Google Images: "Juno probe team"
Google Hates Whites
((steve levin)) though
Look at that fucking Jew on the far right
His name must be Abraham Ariel Goldsteinburg
Couldn't read that, am an iCuck
If diversity is so great why was the group of people that got us to the moon, possibly the greatest achievement in human history, all white?
No Jew, no money. Have to have the token Jew that wants to play science.
Google probably took the liberty of illustrating them as they identify, you fucking bigots
WHAT IN KEK'S NAME??? This is some serious meme magic come to life, what the fuck.
wonder how the team fetl that some got represented as black or black women
>100% White
Jews are great at science as long as it's pure maths
they're aren't good at engineering/designing though because of lower visual spatial IQ
This board gives me new and fresh reasons to kill myself every second.
I'm not even mad anymore, just amazed.
Just when I think it cannot get worse, Sup Forums finds a way.
i watched the stream and i think a lot of the team were black actually. i dont know who the people in your picture are but the team was not just crackers.
can we please stop saying 'meme magic' whenever something happens that's relevant to what Sup Forums rants about?
Fucking kill yourself you fagget, you have absolutely no argument here Google fucked this shit up big time and it's insulting as fuck to our great race.
Oh missed the joke, my bad senpai
shut up
> Look at that fucking Jew on the far right
Looks more like Anthony Cumia.
Because white people were holding black people back. Thay wuz kangz
Wow, they're not even subtle about it anymore. They literally have the word "goy" on Google's logo.
Google images: "White American couple"
LOL. We're going to get the ten smartest out of 100 jews then make them take tests. Then we will take the top four and make them take tests. Then with the highest tester we will make him take ten tests then take the highest scored test. Then with this one test we extrapolate it to the highest number of our population. Using this one person. We will be the smartest.
>Enistein: plagiarist and patent thief.
> The galil rifle rip off of the ak
>Fractional banking, started by Templars.
> The only thing they are good at is scams and stealing shit. They are like a lighter dindu.
>Implying that isn't 100% accurate of the entire American continent.
For reference, we have:
Line 1
>Interracial, interracial, line of niggers, gay interracial, niggers
Line 2
>Line of niggers
>Line of niggers
>1 white couple
Line 3
>White couple, line of niggers, Sup Forums IRL, niggers, old people, racemixing, more niggers
Line 4
>Gays, rednecks, racemixing, niggers, white people x1, more niggers, literal fucking cuckold with 2 black babies
Line 5
>Mostly niggers and gays, 3 white couples
Google images happy family.
What are some better search engines to use? I stopped using google when they honored that chink terrorist on the front page so I'm using Bing until something better comes along. Suggestions?
fucking kikes
the art is an edit you mongoloid
kek. Even google's manipulation can't overcome objective reality in that case, I guess...
>tfw trying to edit search results but can't find a single photo of a happy nigger family and have to give up
so why are they good at pure math, but not engineering?
can you fucking imagine if this team was full of blacks and they made them all white instead
i already switched from google to bing because of the hillary whitewashing but this triggers me
>i already switched from google to bing because of the hillary whitewashing but this triggers me
Same here. Been putting off abandoning Gmail but I think it's about time.
hmmmm really makes you think
>>Einstein: plagiarist and patent thief.
You don't actually believe this, do you?
IKTF, paradoxically though I couldn't kill myself because I have to see how far the rabbit hole will go.
I've been on Sup Forums long enough
He was a patent clerk.....pure coincidence..
Yes Einstein was probably Einstein but what a fucking coincidence
WTF! Fuck you Google!
kek, I do see some non-whites tho
math isn't visual spatial IQ, it's mathematical logical IQ, two different types of intelligence (but still related to general intelligence)
use startpage, it's better than bing and cuckcuckgo is shit tier
American Family is similar to this, except a couple niggers here and there.
Now google black american couples and no inter racial couples.
Really makes you think...
Used to use Startpage. Never liked CuckCuckGo
Fucking perfect
I saw a black and an asian woman describing some of what was going on, but it looked like all the people at computers actually working were standard white/asian/indian. Would love to see the engineering team and the team that assembled Juno.
This spacecraft also has one of the greatest names to have ever been conceived by the boys down at NASA/JPL.
>The spacecraft's name comes from Greco-Roman mythology. The god Jupiter drew a veil of clouds around himself to hide his mischief, but his wife, the goddess Juno, was able to peer through the clouds and see Jupiter's true nature.
Jews thrived by cheating and stealing through finance and usury, so of course they are good at math. It's practically the whole basis of their existence. They will never do honest labor.
so what intelligence are east asians so high in?
Michael Brown is there in spirit.
