This is a Travesty

NWA was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame.
>INB4 this isn't Sup Forums
This is a perfect example of the collapse of western civilization, and the SJWs pandering to Hip Hop Culture, and in turn, supporting the fall of the Black Community.

NWA is better than most of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame though

Ice Cube may be a coon, but he's redpilled as fuck and frequently names the Jew.

Can't speak for the others.

He's Muslim though, of course he's 'redpilled' on Jews


Rock 'n' roll encompasses nearly all modern music.

And NWA made some great music. No, not because I love nigger culture, but because as a musician I love the way their music sounds.

As a music listener of the era, NWA sampled, promoted, and expressed a truer Rock n Roll presence than a lot of others of that time.

But really... to be honest... nah, they really don't belong there.

This new era sucks. Both sides are fucking ridiculous and they push the other side for these ridiculous victories.Tit for tat.

Congratulations for making us all deal with your stupidity.

Post yfw you realize these bands are not in the hall of fame.

>Black Flag
>Iron Maiden

What the hell is NWA doing there? Yeah they went fucking hard, but come on. Totally different music.


Eh. 15 year old church-rebel music. Easily the worst of the Big 4 (though that still means they're pretty good). Don't mind their being absent, even if I like them a bit.

>Black Flag
Now I'm a bit angry.

R.I.P. Lemmy, also what the fuck?

>Iron Maiden
Now I'm PISSED. Maiden is probably my favorite metal band of all time, right up there with Megadeth for me. It's basically 1a and 1b between those two. >inb4 Sup Forums criticizes me for liking well-known bands instead of obscure Norwegian screaming orchestral metal

What in the hell is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for then?

niggers in general can go fuck themselves but you are a fucking idiot to deny the cultural revolution that NWA unleashed on Western Society, they did for music that Trump is going to do for politics, and Larry Flynt did for freedom of speech

now go fuck yourself nigga

They put all kinds of pop garbage that isnt rock in the Rock and roll hall of fame. I'm all for NWA being in it, they are much better than some of the stuff already in

It's still not rock you fucking moron

to be honest Rock Roll Hall of Shit
synthetic pretender of real culture
Americans got none

If Americans have no culture, Canadians have negative culture

Its true. On Canada day they promoted we celebrate diversity over anything else

Rock and roll as a genre hasn't been relevant since the late '60s. All we have now are tenuous offshoots. NWA is about as related to actual rock and roll as anything in this post , maybe with the exception of Motörhed because they actually show pretty heavy rock n' roll influences at times. In any case, this is literally a non-issue and you should take your own advice and go bother Sup Forums with it.

Fug :DD
meant to reply to OP

sorry famalam

its quite funny that people are missing the point that Rock N Roll was about rebellion of the era and rejecting the commands of society. Exactly what NWA did. To think that the Hall of Fame is about the method of music and not the message. Hilarious.

>Not rock and roll
>Nigger dies of aids

wew black kulture

everyday I pray that Trump puts up a wall between Canada to keep all the smelly americans out

The Rock of Roll Hall of Gay

who gives a fuck?