>be pali kebabess
>wave a knife in front of IDF soldiers
>get shot
How do you deal with cultural enrichment attempts in your country Sup Forums?
>be pali kebabess
>wave a knife in front of IDF soldiers
>get shot
How do you deal with cultural enrichment attempts in your country Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
That was awesome. Pls post more merchant
>be brave jihadist warrior
>wave knife at evil zionist occupants
>get shot
>someone puts pork on your face as you lay bleeding
>don't even get to go to kebab heaven
>no virgins for abdul
Tell me about the kebab. Why does he wear panties?
I support Israel.
Or perhaps I'm wondering how the fuck he managed to grow that beer gut despite beer being haram?
the majority of the middle east is Muslim, if you converted to Islam there would be no more problems.
>cpl gloiven given (hack-cough-hack) award for bravery in the face of a true threat
Explain this you fucking kike
Come on Shekelstein I am fucking waiting, you cowardly third world sandnigger, go ahead, explain it
I toast a bageless. Pic related
WTF i love israel now!
Holy fuck you cunts are savage hahaha I love it I wish the west would just say fuck muslims.
Wait, why did the israelies have pork? I thought that pork wasn't kosher. Did someone just keep pork around for shit like this?
Wouldn't you?
>unironically disliking the most based nation on earth
Good job brothers !
Now i wanna be a good goy
but why are they so desperate? They have nothing to lose but their lives. oneday they will have their revenge
I love you boatstopping mad cunts from down under as well, cheers m8.
Putting ham on a dying terrorist is quintessential cheeky banter tbth.
We are not inbred superstitious savages. Religious law is not enforced at the edge of a machete. Pork is tasty. Nothing more to explain really.
Yeah a "nation" of inbred warmongering shyster cowards, truly based
Answer the question you scared kike
>yes good goys love Jews
This is jidf the thread
this looks fake to me.
no exit wound.
soldiers backing up.
soldiers at a bus stop.
>bus stop.
>We are not inbred superstitious savages.
You are. Ashkanazis have genetic disorders due to inbreeding that make Arabs look normal
>Religious law is not enforced at the edge of a machete.
Yes, because killing their locals and taking their land in the name of "Muh God's chosen" isn't religious in nature
>Pork is tasty
It's ok to break religious law if it's enjoyable. This is probably why jews are condemned so much in the bible and the quran. Moses couldn't leave you alone for a few days before you started worshiping a cow
I agree. It's going to be funny in 50 years when Arabs Israelis outnumber Jewish Israelis and vote them out of their own state.
Sup Forums has been getting more and more pro-israel lately. First they worship the jew milo. Now they love Israel because it kills muslims. Who btw are a lesser threat compared to jews. Soon they will be holding shabbot dinners.
He was just waving a knife because he was hungry
Burgerstinians need at least 5,000 calories daily or it's another nakba
Cry some more Ahmeds
I like how everybody think the op vid is based. You have a 100 pound women holding a knife and 2 guys in full body armor and they're backing up like scared pussies.
Don't forget that God Emperor Trump is Israel's BFF
I noticed it too, I guess the false flags are paying off, we just need to keep railing against them until every kike is too scared and ashamed to post here, I don't know why they even come here probably just to gather intelligence for Mossad
Kikes are scared nu-male pussies
It's another nakba! somebody call the UN! Palestine dindunuffin just wanted to stab dey good boyz!
Great. A bunch of kikes built building from stolen money and US aid.
Spotted the sad sand nigger
If Pali's won't so fat they wouldn't be such easy targets
Get gassed, kike
>First they worship the jew milo. Now they love Israel because it kills muslims
US aid to Israel didn't really start till they were alraedy developed
you sand niggers got even more aid from the Soviets during this time and couldn't do squat with it save if you had oil. Not much to be proud of, but sand niggers don't have much to be proud of in general. You are savages, sub-human primitive scum. You exist to pump oil or be herded away like cattle. And with the advent of clean energy, your oil jockey role is quickly becoming obsolete.
