Hillary General /hg/

Come here oh friends of our Madame President, Most Powerful Woman on the Planet, First of her Name, Ender of American Democracy, Destroyer of Trumpshits, Assburner of Conservatards and Republicunts.

Come here and show your love for the QUEEN of Sup Forums

Demobrats, Republicunts, the Libtards, Conservatards. The difference? A member of one of these views/parties lied with no punishment.

Why are all you muslims rooting for Hillary?

Is it because of how she and Obama keep defending Islamic Terrorism and promoting the re-emergence of the Caliphate?

Or is it because you know liberals will do anything you muslims ask for the right price?

I bow before my queen, my lord and savior

I'm a Turk but not a muslim.

I just want a woman to lead US of A. Pretty fucking bad ass.

And fuck things up like Merkel?

Clintons have generally been solid in foreign affairs.

Aside from the memery of Benghazi, Hillary did a rock star job as SS.

She created ISIS and Boko Haram

Now I see why you want her in.

Stop with the low IQ Trumpshit memes, nobody "intentionally" created ISIS.

It was blowback for unlimited support to FSA, who conned entire NATO. A frankenstein monster.

>Le Israel suttorps ISIS
>Le NATO suttoprs ISIS
>Le Tukrey suttoprs ISIS

Stop with cheap 12 year old memes of Sup Forums. This is a high IQ liberal thread.

green canada with a missing leaf

If you guys (Israel, Saudi, NATO and Turkey) didnt create ISIS then why are you not doing anything to wipe them off the surface of the earth?

ISIS still exists because you guys support them

Maybe this is hypocritical but oh well: if you don't respond to shit, they don't have any reason to post again or keep a thread with 0 people viable. Ignore. These. Obvious. Troll. Threads

>literally a fucking roach

Fuck off and kill yourself.

Because like any fucking democratic pacifist country, our political leadership can't afford to lose soldiers ahead of elections.

AKP, as powerful as it is, is only 48% support among the electorate. Nationalists and Secularists form the other 52% (and they never unite).

If AKP went in and had say 500-1000 soldiers dead, they would lose at least 10% of their voting share because dead soldiers = losing election in Turkey.

Turkish electorate can stomach infinite soldier losses WITHIN borders, but we are militarily isolationist since Ecevit in 70s.

Nobody gives a fuck about a dead roach

This is where you lost the argument, in case you want to note it.

You may leave now.

Only Americans are allowed the privilege to whine about their war dead.

You and I including everyone else knows there isn't going to be any backlash over dead turkroaches.

Your argument is dead on arrival like your muslim denial at the begining


Second of her name. A she-cuck who can't suck cock.

I'm gonna #shill4hill with my antisemitic memes.

The magical 2b that went poof better amount to some trade or business deals.
Also, Trump means I'm probably banned going to US for travels.


>your muslim denial

You're pretty ill educated aren't you kid?

Read up on Turkey and belief in Turkey.

Seems like the first thread I've ever seen with a lack of American posters and abundance of third worlders.

>my ass in on fire

at first i was "wtf m8" but then i saw it was another bipolar cockroach thread and everything got sense.

uncommon very good please come back

No doubt about it, we live in a Oligarchy.

>says cockroach
>literally is a shitskin cockroach race

I can't think of anything worse than a Colombian 2bh. Maybe a Congolese with ebola... maybe.

Wonder Woman!!!

>Stop with cheap 12 year old memes of Sup Forums.
ITT: Denial

Because she takes "donations" from Islamic countries in return for her selling us out to them.

Are we living in the same country ? AKP supporters are too busy watching Survivor, they don't give a fuck about dead soldiers.

To be fair Bush lied about Iraq and got away with it. It's more of a political elite thing in general.

if she wins in november i'm gonna cry

My contribution too the shitpoasting, has now been given.

Gonna need some sauce on that pic

Me. I am the saucey sauce... v2...


>first of her name
no its not?

You know its totally possible guys. The ticket of democratic dreams.......

Clinton/Obama 2016

There are no laws or rules that prevent him from serving as VP, despite serving two consecutive terms. If she ends up ever being assassinated or indicted and convicted, he will then become president and get a de-facto third term

Sand nigger did you forget what that flag represents?

Did you forget what the mass majority of the people in your country follow? Get out of here you Islam trash, the country you come from and its ideals are garbadge just like you and your opinion of Killary Clinton.

Unlike your trashcan of a country we here in America care for our troops and our own, Benghazi is just a mere footnote of the shit mount that will soon bury the Clintons when the Campaign actually begins for the presidency of the United states.

You are still funding ISIS and are letting them freely trade through your borders, and attacked Russia for trying to stop it and them. You are trash like your government who supports ISIS.

>Not being baited, not responding like the other retard-Anons to whatever bait you respond with.
>From Turkey Opinion not valid.

>high IQ
>turkish flag


oh. I get it. I think efuct. or something.

"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now." - James B. Comey, FBI Director

Related video that I really recommend listening to when you get the chance:


>Ender of American Democracy
Did she somehow travel back in time 16 years to participate in that?

shut up, he is a descendant of alexander the great