn, abstain.
1-2 days a week: freak out and recover.
Moderation. Neither puritanism nor indulgence.
nice try, fbi
Thats not how that meme works
be a true, virtuous man - a stoic
Paid around $325 I think in 2011. I got addicted after that and now up to 5 firearms (wanting more though).
>redpilled, accepting hard truths even if it is unpleasant
>substance abuse, escaping reality at the detriment to yourself
Substance abuse sounds more blue-pilled desu famalam
I don't drink, I do wish I was never born though
Amputee porn
Midget porn
Scat porn
>being redpilled
>not giving in to substance abuse
Can't help you user, sorry.
Could've just said anime porn fampai
> Rasing family
> lol weed
> Hobbies
Who determines who makes this "cut"?
You can't mean women user. I hope you don't.
Jesus, this looks like it will instantly destroy your liver with the container it is in. lol
Who the hell said I don't have to give into substance abuse? What, redpilling is supposed to make us into saints now? Am I also supposed to stop wacking off? I make money I work, and I drink until I don't hate the world so much.
If my side wins folks like us will be executed for being too far left. There will be no place for us in the new world. Cone to terms with the fact that how jaded and cynical we are has literally ruined us. If we could make the US like the 50's again we straight up wouldn't fit in. We have anime, porn, probably most of us have fapped to a tranny and or hentia, and or questionable age r34, or furries at least once.
We laugh at sick dark humor or when people suicide on camera. One of the funniest raids we ever did was cut for Bieber. We are sick. The alt right founders and warriors, we aren't pure anymore. We're fighting for a thing which we can never be, because we know it's better. When hanging day comes, I'll shoot hundreds, Kek willing thousands of browns any age or gender and I won't feel a thing.
If I survive the war, I'll be no hero. I'll have PTSD of when blacks and muslims walked among us, waking up at night remembering them robbing me as a child, and remembering shooting up their children will fill me with warmth and help me fall back to sleep. I'll be on withdraw from all the insane fetishes we ban.
"Whose that man shaking in the corner? pa-pa? Why doesn't he join us for dinner? How come he never talks to us?"
"That's grandpa, he survived the great race war. Purging does things to a man my son. It does things. You just leave him be."
by being 40, single, liking my job and generally being debt free. gave up booze ten years ago. took up cycling and got in shape. now i just date women 15 years younger.