That's not my point. You attack soldiers you should expect to get shot. I'm just saying it's hard to call two soldiers based when they are literally backing up like pussies.
>Trump hates Israel meme
lel. He's more pro-Jew than the actual Jews.
You shouldn't support trump Ahmed, he wants to eject your brown ass.
>You don't back up when someone comes at you with a knife
Spotted the teenager. And aren't you tired from all the eating on Eid, my Muslim friend?
I honestly am willing to give Trump a small slide and see. Jews control America so much that if Trump was explicitly against them he would loose. The problem is that a lot of Sup Forums losers think that because Trump supports them they have to too.
Dae #Shill4Isreal now after this thread?
>mfw when Burger calling other people fat.
Why are you in America? Go back to your desert shithole and get blown up by a derka derka, you fucking inbred subhuman kike.
Are you really doubting this. Both are true. If you can't see this you're blinder than Helen Keller
Brutal. Keep doing the damn thing yids
>one shekel has been deposited in your account
>US aid to Israel didn't really start till they were alraedy developed
Not really. Israel was essentially and Arab shithole until the 80s.
Only American public transportation is an official nigger transport
It's the way they are backing up. Look at them. They're scurrying looking at each other all scared
>needing to shoot a woman
soft cunts
>It's a JIDF vs MIDF episode ITT
Accept it, whites will win again, Jews will be interbred into the white empire and shitskins will be exterminated. You can't fight it.
Jesus smiles every time a filthy kike dies. Nuke Israel.
>The JIDF when they see all these shabbos goys.
What do you expect from a bunch of weak, pathetic nu-male kikes. They were probably pissing their pants when they saw her coming at them.
Kikes are shitskin sandniggers. They're no better or worse than the muslims they cohabitate their desert shithole with. They are subhuman scum.
IIT: shekelposters
>whites will win
>jews will be incorporated into the white gene pool
Pick one.
Somebody better report the zionazi's in this thread to the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights. A lot of nakba's here.
Happy Eid Mubarak, friend
Someone should report you to the local mosque so they can finish the job and extinguish your cucked existence.
> I love you boatstopping mad cunts from down under as well, cheers m8.
I never knew these Kebab killing, Palestinian curb-stomping Jews were so good.
wtf i love israel now
its almost like she wanted to kill herself the way she paused and waited for them to kill her before walking at them again.
I feel kinda bad for everyone involved there.
>What do you expect from a bunch of weak, pathetic nu-male kikes. They were probably pissing their pants when they saw her coming at them.
This is what I always find funny when Burgers talk about how based Israel is. There biggest enemy is a bunch of sand-monkeys with no military training using soviet era guns and homemade bottle rockets. Israel has one of the most advanced millitaries in the world. Thanks to the shabbos goys at America. There is nothing based about it.
Are you still mad at us over tha whole Jesus thing?
Come on goyim we got 30 pieces of silver for him
Would you let such a bargain pass you by?
Look at Russian Jews in Israel, they are basically Slavs, they are Jews only on paper.
Also, Australians have proved that 3 generations are enough to remove shitskin dna, it will be 1 to 2 generations for Jews. And it's going to be so easy. After we exterminate the muslims their will be mass immigrations of white males from Europe in Israel for "work immigration" and they will breed the jewesses. Thinking about it makes my dick diamonds, having a long nosed pinnochio type cutie suck on your dick while stroking your balls with her long jewish nose, while gargling the words,
>goy goy goy goy goy goy goy goy
What the fuck is this flag even.
Googled it, it's a "country" in the middle east.
So, a couple of kikes wasted a mudslime.
Big deal. Happens all the time over there.
>motherfucking Bulgaria
No, I'm mad at Jews for a lot of things, but not Jesus, you couldn't do anything to Jesus, you dumbass. You can't kill the son of God, dumbass. kek
Why don't you tell your Imam, sand nigger? Watch out, I hear there's a lot of nakbas when sand niggers try to start shit with Jews
goddamnit shekelstein, you're doing imperialism wrong, a guy that charismatic comes along and you're supposed to back his play for power then sell other peoples for dosh not the future god emperor.