Fuck this shit
everything related to the G factor. (Visual Spatial, Logical-Mathematical, and Verbal IQs) that is to say everything important.
Their real problem with east asians is a severe genetic lack of creativity
which is unrelated to IQ
okay, but why are they so uncreative?
Is it a draconian culture or no economic incentive?
I still don't get this shit, I guess I'm a new fag.
>Implying whites were the first to reach the moon and not Ancient Egyptian blacks.
This study confirms what I've been suspecting all along. Chinese cultures "weeds out" creativity so that only smallest proportion of the population has creative genes. This is because China is a giant ethno-state with a relatively tame history.
Meanwhile, Europe was a war-like continent which required creative geniuses to outthink their enemy. It's why Russia is more technologically advanced than China, despite being less populated, lower IQs, and a weaker economy. Crazy strategists couldn't survive in China, but in Russia they are celebrated.
Being a Genius is more than having a high IQ, but we aren't there yet to cope with this reality. Geniuses are mutants more-so than intelligent.
What am I supposed to be looking at?
>one of the greatest names to have ever been conceived
NASA was whites only. Negroes had their own space program.
So...are you telling me 6 people, only 6 people alone launched a probe to Juno? without help? just 6 PEOPLE?
Please exclusively post WE WUZ related images as I need to rebuild my folder. Cucked by windows update and no backups (yes yes.)
But blacks built the space ships
This entire post is false on so many levels. An american speaking about Chinese culture is pretty rich but let me give you some hot points for future reference
1: Chinese culture via traditional confucianism and other philosophical idioms values imitation and iteration over pure creative endeavors. This is why countries like Japan and China are so meticulous, because they are extremely detail oriented and are not willing to simply let things fly most of the time
2: Making any vast and sweeping statements about a population as large as china with as many different peoples and places within the land is a fools errand. Chinese culture has helped to create more things that I care to list, and they continue to do so every day. Furthermore, where they imitate, they also tend to dramatically improve. Calling further improvements "not creative" seems a bit disingenuous.
3: Calling china a giant ethno state with a relatively tame history is so wrong. Just wrong on more levels than I can comprehend. The entire history of China is predicated on war after war after war between provinces and between groups of unified chinese peoples against foreign invaders. People don't build the worlds biggest fucking wall because things are all hunky dory.
4: Calling Russia more technologically advanced than China is begging [citation required], especially given the ridiculous pace of growth in the country. Also, China would probably be a lot further along if Mao hadn't killed tens of millions of people and plunged the country into poverty for a few decades. Something tells me Russia would be in the same boat if they had that happen to them as well.
Please don't bother responding as your lack of knowledge about China in any historical, contemporaneous, economical or cultural aspect does not make you even the slightest bit qualified to do so.
Is this satire?
kek i thought this was GNFOS footage at first
Shut the fuck up chink.
And yet China only produce 5% of the world's patents, despite producing about a quarter of the world's wealth.....
My explanation may be wrong, but the scientific power of China is pitiful. Japan, meanwhile, has gained 'marketshare' in patents even if it's economy is stagnant. But Japan is also known for its 'eccentric madmen.'
BTW. If I recall correctly, it's the Chinese who have to buy Fighter Jet engines from the Russians, and not vice versa.
But Japan is also known for its 'eccentric madmen.'
Is this why they are creative or did they get cucked by whites and now they have white genes?
I noticed this yesterday. I thought to myself "what are the chances of two blacks on this nasa mission?"
I didn't even bother to look it up...what's the point anymore. Pretty fucked up (((Google))) blackwashed the space team. Should've gotten #blackwash trending, kek.
Because it searches by key words
>African american
"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now." - James B. Comey, FBI Director
Related video that I really recommend listening to when you get the chance:
Doesnt google track your search keywords and such to always give you something that you always look for?
Maybe because you probably look for "cuck" on google for reaction images here
I dunno.
Implying Anthony Cumia is white.
Top jej
it means you have to leave
I see two blacks here, one way in back who looks like he's 100 years old and the other looks like a gorilla way in the back on the left. Clearly this means it's okay to make them all black in any media retelling of this event.
>Jews are great at science as long as its pure maths
>pure maths
LOL check out this goy believing in jewish physics.
You just figured that out?
>light is magical and omniscient
You don't actually believe this, do you?
I totally get your point in this.
I see
Middle easterners
I mean even the guy in the foreground is almost full dirka dirka.
Not a nigger in sight though.
10/10 NIGGA!
Know your history. Respect.
Yes it does, Google search results are custom. That's literally how much creepy data mining Google does, they are able to customize everyone's search results to fit the personality profile Google has built for them.
>implying that's everyone from the Juno probe team
You cant make this shit up
you are not a faggot.