If Trump wins, the war against Globalists will begin.
Possibly USA and Russia team up against the entire world who favor for one world government.
I'm having this kind of gut feeling.
If Trump wins, the war against Globalists will begin.
Possibly USA and Russia team up against the entire world who favor for one world government.
I'm having this kind of gut feeling.
>Fighting side by side my Ruskibros against the rest of the cucked world
Sounds good. Let's see some spetsnaz
It would be awesome to fight by side.
It's gonna be USA, Russia and the UK.
UK probably not because Farage has stepped down.
Michael Flynn or Mattis the Mad Dog would be awesome choice as VP if there is war against globalist.
bump. am i only one that have a gut feeling?
blue team -- USA, Russia, Britain, India, Iran, Syria, Japan, Poland
red team -- EU, China, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel, Pakistan, Brazil
major conflict zones:
Middle East, USA/Mexico border, Eastern Europe, Northern Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia, Central Asia Korea, Taiwan
neutral/swing countries:
More like
>Trump abandons or pisses off all the USA's allies one by one because he's a dumbass slavaboo
>When his work is finally finished and NATO is dissolved, he crawls on his hands and knees to his chubby manlet idol
>He prostrates himself before announcing in a hushed, humble tone "I have done all you asked master. I am ready."
>"lol you fucking idiot" Jewtin chuckles as his mongol horde anally liberates its way across freshly-isolated Europe
How do you know there is battlefield in red zone?
-- USA Mexican border war
-- collapse of Venezuela, Columbia
-- proxy wars in North Africa, Middle East, Central Asia
-- Eastern Europe conflicts
-- Korea conflict
-- India and Japan vs. China
damn, you don't like Trump.
wtf I hate trump now #ImWithHer
Canada would probably side with US.
Canada will probably side with whoever lets you all keep being faggots.
God I hope so
you people are delusional. Trump will be a lame duck.
>farage has stepped down
I've been gone, what happened
So, the US then, since they're the #1 source of faggotry in the world.
russia makes good deals with china. commies will always attract each other
He stepped down because it's impossible to negotiate with EU. Elites have been trying to shut him out for long time.
>Trump winning
That ain't happening friend. After today it is very clear that the whole thing is set up for Shillary winning.