They usually do want to be killed. Most of the people that do the stabbing attacks are usually so depressed that they figure they'll chance it to die a martyr. She probably had her sons killed or arrested by Israeli police.
These aren't Sup Forums bants. I legit hope America turns on you one day and you're overran by the PLO and other nationalist factions. There was once a day when I thought even Israelis were human beings but you all have proven me wrong. One secular state for all. Get fucked.
Sup Forums niether worships milo or the jews
maybe they like milo for trolling feminists and like THAT that jews kill muds, but that's much different from worshiping them
If you'd like to provide proof i'd be more than happy to examine it and explain why you're wrong
Killing Jesus opened the gates of heaven, absolved mankind of the original sin, and granted eternal salvation to everyone. Jesus was in on the trick and knew it was coming. He wanted to die.
Jews literally saved mankind. Thank them.
>you couldn't do anything to Jesus
Except make a profit, of course
Jew Hierarchy
1. Money
2. Other Jews
3. Everything else
Go back to Israel and get killed by a sandnigger, die like the rest of your nu-male inbred cult race, if Jews are so great then leave America
""""""""""""""""""Palestinians""""""""""""""""""""""""""" gotta lay off the cheeseburgers before they do any of that fun, sand nigger. Or bare minimum, stop killing each other like the chimps they are.
>Use electricity is a bad thing somehow.
Sorry, but we have a nuclear power plant, here, mudslime, we don't burn coal like you.
>Be more likely to die in infancy.
Doubt that, but whatever.
>Be 27% more likely to be in prison.
That means our prison system is better, even though its one of the worst, I can only imagine what yours is.
>Be less likely to be murdered.
I can agree, there are no radical muslims or ISIS here, we keep our muslims and gypsies on a tight leash.
Plenty of Israeli's eat pork, actually.
Despite it being against the Jewish religion.
Maybe it should be the shitskins breeding you out Bulgaria.
What kind of welfare did Trudeau give you when you claimed you were a """"""Refugee"""""? How's the (((refugee))) life?
I'm curious, subhuman sand nigger.
>That means our prison system is better
No, it means you'd be 27% more likely to be a criminal.
Our police force is pretty solid, despite being corrupt.
>jews move to middle east
>do not convert to local religion and assimilate
We do alright.
I wasn't arguing against you. I was clarifying. I hate Israeli kikes.
That's disgusting, how are you supposed to make a long term profit without delaying gratification?
How so? Anyway, if there was no Christianity, there would never have been the state of Israel.
Things Christians invented:
>Everything positive.
Things Jews invented:
>Demoralization(which is hitting you as well, even worse than most countries).
Except they are going to hell. Which for jews I imagine is just the regular world, but with no interest rates.
Look at this stupid sand nigger talking to himself and not knowing about IDs
Go rape a child, ahmed
>Meme scare quotes
Palestinians are more Hebrew than yids. I recommend Shlomo Sand's book for a starters. Over the years i've amassed 3 shelves of books on the orient, kikes, & arabs from authors of all perspectives. Said, Lewis, Hourani, Morris, Segev, Judt, to name a few. You fucking dumb conservative fox viewer christfaggots dont know the first thing about Israel or the heebs.
Don't worry Israel is fucked. In 50 years Arab Israeli will outnumber Jewish Israelis. Since Israel is a democracy the Arabs will vote them out of their own country.
The irony.
>Jews invented greed and deception
>this is what the eternal slav believes
If you people weren't trying to destroy the west I would love you lol that was savage.
If the Jews converted to Islam and assimilated to Palestinian/Arab culture there would be no more wars or deaths.
What will the Jews do when Jesus comes back to reclaim the throne?
>Doubt that, but whatever.
Can't come up with an argument, so i'm just going to claim the stat is wrong.
Israel is going to get rid of lands with roaches on them or simply get rid of their voting rights. It's not a problem. Sub-humans don't deserve to vote anyway.
What do Talmudist have to do with Jesus?
Different religion.
Thank god for Jews.