>studying pre-pharmacy, sociology is a required class so I'm taking it in the summer
>Today's chapter was on income and wealth
>Professor ignored all 30 concepts from the 20 page chapter and focused on Marxism, which literally had half a column of information in that chapter
>Literally gave a 3 hour lecture of her trying to persuade the class to be communists, and made us watch democratic party advertisements/propaganda
>Tried to persuade class to think capitalism is obsolete and evil
Hory shieet
Studying pre-pharmacy, sociology is a required class so I'm taking it in the summer
Why go the cuck PharmD route? Pharmaceutical Sciences is the shit
Everyone has to take sociology, just smile and keep your mouth shut. Think of it as a class on how to put up with leftists.
I'm doing pharmD. I'm in love with it.
I'm trying... But she's so uninformed and ignorant. It really saddens me to see brainwashed people.
I don't feel bad for you, when I was in college smartphones didn't exist. I just had to sit there and do the crossword out of the school paper.
At least you guys got a spicy topic to discuss.
Med school has a mandatory course of biostatistics which happens to be part of the board exam as well...
>I didn't go to medschool to do fucking math
>more educated people tend to be left wing XD
Oh don't worry. I'm on the president's list/Honor's roll and other genetically gifted nerd shit without the help of a smart device. I really hit the Fedora lottery so that's not my concern. They're really stroking my intellectual ego at college; I guess it balances out the twelve years of being ostracised for being a pacifistic nerd.
I'm just complaining because she wasn't educating the class on actual subject matter, and instead was just rubbing her political clit in front of the class.
Classmates come to me for help for the subject material sometimes, and more often i hear complaints about this "conflict theorist" professor (she calls herself that).
It's pretty ridiculous how much you learn in med school goes out the window even by just the time you graduate let alone long after you go into practice.
And yet you still have to pay out the ass unless you went to a state school with some solid scholarships or the MD/PHD route.
I remember I had to take this sociology class once. My friends and I come up with the stupidest most subtle racist plans ever, but make them about diversity. My ""teacher"" loved it and had no idea we were making fun of the class the entire time.
If she hasn't tenure you ought to continue with the class while recording their non-educational teaching-style before sending in a formal complaint.
I don't believe in doing that kind of thing. Goes against my morals. Just want to inform Americans of Sup Forums on how their tax money is being spent to "educate" the public.
>I'm just complaining because she wasn't educating the class on actual subject matter, and instead was just rubbing her political clit in front of the class.
Literally who cares. All this means to me is that you got a break from having to take notes. Even better, she's more likely to stick it in an assignment or test so you can just half-ass the same spiel back to her for an automatic good grade.
They do. It's a statistical fact.
Correlation does not equal causation. The more intriguing link is:
>Left-wing people tend to spend more time in r-selected environments such as academia
The funniest thing about modern """"""""""Marxists"""""""""" is they don't understand the first thing about Marxist economics which was literally just classical economics 2 electric boogaloo
No old school Marxist would ever vote DNC or give a shit about identity politics.
What kind of shit-tier college do you attend?
Fuck your morals. She's a propaganda spreading commie.
>economics 2 electric boogaloo
Old joke but still makes me laugh.
Well, I vehemently disagree with communism but that doesn't mean I can't get along with someone who's different from me; however, I wouldn't try to politically influence my students.
yeah not sure why people think literally the second most capitalist party on earth is 'marxist'
and no shit being a 'socialist' is okay now, b/c they watered down what that word means.
a good marxist would point out that universities are ISAs to reproduce capitalism, and they know the state always serves bourgeois interests and the democratic party is a liberal bourgeois dictatorship
Fuck you Toronto for taking Mike Babcock
He was OURS
t. Wings fan
I think their point was that OPs little story rather eloquently demonstrates why that's the case, and it has nothing to do with learning anything.
In all fairness, the ultimate goal is to specialize and then subspecialize. It's physically impossible to know everything anyway, might as well focus down to mastering a single skill.
The debt is definitely an issue with US medstudents, but that's why a lot go the overseas route. Sure, you classify as an IMG, but if you crush your boards and you're not a complete asshole, you still match like everyone else.