Are whites even welcome on this board anymore? It feels like everyone hates us and thinks we're subhuman...

Are whites even welcome on this board anymore? It feels like everyone hates us and thinks we're subhuman. Is it finally time to leave?

Stop being a pussy.

Nobody unironically hates whites, you just have a prosecution complex

It just feels pointless to spend time on a board where you're constantly made fun of for being inferior.

There's literally hundreds of threads a day laughing at whites. And then there's a few NEETs who come into board and type wh*Te followed by an insult it's uncanny now

Everybody on this website makes fun of blacks but they still post here. Grow a thicker skin, retard.

We don't hate wh*Tes. Animals are beneath contempt.

Based wh*Teposter


It's nowhere close to the level of making fun of whites on Sup Forums though. I just want it to stop, and since that's not possible Im wondering if leaving is an option .

I find myself asking what I gain from spending time here, truthfully im unable to answer. I dont learn anything new here, I dont even have fun anymore.

Don't be so touchy. Be a man! ...Or I'll kill you where you stand!

Would a man really spend vast amounts of time on an anime site though? I can sort of understand why there's so many homosexual and transvestite threads here so often.

>It's nowhere close to the level of making fun of whites on Sup Forums though.
Lmao sure

>It's nowhere close to the level of making fun of whites on Sup Forums though.

Lmao you delusional fuck

Come on, man. I get called monkey on a daily basis and you're crying because people say "wh*Te"?

There's literally campaigns run by Turks every night (EST) flooding the board with interracial porn. When has there ever been an equivalent on Sup Forums?

Turks just like to spam shit. You're retarded if you think whites are being made fun of or discriminated more than blacks here.

Searching for posts that contain ‘"wh*te"’ and posts after 2017-09-01 and posts before 2017-09-26.2051 results found

"Wh*te has been posted 2051 times just this month on Sup Forums. It's probably more than blacks because everyone realizes blacks are inferior but being ironic and making fun of whites is new and funny I guess.

>"S-stop making fun of whites!"
>"It's probably more than blacks because everyone realizes blacks are inferior"


Well, how sad I thought you were a sincere person. I got fooled by wh*Te again. That's the price to pay for being a naive and nice hue.

And I get called poo every second .

This proves that white are entitled little shits

Yeah whatever. Making fun of blacks is just old because everyone realizes they're inferior, it's like saying the sun is bright or that Indians smell like shit.

I suppose saying things ironically is funnier

Anime is for pussy faggots! I come here for news memes and international communications.

You're fine with non-whites being made fun of but throw a hissy fit when people make fun of whites even in a ironic way?

wh*Tes aren't used to racial discimination

I'm not fine with non whites being made fun of either, it's wrong to laugh at those born with something worse than a disability. What I'm unhappy about is the ironic spam, it's just quite annoying and kills genuine threads.

I'm white and I really don't give a shit.
>genuine threads.
On this board? Please.

There were very few posts making fun of whites prior to 2016 on Sup Forums.

Don't mind him. He is the canadian who got bullied by jamaicans. He is a canadian nazi (say that out loud and see how funny that sounds)

>falling for leaf-posting this easy

I think it's just a few extremely dedicated NEETs. Posted over 2000 times but probably 90% by the same

and now if you make fun of non-whites, it's Sup Forums.

That's just the leftypol efforts compounded by the fact normal people left this board so they have free reign

Name one country where white people are welcome.

we are a persecuted people

glad to hear you now your place.

White boys are cute.
Told his one white twink at the gym that I like how deep he's squatting and he visibly blushed.

>when you not sure whether it's ironic or just germanposting

>when you're a stormfag and notice how hillariously out of place you are
Go back to your containment board and celebrate the last decade of your puny movement.

>your movement

Is even being white enough to be a Nazi these days?

>last decade



Everybody hates cuckadians because they are so insufferable about everything. Like I always say irl, they are so arrogant about being nice.

Fuck off ch*nk

Most people just want you in particular to fuck off back to Sup Forums or Stormfront, and stay there.

So not hating whites means you have to go to stormfront?

Without whites, int would have no reason to exist. Imagine how disastrous it would look if a board is full of stinky Asians and Chinks myself included

Yeah, and you are also constantly spamming cancerous threads on this board as well, you fucking hypocrite. If it isn't a fucking awful Sup Forums thread, you're making yet another "another day wasted" blog thread.

You are cancer complaining about cancer. See why no one cares about what you want? You are as unwelcome as the Turk spammer, Ikibey, etc.

so fucking off back to pre-2016 Sup Forums?

I dont make those threads though. I think you are confused.

Yes. Wh*tes are subhuman and shouldn't be allowed to post. You're Canadian so you should be fine.

It's just waves of leftypol invasions + the fact that American/Canadian posters are now mostly non white

You're mentally ill and everyone knows who you are, Sup Forumsleaf.

sage, to be honest

>all Canadians are one person
By this logic you should be accused of being the Australian who spams threads everyday too.

Resist the leftypol invasions

Maybe it's best to just let them have it. I'm considering just leaving the anime imagebosrds to nonwhites and focusing on self improvement instead.



would you prefer i tripfag instead

Searching for posts that contain ‘"nigger"’ and posts after 2017-09-01 and posts before 2017-09-26.2912 results found
"nigger has been posted 2912 times just this month on Sup Forums. It's probably more than wh*Tes because everyone realizes wh*Tes are inferior but being ironic and making fun of BLACKS is new and funny I guess.

That's probably related to people typing x-nigger like "Sup Forumsnigger", "pastanigger" etc



Those won't show up because snownigger is a single word and my search just included the n-word alone, no plurals and shit like that
Now back to

oh mu god, this unintentionally comedy gold.

it's true though




Fuck off back to getting beheaded

it's obviously white people and one roach making all these anti white threads you dumbass

>gets irrefutably BTFO
>proceeds to shit flinging
Why do I even try to talk with pigskins?

You are talking to one mentally ill Canadian that's here shitposting 24/7

lmao that's a bit of a stretch maybe learn some English feces skin

Fuck you sissy cunt and fuck wh*te people

>not capable of being refuted or disproved

>proceeds to fling shit
Happy now wh*Toid?

this is why people hate wh*te """people"""

Yeah yeah go get beheaded LOL

is it the same ''another day'' faggot?

Yes there's only one Canadian posting on Sup Forums

God you're such a stupid fucking leaf