Discussion pertaining to the 7.4GB Hillary scandal zip
>/x/ bantz. the thread
Like you're doing anything better with your time.
on holiday mate
all fucking tripfags must fucking hang
>Hillshill: The post
i can now defeat the wood elves and take a big poopy
inb4 gas the kikes, race war now
Let's get some REAL TALK NIGGA
On this nigllary ass candle
Somebody post pastebin links so we can all dig through this shit.
I will in 8 minutes when its done.
Fuck off, Milo.
The shills are getting worried.
At least this thread is delivering the laughs.
>clinton's shills have arrived to call this 7gig leak /x/
Screenshot dumper from last thread.
Hopefully this works:
I fucking called one of the FBI numbers, foreign ops specialist, i got his personal voicemail - noped the fuck out.
Its been real guys - see you in the gulag.
>this shit looks like something real
>as soon as concrete shit comes out shills flood into the thread in mass
oh god, we stumbled into actual shit somehow didn't we?
they are literally trying to shut it down as we speak.
he's getting paid for it.
doesn't work for me
pls delete
Let's have a scanner thread!!
nice recreation of the other one
>2.7gb of dolphin porn
Someone tell me where did this 7.2 gig file come from? I haven't been here all day, where did it just appear from?
why the fuck was this post deleted?
This just happened in a thread that was asking about the Intellibro banner
okay what have we found that is actually meaningful and hasnt been leaked in the past?
Just say someone stole your phone. I hope your GPS wasn't on.
When the police arrive tell them to check their fucking privilege and go to the ladies room.
An Australian shitposted it from the future.
>/x/ pranking
>we called them out
>this is now a scanner thread
check your keys bro
Phonefag probably.
This was a banner earlier when this got dumped.
This banner isn't aimed at us. It's at them. Do the math. :^)
somebody just randomly posted it, it started with a title saying hillary nuclear option and this is now the third thread on it.
i almost think FBIanon went insane and posted this because of what happened earlier with his bosses being treasonous shits.
Here's some other stuff uploaded by this user:
Oh lawd, banner hivemind
>mfw we may have taken a look inside Pandora's Box
>wake up
>the happening has begun
Anyone else remember this? A-am I losing my mind?
There is not a single shady or incriminating thing in that alleged leak, as evidenced by your 200+ reply threads that found nothing and were mostly filled with shitposts.
Are trumpfags really that desperate rabid dogs who create troll rumours following the massive decline in trump's popularity? One would expect so from a bunch of neets
Watch as this thread hits the reply limit with inane shitposts.
Obviously a practical joke. Ignore it.
i'm seriously convinced this was FBIanon posting shit out of sheer assrage of his bosses fucking him and the rest of everyone over by saying lolhillaryisfree.
But we already have a scanner thread user.
>taken a look
No, my man, this is solid shit we have right here.
This is Pandora's whole fucking wardrobe and the hillshills know it.
are these brand news leaks? have they escaped Sup Forums yet?
better question, are you faggots sending this to news people?
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Obviously a practical joke. Ignore it.
You're completely right, but be prepared for
>$0.06 was added to your account from the Clinton Foundation
>I-Increasingly nervous man says T-Trump will be stumped for 12th t-time this month
Honestly, seeing Trump lose will be far more entertaining to watch play out in November. All those tears would be enough to flood the entire world.
The media is owned by the Clinton family at this point.
if they can dog whip the FBI like the fucking dogs they are what makes you think a news station would be more rebellious?
some dickhead ponynigger tipped off the FBI already.
someone send it to everybody, i can't cause i'm busy in the middle of fuck nowhere doing shit otherwise i would.
Guys, look at catalog. The shills are getting smarter.
Check every fucking thread near the bottom. No longer is there 1 post by OP, there are now 2 posts.
Every. Fucking. Thread.
Shills gonna shill
downloaded it
pic proof
here's what I don't understand
if a leaker wanted to get something out, they'd make the file as small as possible, so that the info would be spread as fast as possible.
this seems to be just a conglomeration of other leaks and you-tube tier videos
i'm gonna keep looking through it, but I am certainly not confident
Well, if it is a joke they did put alot of effort into it. Might as well humor them for a bit!
maybe they were trying to get it out there as fast as humanly possible and this is why it went weird?
yea but it looks as though they only deal with pol so with that being said this wouldn't be out of the ordinary,
Reminder may be used as a false flag to bury the scandal
fuck it, what's the worst that could happen
>what is plausible deniability
>a gook would know this
i'm pretty confident phase one kicking off this end game event will start with a race war, tensions are to high and it would be the perfect situation for the elite to make their way into the bunkers because even if you don't partake in it you wont be able to outside without being attacked by a mob. it is almost to perfect.
>if a leaker wanted to get something out, they'd make the file as small as possible, so that the info would be spread as fast as possible.
Not if what you wanted was plausible deniability. But it's probably just a 7.2 gig shitpost.
Someone has been following this stuff for years, that's what is up. When Hillary walked free the person decided that they were not crazy, and pulled the trigger.
My problem is, how the fuck do I install linux? I can't find any good ISO torrents, there used to be 40 fucking distributions! Where has the FOSS community gone? Did slashdot die or something during obamas administration?
I'm not downloading that shit until I can hide it and go through it in peace.
is there anything new?
all the phone numbers etc and emails are old leaks
this smells like autists getting worked up over nothing.
expect broken hearts
install tails on a usb
download it to an external device and then open it on a pc disconnected from the network?
Install ubuntu or mint
I miss those threads.
bruh, just get mint or something lightweight and easy, put on a usb and liveboot
not many on torrents because just purchasing the bandwidth is so cheap nowdays for devs
install gentoo
This is probably fake
This is probably fake.
>precisely 30 seconds apart
This appears to be automated. The shills are really out in full force, aren't they?
this is an accidental double post
it rarely happens but its just a bug you can tell by the ID
(You) faggot
>They just keep falling for it.
Newfags pls
Shills for Shills.
They're precisely 30 seconds apart, which is the wait timer to post again.
It's automated.
going to bed right now
i can assure you when i wake up, this shit will be already over and done with as it always is, becuse people will realize they just got b8ed into downloading 7gigs of shit
Download link??
if it were, the posts would be identical, right? one of them has a period at the end and the other doesn't.