If Neanderthals would be still alive, do you think liberals would consider them human?
If Neanderthals would be still alive, do you think liberals would consider them human?
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Probably, since interbreeding is at least sometimes possible.
Yeah, probably. In Canada it'd even be totally legal to get with them sexually, provided there's no penetration.
they made us white
they lived in patriarchal societies
They were stronger than chimpanzee's
They had larger brains than us
They had white skin
They had multiple hair colors
They had multiple eye colors
The planets very first white hominid
absolutely not
They would be scorned as EVIL WHITE THALS
Legit the left would hate neanderthal if they still existed
neanderthals dont have fucking voice boxes
people already think abbos are human
Yes they did
They were shaped differently
They would sound nasally and wouldnt be able to make some some of our alphabet noises
likewise if they had an alphabet it would have noises we couldnt replicate.
You sir are fucking wrong
>For a long time, people have wondered whether Neanderthals could talk. Many people believe they could, because the large brain size would be hard to understand if they could not. When an undamaged Neanderthal hyoid bone was discovered, it made people think Neanderthals could talk. That is because, in humans, the hyoid is a support for the voice box. Computer analysis has shown that the Neanderthal hyoid was very similar to human hyoids. Researchers say "our findings are consistent with a capacity for speech in the Neanderthals".
Neanderthals would have to consider saps to be apelings. Even white men compared to them.
A neanderthal child could rip an adult mans arm off.
Why do you think whites are the only race in strongman competitions?
You wouldnt want to fight a neanderthal 1on1 hand to hand
you would be torn apart and probably eaten
The other known hominid was Homo Denisova
Which was basically a chinless retarded ape man who were incredibly frail and were even out competed by neanderthals
the only population on earth to have a high percentage of denisovan DNA is Melanesians
who have a natural blonde hair and black skin
The blonde hair is not related to european white hair at all.
Neanderthals would be considered human by today's standard. The only reason we don't have subspecies that correlate to identifiable races is because of lefty science.
Also, it's believed that Neanderthals were capable of very similar vocalisations to humans of the period. Obviously we've changed a lot on the last 50-70k years.
If we consider Abos humans we would have to consider Neanderthals human too. It's just fair.
Dont degrade neanderthals by using them with abos in the same sentence
Neanderthals looked more like modern gorillas based on his skeleton.
>this triggers liberals
Neanderthals are here already
Is that a nigger man on the right?
This video is quackery.
Somehow the most similar species to humans looks more apelike than modern chimps, despite coming from a branch from primate several hundreds of thousands of years before. He assumes that humans anthropomorphize neanderthals because of some bias when really it's just the logical thing to do based on the evolutionary tree.
Also, he says their diet is mostly meat based on "molecular analysis" when all you have to do is look at the shape of the teeth and see that they are not carnivorous in the least.
And gorillas = strong small nuts who had sexual exclusivity
Chimps = girly cucks
Saps = chimps
Whites = chimps with some gorilla admixture
Thaliens = frost gorillas with high IQ
>They would sound nasally
> Larger brain
> White
Dear God. A race of neckbeards.
>the only population on earth to have a high percentage of denisovan DNA is Melanesians
Wouldn't be the russians/chinese?